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Everything posted by debscent

  1. I don't associate fresh/outdoor scents with Saturday morning. It would be bacon, maple syrup and coffee.
  2. Apple Harvest, White Tea, Lemon Verbena and more enticing scents to lure in more work based customers. (We are also painting our kitchen, doing our taxes, picking up more supplies)...is this really a weekend?
  3. You have many variables. Give us an example of your candle making process.
  4. I like it. It's all about branding, and YOU making Valiant August becoming a household name. Isn't that what all of us want? Diptyque is an unusual name, right? I think if you want to use Valiant August as a multi purpose name, then I would suggest Valiant August Candles, Valiant August Soap, etc. I think it sounds cool.
  5. Another vote for Coconut Milk by Peak. One of my personal favorites.
  6. Yes. I've noticed with some suppliers there is an oily film on the glassware. Therefore, I wash every jar.
  7. Amish Harvest is a great scent. Cut back on the Creme Brulee and Lavender (they are super strong) I went down to 3% on both of those. The lavender is also a great mixer scent. Jamaica Me Crazy is always a hit, but be careful no to overwick to avoid possible "fuel smell" due to the citrus in it, and Mountain Lake was not really strong, but also not weak.
  8. I think you are way overthinking this. If you have an opportunity to help ACS, you should. Relay for Life is one of the many things ACS do.
  9. Peak vs. NG or JS is comparing apples to oranges. I find NG and JS comparable and not in a good way. I personally have had great success with Peak, Candle Science, Tennessee, and Kentucky which merged with AH/RE. (Just my .02).
  10. I would suggest if you could, start out with suppliers close to you. You don't have to buy every scent out there that sounds good. I'm speaking from experience as I've restarted my business back up. I'm restricting myself to 3 suppliers. If they don't have a former favorite of mine, I'll find a new one. The amount of oils that I gave to another candle maker was staggering. The amount of money I spent was insane.
  11. I think Fillmore has label dimensions on their website for the various jars. Check them out.
  12. Since I'm getting back into business and testing a new wax I poured: Gain (Summer Breeze or something like that); Apple Pie (Home Interior type); Cuc. Cant.; Creme Brulee (in soy), tarts in Cranberry Orange; Cinnamon Stick; Moon Lake Musk; Cider Barrel; Frosted Pine; Sugar Cookie.
  13. I have always used KY's (now AH/RE) Apple Pie and today I poured their Home Interior Type Apple Pie. I will let you know how it throws later this week. I use CBL 125.
  14. Just finished a 3 day melt of Peak's Amish Harvest and put in CS' Pom. Cider. It starts off really strong, but doesn't last 3 days.
  15. Different waxes have different properties, melt point, etc. You need the correct temperature for adding fragrance so it incorporates fully (throughout the wax) and when you pour that the special characteristics of that certain wax perform (i.e. pulls from the side of the mold for votive, pillar, tart waxes; or sticks to the sides of a container for container waxes, as well as getting a flat top to your candle). I highly suggest the necessary tools of the trade are pour pots, scales and a thermometer.
  16. What beautiful work!!! Both of you. I admire the differences in your styles.
  17. Just curious, why use two different types of wax in the same candle? Do they have the same burn characteristics?
  18. I don't mean to be insensitive to the loss of your mother, etc., but your dealing with AE is simply a matter of procedure. I work with estates daily, I understand why they did that. When you inform a creditor of a death there is a time frame in which they can collect against the estate, they simply were securing their right as a creditor, and is a rather efficient way to handle the account. I'm not defending them, just giving you a different objective.
  19. Welcome to the forum Florida. You may want to look at suppliers closest too you as the cost of wax, even with shipping ends up being less than what retail stores like Michaels. CS is a good supplier and you may be able to get your wax from there. But I recommend testing with quality ingredients from the beginning. We have a few Florida members on the board, they may be able to assist you.
  20. When I wanted a darker ivory I would put the liquid dye dropper on the tip of a toothpick and add the color that way. It worked.
  21. I wouldn't fault Kohls for this. The had candles that had lids on them, they put them on display. Seems like the candle got warm and melted and probably wasn't sitting upright when it cooled.
  22. Your product is very visually appealing. Your booth was consistent with the white & black, but I agree, seasonal decorations would be great. When I did fall shows I had frosted pumpkins, and ghourds and a live mum. For Xmas I had a pointsettia and a few pretty plastic Christmas ornaments or small wrapped presents, that were large enough to fill space, but plastic so when someone knocked it over, it didn't break. I also had gift baskets made for teachers/receptionists under $15 and they sold like crazy. Good luck, you have a nice looking product.
  23. Hey Christina, I can't comment on the prices of retail space but I wanted to say congrats on pursuing adoption. My hubby and I just had our homestudy approved. We are adopting too. We are considering adopting a sibling group of 3 girls. 7, 5 and 3.
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