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Everything posted by SliverOfWax

  1. Isn't that the truth. It's always a good idea to thoroughly test before ordering more (and before espousing on how wonderful something is). Pre-test reviews are about as valuable as the little plastic bottles the oil comes in.
  2. Do yourself a huge, huge favor and go with DIY. Her sites are much more professional and complete than HandCraftMarket. Also, with DIY, you get a real-charge shopping cart included. With HandCraftMarket, you will pay extra. DIY is much more cost effective. I believe DIY has a special going on now which makes it even better.
  3. I had a hideious experience with HandCraftMarket where I was treated extraordinarily unprofessionally. Every bit of my data was willfully destroyed before my promised 6 month trial was finished. Rather than repeat details here, I have pm'd you.
  4. This is a fun thread. My best seller: Sun Washed Linen from Wild-Fire Personal favorite (today) Wendy's Vanilla Bean Noel Probable personal favorite tomorrow: Wendy's Apple Mango Tango
  5. Due to circumstances beyond my control, I recently lost my site with my previous host. I have just started my site with DIY. What a breath of fresh air! Outstanding customer service. Even though I haven't been with DIY long, at this point I would highly recommend you go this route.
  6. Yes, a BIG red flag. If you want a cookie cutter site, go with DIY. They offer real-time shipping at no extra charge.
  7. It's not you. I would be a little afraid of a supplier who couldn't answer such a siimple question.
  8. Unless something has recently changed, the law says your contact information must be on the label. There is no way a customer should ever try to tell you what you can sell your candles for. It's none of her business. She runs her business, you run yours, plain and simple.
  9. Congratulations. You're way ahead of most people. OOB reviews are worthless.
  10. You are not trying to make one candle. You are trying to make several. Pick one container, one wax, one fo, and keep at it until you find the wick or wicks that work. If you keep changing containers and fo, you'll never finish. You are going in a circle and accomplishing nothing. I wouldn't expect an answer from a supplier this time of year. Most are doing inventory or on vacation. There are wick charts available on many supplier sites. Use them for guidance only. Take a deep breath, start from the beginning, and develop a system. Otherwise, you will never get anywhere.
  11. Since you are the customer, Maddi, or should I say you were the customer, your 2 cents is the only 2 cents that matters. If she had listened to you the first time, maybe she wouldn't be here pretending to be the injured party.
  12. It's not a matter of admitting guilt. It's a matter of accepting responsibility. Your customer paid you. Now it's up to you to deliver what she paid for. As has been said so many times, it's your responsibility to purchase insurance/delivery confirmation. You. The seller. Until it's in the hands of your customer, it's your baby. That's the law.
  13. IKS the one who started this thread. We are offering our expertise. If she didn't want it, she is the one who should move on.
  14. A couple of weeks ago, IKS came here and, under the guise of not knowing how to offer good cs, bragged about how she screwed a customer, the customer went to a forum and complained, and as a result, IKS got additional orders, or so she says. She was proud of herself for offering crappy customer service and having it result in more business. santa emba Then the customer found this forum and saw how she was being talked about. She responded. She was banned. The thread was deleted. Business as usual.
  15. I would also think discretion would be first and foremost in customer service. If you don't have something good to say about your customers, you should stfu. Even if the customer turned out to be wrong, never, ever brag about it. At least not on public forums.
  16. I'm embarrassed to be reading this. Embarrassed for my peers. If it's a cheap bowl, replace it. If it's a large item or of value, buy insurance. How hard can it be to know this? Damage control needs to happen before, not after. If this is some kind of damage control, it isn't working. It's simply exacerbating the problem.
  17. and giving free shipping on the replacement. A little good customer service keeps people coming back for more. A little bad customer service, and the world hears about it. You are a buying customer. Presumably you kow what good customer service is compared to bad. I know I sure do. Put yourself in the shoes of the customer. How would you like to be treated? Then do that.
  18. Weather has everything to do with it. You should plan on the possibility of having to wick up in colder weather. And you shouldn't be using vybar in 4627.
  19. Honey, when I was a newbie, the internet didn't exist, at least not in this format. I did the sensible thing. I tested everything I touched and learned as I progressed. Learning the hard way is sometimes the best way. Jumping on a forum and getting answers from people who might not even make the same product as you, and who often post just to raise their post count without giving the slightest bit of help is a foolish mistake and could cost you much more than the cost of a failed product. Don't throw that "when you were a newbie" around. It won't fly. This forum wasn't even a gleam in Alan's eye when I was a newbie.
  20. Then assume the best instead of the worst and move on. You only remember the posts you consider rude. You consider them rude because short and to the point doesn't suit you. I don't sugarcoat anything. Especially on a forum where to sugarcoat things could lead to disaster or death. Edited to add this is directed to soycrazy and others, not you, Chris, lol.
  21. Then why did you bring it up? ChrisR is anything but rude. She is helpful and she knows what she's talking about. Same goes for me if you'll just read and pay attention.
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