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Sharon in KY

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Everything posted by Sharon in KY

  1. Don't like the food saver? I can't imagine why. I love mine, use it more than I ever thought. Bags are expensive but better than throwing away food. I seal in portions like you for dog food. A bit of carrots, rice and beef or chicken, now it's turkey. My dog is spoiled! Just put some celery in a container that seals and it has stayed fresh for a couple of weeks, the cut ends turned but the stalks are crisp still. We seal chips and pretzels any snack every time we use. My tip would be to keep it on the counter and plugged in. When I had to pull it out every time to use, it did not get used near as much. Also if you buy some attachments you can seal Mason Jars using the canning lid. I do this for brown sugar to help keep it soft.
  2. Can you tell just by sniffing if it's what you want? I can send BW Pinyon. It was,'t the Christmas tree I was looking for, I'm looking for the sticky tree sap you get off a fresh cut Christmas Tree. But it may be what you want. Never tried the wreath from WW's but miss others. PM me if you want a sniff.
  3. How did your Firestarters turn out?
  4. Have several silicone molds that do not have places for wicks. So I poked my wick pins through the bottom /top of the mold and then poured the wax. The silicone seals back so it should not leak. After the wax sets up I pull them out and their is a nice whole for your wick. I have done this for small and large molds. As far as how to wick with a CD wick, I would start with the CD 16 or 18 depending on diameter, being sure to twist the wick 4-5 times so the flame will turn. I'm not sure how soy PB burns. Another way is to poke the hole with the wick pin or large needle. Then push a tabbed wick through the hole, leaving the tab on the out side bottom. Center and pour your wax, you should keep the wick tight and centered while it sets up. Cut the tab off before taking candle out of mold. And don't forget to twist if using CD's.
  5. Don't do it on purpose. I make to order and figure they will throw by the time they get to the person. I'm not good at testing so I give everything to a tester and by the time she test it's been days. I can hardly smell so I don't say no to anything till she says so. When I first started soy was new and it was hard to get a scent to throw well but I never knew then you had to wait days. I'm sure I have passed on many scents that may have been great. I have no idea why waiting is so important. I tend to use 1.5 oz of FO per lb of wax so if it doesn't throw and last for 2 or three days then I will pass on it. I never start at a lesser amount, figure I can always go down but don't want to keep trying the scent with a little more and then a little more. May be a waste to some but it works for me and I have had a good business. I do make more tarts than candles these days.
  6. They do look like two different waxes. Maybe you should add a little softer wax to the blue batch cause remelting doesn't look like it will work for the shrinking issue.
  7. I didn't read all the posts but I see it has taken on a new subject. Yum Anyway I chose soy because of the clean up. It is easier to work with if your a sloppy candle maker. I love certain paraffin too but hate the clean up. So it's soy forever for me.
  8. Your probable too late for this Christmas season.I have not ordered that scent for any of the FO manufactures but the Candlemakers Store sells in large quantities with very good prices for bulk. I haven't used their VBN either but maybe someone on here can compare to TENN.
  9. What do you mean they changed wicks? How can wicks change? That is strange.
  10. Just don't believe everything you read, get in a swap and you'll see if your product is really that bad/good.
  11. I personally do not like NG's version of Ginger bread so I assume I would not like gingersnap. I don't like several companies ginger type FO's including favorites from this board. I bet you did not get a sample. I am taking up for them because the ginger bread smells like yuck to me too. Although I love the many scents I use from there. The ones I do have are wonderful and not weak. JMHO
  12. When ever I have called NG they have answered the phone. They also have a facebook page. Why don't you post there and ask Deborah about the problem with your bottle. She could smell the stock they have in and see if it's different. Maybe send me a sniffy of the oil to see what I think. Or someone else.
  13. How much is a high FO load? And is there another name for 6006, not sure what wax it is.
  14. Yes the tops look so creamy smooth, soy is not like that. When I read about a non crystallizing palm I call a lot of wax company's. Only one had it and sent a sample but said I had to buy a truck load if I wanted some. So I really only used the sample to help with bad batches of soy. I'm trying the swirl but with my soy liquid color almost mixes by itself.
  15. I decided to delete her. I want to sell my company so I'm not giving out any more info. This is an expensive business and I have spent way too much. When I do sell I have to be sure they use the same wax and scents. I have already quit most of my wholesale accounts and a few have tried other companies. Now the "other" companies are asking what FO I use because my customers are complaining. At first I gave a few scent blends but I really don't think others will spend what I do, there is just not enough money in it. Oh well just bitchy today, I have an order to get out and all I want to do is lay around and watch Netflix.
  16. I have a bunch of AB but haven't made many. I did use a heat gun to stick some together a couple of times. Used the small cookie cutters that are kinda thick. Placed on a metal pan and poured in some beads heated and added more. Make sure you have a nail or something to make the hole. I used a roofing nail. After cooling, I took it out and added a few more beads here and there to fill in spaces. It was about 1/2 - 3/4 " thick small heart. Never did put in the car but hung on my key chain, made my purse smell great.
  17. OK I can't take it any more. Love your swirls and want to know how you did that in a container jar? So this Palm doesn't produce the crystal effect? I think Richard in Australia uses container palm that doesn't crystallize. Look him up and see what he says. I think he mixes with soy to get the best burn but not sure. I do know we can't get that wax in the US, don't know why. Twisting the wick about 4 times really helps round out the melt pool. From your pictures it looks like this will be a really long burning candle, is it still throwing well? I have a 3" jar I have made with the glow Palm container wax and the CD 14 works really nice. Leaves just enough wax to see the crystal thin layer. Also did you pour hot like Palm wax is usually poured or cooler like soy. They look so smooth.
  18. Plus paraffin wax last forever and soy doesn't. So maybe you better put in another order.
  19. Don't know who this person is but I have had wholesale accounts in NC. I retired from wholesale in January. But have my web site for retail only. Do you think she means she knows what FO I use for all my other tarts? I had another account ask what scents I used and who I buy them from? I have had these questions before but this one ticked me off. Hi* my name is Amanda and I'm from NC. I am a beginner at tart making and i need to find the little baggies that you package your tarts in. Is there any way you would let me know where to get these baggies and maybe even the foil too. I actually am using vintage molds for mine right now but i like to play with different ones to see what i like best. I love making tarts i think it is just so much fun. The only one that i cant figure out is the desperate housewives is it two that are mixed?? thank you for your help, have a wonderful day and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!
  20. I really don't have time to play but I am going to try to make one. I have made hurricane candles but not with the glass. I really like the glass look. I have a bunch of colored glass used for stain glass.
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