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Everything posted by idacandlelady

  1. I can't stand Love spell! Everyone seems to love it though. Tuscan Nights ..... blech!! I tried Dragon's blood when I first started making candles..... !!gag!!! Some of my favorite scents, downy clean breeze(NG), best friends(NG), Love them both but they make me gag when I pour them. I guess it's because I have a very strong sense of smell so I think that's why so many of them bother me while pouring!!
  2. Are there different types of this. I've researched and found some sites that call for it in lotions/ whipped butters, but the place where I got mine only lists it's use in powders and bath bombs and such. Since this is tapioca starch can it be used like dri-flo or cornstarch? After researching I am more unsure and confused than before. Thanks Rebecca
  3. I did SB a little with just the oils but I was afraid to do it too much. It just seems like my PKO tried to solidify first. And as soon as I added the lye sol it(chunks of PKO) was instantly solid. I unmolded and cut my soap this morning and there are spots in it, which I think are chunks of PKO. Smells really good though and no zap.
  4. Sorry to hijack, but where is the best place to buy Monoi oil? Been wanting to try it.
  5. I just made Quiet girl's basic recipe, except subbed RBO for the safflower. For some reason as the oil mixture cooled it started getting cloudy, lumpy spots. Then when I added the lye solution it was immediately thick and lumpy. I had to mix by hand to add the FO. I have never used PKO in a recipe until now. Is this how it behaves? Or did I maybe do something else wrong. As it was I had to add the lye sol. when the oils were @120 deg, instead of 100deg, because I was afraid to wait any longer due to the clouding & lumps. Hope this makes sense. And I hope someone can tell me what may have happened. TIA
  6. the Bay Rum from Oregon Trail to BCN? I have the one from Oregon Trail and I think it stinks(even though other people say it smells good). Everyone on here seems to rave about the one from BCN, so I was wondering if there is a big difference. I wanted to get opinions before I order some from BCN. TIA
  7. I do use peaks sometimes but I found some scents through this other place that I wanted to try. Just wanted to see if anyone had any bad/good experience with them.
  8. I'm quite a ways from you. A few hours at least. I'm in American Falls!
  9. Has anyone ordered FO's from this place? I am just wondering if they are any good. I found them by chance and they are fairly close to me.
  10. I can't stand Love spell either. There are a lot of scents that I liked before I started making candles that just gag me now. Some were my favorites now can't stand to smell them. I have to agree with everyone about what people want, ya gotta do what you gotta do!
  11. I don't think it looks bad at all. I LIKE the colors.
  12. Do people usually test the PH in bar soap. Should I be doing this?
  13. Here is where I found this.http://www.kissmyface.com/Product/Kiss+My+Face/Bar+Soaps/0100802EA/ Still not quite sure why it's used.
  14. Was wondering also if soy wax could be subbed for beeswax in certain balm recipes?
  15. Was just wondering if there is a difference between the soy wax used/sold for cosmetics & the soywax that is used for candles?
  16. Does anyone use this in their soap? What does it do for soap? I just saw an ingredient list for soap that listed citric acid. Was wondering if anyone new the benifits or qualities it lends to the finished product.
  17. Thanks so much for taking the time to send this info!
  18. Thank So Much for sending me to the dish. I found one I think I'm gonna try.
  19. Can anyone explain what kind of boxes these are and where (at walmart) would they be found?
  20. Love the look and feel of your site. The name and your products look awesome!!
  21. I Don't have any of the MK one. I have used it in the past, that's why I wanted to figure it out. I want someting like this, but want to make my own. If I could see the ingredients I might be able to get some idea where to start. If any of you would be interested in sharing a recipe or ideas on where to start I would be forever grateful. I know that is a lot to ask, and I understand if you don't want to.
  22. Has anyone ever tried to make a scrub like the Mary Kay Satin Lips. I really want some but I would rather make my own, I'm just not sure where to start. Any ideas or suggestions would be very appreciated.
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