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Posts posted by spatreats4u

  1. Try adding some cornstarch to it to see if that helps with the greasiness. Does it absorb into the skin fast though? If it does, you can use it as a foot and elbow cream since these tend to be really dry areas.

    nope it stays as greasy as putting lard on you...i added (AR)powder and it then has a grainy feel . It doesn't absorb I actually have to wash my hands with dish soap to cut the grease. I dumped a bath of it by adding cocoa butter and sao cuz it was too greasy even with the added powder to cut the greasy. I dont know what to do with this now.

  2. Did you fragrance the fairy dust? I love Lush's fragranced powders (Karma is yummy, but no shimmer - love to see one with both Karma frag and the shimmer!!!)

    i have been playing around with our " fairy dust" with scents...i carry some in my purse and really its a hit with the girls around here. My daughter goes to preschool at a HS and the girls love it!

  3. ok so i bought some however i tried to make a butter yesterday and it looked beautiful and then i tested it : ewww its all greasy. is soya butter suppose to be so greasy? i mean it like spreading crisco on your skin. i had only 1 oz cocoa butter w/ it so I can't see that being the issue. i have never used soya butter before. Im frustrated now & feel i wasted my money.

  4. ok so i cant seem to find a recipe or make a body butter or souffle thats got all the emlements im looking for...no greasy, moisturizing etc... I once a long time ago bought a souffle from someone who made it amazing. i even kept her label so that i could try to do something similar. my skin loved it---so smooth & silky both the souffle & my skin!

    I wouldn't even know where to start since i dont know about percentages...im a strict recipe girl lol

    heres whats in it:

    water, shea, mango,,cocoa, veg. glycerin,emuls wax, palm searic acid,citric acid,rose water,carnation absolute,rose absolu., clove oil, perfume, aloe leaf, which hazel, vit e, rosemary oleoresin, vit c, neem, black willow bark, mica, preser.

    now doesn't that seem like ALOT...heck i dont even know what half that stuff is LOL I just want something that feel like hers...can anyone help???

  5. ok so i am making body butter with the soya butter...soya, cocoa & sao...well it was a tad too greasy for me and i didn't want to give out like that so i added arrow root & rice powder just small amounts well now it feels greasier & now also has grains in it: help...is it all just crap now.

    Oh also had fragrance oil...what do i do???? =(

  6. I got ground shipping too.

    Next person to get theirs tell the UPS guy to hurry on up and get over to spatreats.

    She wants her oils....:yay:

    I love the candy they put in the box. Nice touch.

    I loved everyone I sniffed. And I found 1 that smells exactly like a scent I been looking for. That made me happy as all get out.

    I now have a new fav. scent supplier lol

    :bliss: Ya ya tell him to hurry I cant wait till next friday

  7. This is an example of what you DON'T want, way to cluttered. Make sure ahead of time the size of tables you will have if they furnish the tables. And just because one year you have one size table doesn't mean you will have the same the next year........that's what happened to me here. I've had some really nice setups, but I just want you to see what happens when you don't have the space that you need for all you have. You can always do a trial run at home, but I say it again, make sure you know what size table they furnish.


    thanks...looks like great stuff tho

  8. thanks ladies...great advice. i do think i want to accept cc for shows. i know personally i will buy more from someone if they accept it. i end up spending my cash too soon & then am not left with any or enough...i just need to find a place that is pretty cheap so that i can start this out. i am clueless as i have always used paypal. i will check in to the ones you mentioned, wow didn't know costco did that. if i ever sell enough i may have to look into that LOL

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