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Everything posted by Freezin

  1. Well I am not sure about 6 lbs, but I can melt 4 lbs in about 15 minutes and have it up to pouring temperature in about 20 minutes. It might be even faster than that, but all I know is that by the time I am ready to pour (getting jars ready, equipment, etc), the wax is usually ready before I am. I have never used a turkey rooster tho.
  2. Thank Michael and Scented and Jean with the PM's I appreciate everyone's help. I was able to get some good information from the sites
  3. Those candles are really cool looking. What popped into mind was something with a Mexico or Spanish Flair. Something like La Fiesta or Sunset over Spain, Spanish Sunset...heck I lost my train of thought. I had some good ones too...dang it!
  4. Thanks for the sites everyone. I have checked out Candle wic, but all the others I hadn't checked out yet. Thanks so much Scented, Mizbizzy and Reddog
  5. descriptions of different wicks and the properties. Thank you Scent Cellar for your help in this. Peak's actually had some nice descriptions, but I would love some more websites to check out. I am not looking for a site that suggets wick sizes for containers, just one that has descriptions of the uses. I know for years on the board we have discussed things like that zinc wicks burn cooler, HTP are self wicking, etc and that is the stuff I am looking for. I hope this makes sense. I have been doing some searches and have found good information, but did as much as I can. I have already hit the archives some and will be heading back for more. Thanks for any suggestions that you might have...well except for any mean ones...LOL
  6. oh boy Becky has some good scents. This are my favorites, but everyone's nose is different: Cranberry Sauce Cinnamon Cider Harvest Ultimate Vanilla Country Kitchen Berry Balsam I am testing Cherish right now that seems like a winner, boy my mind is fried right now cant think of more. I am not a big fan of these but customers seem to like them Hyancth Chula Orchard, Citrus Linen H20
  7. Was this with a new batch of wax? I just trying to think of something that might be different. I know that a supplier has sent me the wrong wax before. I can't imagine anything else since you have been testing them and using them for 4 months or so. I think you got good advice at what to say to the client. Thank goodness that you checked before. Good Luck and sorry you are experiencing this
  8. Yep, I know that some can't....know because some vendors won't ship to Alaska for this reason. Anyway, I did note that MMS had one that could be and is certainly has intrigued me.
  9. I have been waiting for a review of the mousse. I posted over on the B & B asking about it last week, but nobody would talk to me about it. I really want to try it at some point and the mimosa mandarin and the chai tea and geeze, I need a sugar daddy : )
  10. Thanks Spell for the info! I have been wanting to try it, guess that goes on the next order
  11. I did a search and only saw one person say that is was very nice. I want more....LOL. Every Chai Tea I have smelled have been different. I know, I know, I just need to order some more samples....LOL.
  12. That is a great holder. I want some of those...too bad no target close by
  13. Those look fantastic! Really great pillars.
  14. Wow, I must have missed the earlier post about this. Keep working with these and post, would love to know how they work in the waxes : )
  15. I am with the Lavendar haters. When I pour it, it makes me stomach start flip flopping, I decided to mix it with Vanilla...didn't help much.
  16. Yep, just too expensive to test it out. Goodness, I think what I pay now is a lot then shipping for me is about 40.00 a case. If they were smart, they would have made it affordable and then one they sucked us all in, they would have raised the price ....LOL. Isnt that what usually happens?
  17. I prefer to use hangtags on this size jar. I use a label with my 16 oz mason, but it just didn't look right on the smaller jar. I do agree that it is good to have information on the bottom. I put the warning label there with my information.
  18. Just wanted to get a review on this if anybody has tried it.
  19. Oh boy, now I have to try a few more. Geeze, I think I have tried at least half of her oils. I love more than I can put in my line...LOL
  20. I too am a Peak fan and a JS fan. I have been happy with WixnWax out of Texas too. Customer service and quality products can be found at this websites for sure : )
  21. Thanks for all of your imput on this everyone! I wanted to try them, but just didn't want to spend the money if they were not close like some I have tried....and I am sure we all have had that experience a time or two....LOL
  22. Been looking for reviews on this, didn't see any on at Grandscentral. Anybody try these and think that have merit? Thankee!
  23. When I am testing a new wax, I usually try to avoid scents like vanilla that are harder to mix and harder to wick. I usually will start with a scent that I really like that I buy usually more for myself like Grape Cabernet from Peaks, or Sunwashed Linen from CandleSource. Then if it is a keeper wax, I will test in the rest of the scents and especially the tough ones to mix and wick. I probably was more confusing then helpful.....
  24. I so want to try this one too!!! I ordered last week, so didn't see the this one. Maybe I will get it as a sample, but I doubt it : (
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