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Everything posted by idacandlelady

  1. It would still be considered 100% milk the other way because it is condensed milk. It would need to be mixed with water before freezing anyway. Am I right? Just wondering for ingredient list. What are the benefits of GM, or any milk for that matter, and honey in soap? Is there a site or anything that gives the benefits of certain additives? None of the calculators do because they only list oils and butters.
  2. Any opinions on their Bay Rum? I just ordered some, hopefully it's good. Although I've never smelled it so I have nothing to compare to! LOL
  3. Thanks for the tips. The batch I did that didn't turn out I did the same way as you. I think I will try again this W/E and leave out the FO. It seems like everyone on this board loves the OMH FO but I can hardly stand it, even OOB.
  4. Ya know I was thinking about the same thing the other day(having a hard time with patience waiting for my citric).:whistle: I don't see why it wouldn't work, I ran across a recipe that calls for citric or absorbic acid (which is powdered vitamin c). I may go get some tomorrow and see what happens!
  5. is it better to add it to the lye or add at trace. I'm trying canned goat milk. I made a batch with oatmeal (ground fine), GM, and honey, scented with the OMH FO and it was awful. It smelled bad(which I'm not sure if it was that I just don't like the FO or something to do with the reaction) and it didn't set up (which is another story). Well I'm ready to give it another go and was wondering if anyone had any opinion on which way is better. BTW anyone ever make this soap(these ingredients) with a different FO? Just not sure if the scent is enhanced by the additives or if it's possible to get the benefits of these ingredients together with a different scent. Thanks for any help you can give!!! Rebecca
  6. Oregon Trail has them for @$3.50 ea. I haven't found any other place , at least not that close or reasonably priced. MMS has some for $25.00 ea.
  7. Was just wondering if I could get some feedback on absolute must haves ( fall and anytime). I see a lot that I want to try and having a hard time choosing. Has anyone had any bad scents from them? BTW will be for Soy and B&B. Thanks Rebecca
  8. Is there a preservative that is basically universal. I mean something I can use in most products that might need one. Thanks Rebecca
  9. Oh thank You!! That would be awesome if you wouldn't mind sharing your recipe!! I will be forever grateful. Thanks Rebecca
  10. I posted a question before I saw this. Does this foam/lather big? I have visions of the old barber cups that were just full of foamy lather. I know that's kind of a silly ? but that is what I was hoping for. Thanks Rebecca
  11. Well I wanted to pour it directly into the mugs to set up so it wouldn't move around, Is this possible? Or would it be better to mold it say in like a pringles can and then just put it into the mug?
  12. Remember when barbers used the real lathery soap in a mug. Are most of these shaving soap recipes going to lather like that? Can anyone point me to one that lathers like crazy? Also when you are done using it what happens to all the foamy lather in the cup? Do you rinse it out or does it settle back down to the bottom? Sorry about the dumb question but I bought some of the enamel mugs in the last co-op and I really want to make my FIL a kick butt shaving mug. Thanks for any help!! Rebecca
  13. Garden of wisdom? They have a lot of stuff and I was thinking of ordering but I've never heard of them, so I wanted to get some opinions on them! TIA
  14. Just wondering, if I tried this and did add epsom salt, how much would I need to use? TIA for the help. Rebecca
  15. That is exactly why I posted this, so everyone knows how imprtant it is! A reminder for safety!
  16. Went to urgent care and had my eyes checked. Luckily the only place that is burned is down below my lower lids. Chemical conjunctivitis he called it. But I won't go blind, thank gosh. He gave me some antibiotic/steroid eye drops. No more soaping for me without goggles!!!
  17. I know everyone will say how dumb I am, But I want to reinforce the importance of wearing goggles. I made a batch of soap yesterday and got it all the way into the molds. I went to tap my pringles can on the counter to settle the soap into the bottom and out shot a gob of soap straight into my eyes. Needless to say it doesn't feel good. I flushed them for 20 min in the shower (as per poison control) but I think it still burned my eyes. Luckily it is down at the bottom of the whites below my lower lid so I don't think my vision will be affected. I am going to an urgent care this morning because they still hurt. BTW I think my batch of soap could win an ugly soap contest.
  18. JMO I would buy them if they where 3/$5. I like the tube idea. Makes it seem like you are getting more. Especially if they are different scents and/or colors. HTH
  19. does anyone line theirs? I am sure I have read that some of you do. I'm wondering how you line them? I can figure out the sides but the bottom has me stumped. I know you can peel away the can but I was hoping to get more than one batch from each one. ( I've spent too much in the classy's ,can't splurge on pringles, LOL) Any advice will be helpful. TIA Rebecca
  20. I read something like that on the miller soap site.
  21. I'm always telling them to bug away when I'm making a batch cuz of the lye so when I had em a bar of soap to try they're like "ohh u want us to use soap that's poisonous?!".:rolleyes2 Sounds just like my 9 yr old.LOL
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