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Everything posted by MsDammit

  1. I sure hope it'll go away. I find myself taking a deep breath and expecting the worst when I first take the cover off the mold, lol.
  2. What did I do wrong now dammit??!! I made a 2lb batch and a 3lb batch- the smaller batch had some oil on the top but it's drying up but the 3 lb'er is really oily on top, it even left grease stains on the freezer paper. I've had alot of goof ups, but never this.:undecided
  3. Those r awesome! The energy one gives me energy just looking at it.:rolleyes2
  4. Yup it has the slots BUT it's rather large, just one section (LxWxDx.4) would hold 3lb and it has 7 sections.
  5. DUH!! what's wrong with me today..sheesh...yanno i do have some baking soda in my car......
  6. nah, scratch that- i picked up a thing of it and it doesn't fizz when added to water, lol. Funky monkey if i'd be more than happy to swap on with ya if i ever manage to make one right.
  7. ok don't laugh at me but has anyone ever tried using Fruit Fresh in their bombs? Says its citric acid and vitamin C? I'm gonna go try to find some on my lunchbreak.
  8. geez thanks, I must suck at searching. Ummmm..u think you're brave enough to try one if I can ever make em that actually stay together (and believe u me, thats a big if..)?
  9. I ran out dammit, and I really wanted to mess around with some bath bombs this weekend. Does anyone know of any local stores that might have it in stock??--I'm near Syracuse, NY.
  10. I've sprayed arcrylic spray on my labels and it works just fine-although you have to be careful to evenly coat em otherwise it shows.
  11. Well I for one would NOT use them soaps, THEY R JUST TOO DAMN PRETTY!! Great job!!!
  12. Drat-figures, just my luck. Anyways, I was reading the reviews about them and they all said that the tops cracked easily, anyone had that problem? Also the ones at green girl basics, has anyone used them, if so do they seem pretty sturdy?
  13. Geez both of them are out of stock! Are these in demand or what?
  14. Looks great! Never ceases to amaze me how the colors change from start to finish.
  15. Sorry don't mean to hijack this thread but I was digging around in my fathers basement for some tools and I came across a wooden box of junk-thought hmm that might make a good soap mold, so I emptied it out and wouldn't ya know it looks just like the one in your pic.
  16. If u look on the soap qualities(tab on top) it explains what they all mean. HTH.:smiley2:
  17. Wow, that's a booth set up? I thought it looked like an actual store!
  18. Yup yup- that's what I'm asking santa for this year dammit!
  19. And that doesn't affect your measured amounts of oil and lye water? Don't mean to sound like a big ol dummy here..........
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