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Everything posted by idacandlelady

  1. I made this yesterday and it seems to be a very nice recipe.I used water instead of GM and Mango instead of shea. I do have one question though ( probably dumb). I have a bunch of the tussah silk from the co-op a while back and just now getting around to trying it. How do you dissolve it? I've heard to put it in with the lye water, but when I did this, it didn't seem to dissolve all the way. Could it be because my lye water was premixed, or would that have anything to do with it? I plan on trying this again with the GM as soon as I find the can I have and get it frozen. Thanks for the recipe!
  2. I have been making soap ( or at least trying to) for about 6 months now. Still yet to get it looking the way I think it should. Looking at all the soaps in the gallery I am very not happy with the way mine look. I don't sell it (yet) but I really want it to look nicer. How do you all make your bars look so smooth and shiny? I know to bevel the edges (which I haven't been successful at yet) but the tops and sides always look so dull. Just hoping to get some pointers from all the awesome soapmakers on here! TIA
  3. WOW! You really do awesome work. I love looking at your stuff. If you need a tester for the lip scrub i'm in too!
  4. I can't say I've ordered from them but I would be very interested in hearing opinions also. They have a large selection and their prices seem decent.
  5. Thanks MBROWN for offering to do a NG co-op. You are way closer than me.
  6. I've been wanting to try some more of their FO's but haven't done it yet. I've tried quite a few but they have so many that sound good it's hard to narrow it down. From your list I've tried Love spell, Beach Baby, and Doodle bug, among quite a few others. I like them all. Haven't tried any in B&B yet though just soy. I would love to do a co-op but I'm in Idaho so I'm not sure it would be beneficial. Not sure where you are MBROWN but if I'm closer and you want me to I can host it. Let me know.
  7. That is very nice for a soy candle. I also am interested in hearing your results. I wonder if it will frost later, or show a frost ring after burning. Keep us informed, please.
  8. Yes the ones this happened to had castor. Maybe I'll try one without and see if it still happens. Thanks
  9. So if I used a 33% lye solution and did just CP it would saponify just as fast? Is this what you mean. I thought the cpop cooked out the lye faster. Am I wrong? Thanks
  10. I do Cpop. About midway through the cook it starts getting bubbles on the top. Looks like lather bubbles. Just wondering if anyone has had this happen and might know what causes it. Thanks for any tips. Rebecca
  11. I wouldn't mind trying this also, I also have to get some Potassium hydroxide first, but It sounds interesting. I haven't done liquid soap before, do you think it's too much for a first timer? I've been wanting to try Liquid soap for a while, the time it takes to make a batch is what has stopped me. I've heard it takes a long time.
  12. I didn't leave it in the freezer for very long, maybe 30 min. I guess I will try longer. Then if that doesn't work I will try the hot water. Thanks for the tips .
  13. I made a batch of shaving soap in a pvc pipe and I can't get it out! I've tried the freezer, pushing, not sure what else to do. I know it's been discussed but I can't find it. Please help!! Thanks
  14. Been watching it. Just sent you a PM. Thats the reason I posted this question, lol!!
  15. I like both 1 and 2 , but if I have to vote for only one it would be #2!! Very Cute btw!!!
  16. I wanted to make a small test batch of lipbalm so I thought I would try using grams instead of ounces. I know nothing about grams . My scale measures in 2 gram increments so my question is how do I round the numbers? Say it(soapmaker) says to use 6.998 grams, do I round up to 8 or down to 6. I know this is probably a dumb question but as I said I don't know anything about grams. Thanks
  17. I am having a hard time deciding if I want to use the .5 oz or 2 oz twist tube. Those of you who use tubes which size do you think is better. I poured my test batch into .5 oz ers and I used mine up fairly quick. Just wondering what customers seem to prefer.
  18. Yeah that had crossed my mind. I guess that is what I will do. Thanks
  19. I was wondering , when testing lipbalm recipes, do you go ahead and use the lipbalm tubes or do you put them into something else for testing? I am just starting to test and don't want to waste my tubes just for me. I don't mind using them when I get the recipe right and start giving them to friends and family to test. Just wondering what you all do. TIA for any help. Rebecca
  20. I would say that if you make 10 candles and it took 10 minutes then enter 1 minute for the time. Does that make sense?
  21. I think they look good except that the soybeans are a little hard to see. I like the simpleness. I'm not very creative about making labels either! But you did a good job.
  22. Wanted to see if anyone could give any opinions on this wax. I just ordered some to try. I currently use Ecosoya pure but the nearest supplier is pretty far. Will this be the same or real similar. I can get the 415 very close.
  23. Has anyone ever used Blue Skies from AH/RE? Never smelled anything so bad in my life. It reminds me of cod liver oil, for some reason. My son said it smelled good. bleecccchhhh!!!!
  24. Can't answer this one , but I am very interested to know this also. Been wondering the same thing for a long time.
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