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Everything posted by MsDammit

  1. umm...there's a recipe in this section thats just a coupla threads down.
  2. Well I always end up throwing two bombs in the tub so I tried to make em in a regular cupcake tin-they actually looked good-big, but *sigh* wouldn'tcha know they crumbled on me.
  3. He's never had any skin problems, a few pimples here and there but he's 14-got that puberty thing going on:rolleyes2 . Like I said this is the first time it happened so I will keep a watchful eye on it, I just felt bad cuz the poor kid had to go to school all paranoid this morning-he washed his hair twice and I went through it with a comb and tried to pick it all out.
  4. It kinda reminded me of the cradle crust that babies get. I'm just hoping that it's because he's not really scrubbing when he washes his hair- I'm gonna inspect everyday now and keep an eye on it.
  5. Sorry don't mean to gross ya all out dammit. My son was having a hissy this morning when he got out of the shower-said he had really bad dandruff. So I told him to wash his hair again and actually but some finger movement into it(u know how lil boys r...). Well he asked me to check and see if it was gone-there was still some dandruff, but he had a few spots on his scalp that were bleeding, ummmm help anyone-not sure if I should try some medicated shampoo or if that would irritate the sore spots even more?
  6. I've never heard of em either.:rolleyes2
  7. I've only used them a couple of times so far, the only thing I can suggest is to print off the color chart.
  8. Try WSP, I got some there a while ago and I know it wasn't that much.
  9. I've never had any problems-with the mold that is......
  10. Do you have any helpful hints to decipher true from false trace?
  11. scented you morphed into a skeery cat.....
  12. well I did try it a couple of days ago and then I read this thread and thought oops dammit, lol. Too soon to try the soap but hey it looks like soap and doesn't smell funky......
  13. Boys luv to intentionally stink up rooms.....i'm still remembering the encounter I was lucky enough to have with a fart bomb....:undecided
  14. oh boy, mine seems to do this alot lately-but it eventually dries out, and passes the zap test so I didn't think it was a ruined batch.:undecided
  15. would it work if you mixed your water and lye, and when it was cool add powdered milk/goats milk, mix then add to oils?
  16. I'm thinking I insulated it too much also because they seem to be drying out-slowly but surely. HOWEVER- I thought I had finally swirled but when I cut them last nite the middles were all white. I poured a thin layer of one color, then used a ketchup bottle and did squiglies with another color, etc. Dragged a chopstick through-I was sure the swirls would go all the way through dammit.
  17. I was thinking that but wasn't sure how to politely say that........hoohoodilly- TFF:laugh2:
  18. I dunno, it kinda weirds me out.
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