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Everything posted by SliverOfWax

  1. Royal Aromatics carries "Jump", if that's the one you want. www.StuffSunshineLikes.com
  2. IMO, take it or leave it, lol, nobody should EVER, EVER post to a thread about a business unless they have had personal experience with that business. They shouldn't guess, they shouldn't spread rumors, they just plain shouldn't post. And those who do post about the multitudes of questions about web site hosts here should keep their mouths shut if they can't provide the url to their own site. How many times have we seen, "I use so and so," but there's nothing to look at? When someone has a question about a particular host, nobody cares who YOU use unless that's the jist of the question. By the way, I use DIY. And love it! My correspondence with DIY, whether on their forum or via trouble ticket, has always been answered promptly. Thank you, Shelly. www.StuffSunshineLikes.com
  3. You just posted on May 12 that you wanted to start making tarts and asked which wax to use. No, tarts definitely do not evaporate.
  4. You shouldn't have to change your layout to add a page. Perhaps on your scent description page, you could include the color. But I don't make candles to order and I make almost all of mine without dye, so what do I know! Since all monitors are different, I'm not sure a wax dot would work. You know without question someone would complain that they thought it was going to be darker or lighter, lol. I don't believe color is as important as you're making it. But again, they're your customers and you would know. Keep at it. You'll get it just the way you want it. www.StuffSunshineLikes.com
  5. I have both the t-shirt AND the handbag, lol. Yes, I, too appreciate the spirit in which Miss Mary asked and is listening. It's her site and she needs only satisfy herself, not us.
  6. It is possible to "power test" if you're an experienced chandler and already know what your typical starting points are. I'm not sure 3 or 4 months equates to "experienced". Reading and researching also does not equate to experience. Neither does the amount of money you've spent. The site itself is pleasant. You've addressed the pictures so hopefully, the long string of identical pictures will disappear. My opinion is it's not necessary to have a picture of every color. In your scent dropdown, you could include the color; i.e., "Honeysuckle (yellow)". Or if you're not making your product ahead of time, give the customer a choice of colors. Miss Mary asked for opinions. I can't believe some people think some of the opinions/suggestions are mean. That's about the funniest thing I've read all day.
  7. That is correct, Jami. The first box she sent me contained approximately 100 samples and the second box of freebies she sent contained approximately 75 samples. I withheld my test results on the first box for months. This was back when her prices were much cheaper than they are these days, and I desperately wanted them to throw. Since I have a good reputation for knowing my scents and being honest and vocal about my results, Becky also wanted them to throw well for me. Unfortunately, that didn't happen. I will certainly give her credit for working with me, and I appreciated it at the time. Once I realized it wasn't going to work, I poured most of the 2nd box in my infamous Happy Butter (B&. Truthfully, most of them were so light in B&B that I will never use her oils for that, either. It was never a personal vendetta. I don't know Becky, and don't pretend to be friends with any supplier, anywhere, ever. That is not my style. And freebies will never sway me. They are either good or they aren't, regardless of how free they were, lol. This has all been a couple of years or so ago, so my memory on the ones I thought might be ok are hazy. I can dig out my results if anybody wants to see them. The only one I remember as throwing at all was Hot Apple Pie. There were a couple of other OK ones, but I don't recall what they were. I determined long ago that JS was not going to be one of my suppliers so there has been no reason for me to remember them in any particular order. My wax blend at that time was 75% comfort blend, 25% soy. I've noticed over time that people who use her wax blend seem to get better results. Becky offered me free wax to test, also, but I declined, knowing that I would never order wax from her due to the distance and cost of shipping. I was perfectly happy with my own wax blend, and Comfort Blend is still my wax of choice. It pains me to see rave reviews on any scents out of bottle, and then a few weeks later, see those same scents for sale in classifieds. It's one of those "it ain't rocket science" moments, kwim? If they work for you or someone else, great! As several have said, my opinion is valid, and I will always caution people about trusting oob reviews. Unfortunately, some people just can't handle the truth. www.StuffSunshineLikes.com
  8. Hmmm, I'm thinking you don't read too well. Becs sent me over 100 freebie 1 ounce samples in the first box she sent. I tested every single one of them in a wicked product. Only 3 threw over a 2 or 3 on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the best. And those 3 weren't good enough to buy (or pour and sell). I test everything. Thoroughly. Nobody hates wasting wax and wicks more than I, but I gave it my best shot. I'm not sure where you got the idea that I've said I don't test much. Must be a brain fart. I don't believe I have ever posted anything before about Just Scent here. Whatever vendetta you think I have is a figment of your imagination. My post only serves to warn people to never, ever buy anything more than a sample based on a review. Especially an out of bottle review. Sorry to disappoint you. Your attempt to discredit me fails miserably. If anyone wants my thorough test results, they can pm me on a scent they are considering. I'll check my test results and let them know what the result was. Happily. I really hate to see people waste their money. The amount of wax I wasted was huge. I would love to have it back.
  9. Seems like it's to late to "nip it in the bud." This bud has bloomed! Your party was over. Why did you let her in? As long as you continue what you've been doing, she will continue to take advantage of you. "No" is not that hard to say. What's the worst thing that can happen? You lose a customer that doesn't payl You're going to have to grow a spine, and quickly. If you never let this kind of situation start, you don't have the worries of how it will end.
  10. If you want true rustic lids, CandleSoylutions has them. I've gotten them in both rust and zinc. http://www.candlesoylutions.com/closeup.asp?cid=32&pid=137&offset=0 If you want painted, flat lids as shown in your picture, Fillmore has them. They are called Olde Tyme lids.
  11. Believe me, you're not the only one. They don't work in my parasoy blend, either. At least not good enough for me to sell and not what I'm used to with other suppliers. I even went up to 9% trying to get them to work. Nada. And I tested a BUNCH! I wish I had all the wax and wicks back that I wasted.
  12. I've read this 6 times trying to find the answer to the question. I'm not seeing it. If anyone DOES know the answer, I would also like to know, so please post.
  13. Stunningly beautiful. And they smell great, too. :highfive: Like I need another wax to play with. So tempting. Stop it!!!!!
  14. Not to be taken as a recommendation because every nose and wax is different, but in your area, you will find Taylored, Greenleaf, and JBN to name a few. Lucky you!
  15. It never hurts to branch out and try others. LS has a large selection, so without question, some will work for you and some won't. There are several other suppliers in the Dallas area you might try and still not have to pay shipping.
  16. All reviews should list wax, wicks, %, all the pertinents. Good job. The only thing I question is 12% in cb. I use 8% in containers, occasionally go to 9% but would never go to 12%. I would be afraid of seepage over time, especially with heavier oils. I personally consider anything over 9% a waste of fo. I do sometimes go 10% in tarts, though, which are a blend of cb and any number of other higher mp paraffins. I think if you backed off on your percentages, you would be just as happy with the results. And you would have more money to spend on more fo.
  17. I love working on my diyestores site, even thuogh I doubt I'll ever find the time to keep it up to date, being the FO HO that I am, lol. www.stuffsunshinelikes.com Meant to also say they are extremely quick to respond to a question either via trouble ticket or their own forum. I have all good things to say about Shelly and her crew.
  18. Shhhhhhh........... That sheep is adorable. Don't you just love all the wonderful things you can find at flea markets. I love them. Nice ones, anyway. A lot of places don't have nice flea markets, or so I hear. Good job!
  19. Thank you, Dallas. I expected you would pop in with an opinion on something you've neither burned, smelled, nor seen. Not to mention a lovely comment on someone you've neither met. 1. I don't do garage sales. Ever. To buy or sell. They just aren't my cup of tea. That's not to say I would "bash" someone who likes them. 2. Nice indoor flea markets are outstanding places to pick up wholesale accounts (and many happy repeat customers). Those of us who don't like to pack up every weekend for shows or don't want the stress and overhead of shop ownership already knew that. sweetscents, it is entirely your choice. If you do as planned, I hope you'll report back. I'm always interested in how others market their products. You never know when you can pick up new marketing pointers, even when you least expect it. And I hope your handcrafted candles outsell the others by a mile. I personally would consider a hand made product far more luxurious than something possibly imported or made in a sweat shop somewhere. Much good luck to you!
  20. You've said in both of your posts that you "plan" to do this so it seems like your mind is already made up. I wouldn't do it, but that's just me. If I want my candles mixed in with name brands, I'll seek wholesale accounts that carry other brands rather than have the stress of my own store. To bring in other brands makes you just another gift type shop rather than something unique that can't be found Anywhere USA. As is always the case, you won't know if it will work until you try it.
  21. That's what I was wondering. All a so-called "luxury" candle is is something in fancier packaging that hopefully doesn't burn or smell better than the candles made by you. I would think in a tourist area, tourists would prefer buying something made by a local artisan rather than some high-dollar thing they can get pretty much anywhere. All luxury candles are good for is dimwits who have more money than they have sense and like to brag about their purchases. Promote what you do and what you know instead of promoting something that is mass produced. jmho
  22. It can happen with very large websites that are not on a dedicated server. However, a small chandling site should never have to deal with exceeded bandwidth. The bandwidth should be carefully watched, and when unlimited pictures, pages, etc, are offered, it is unconscionable that the bandwidth be exceeded. Unconscionable and unacceptable.
  23. I'm pretty sure it's Hand Craft Market. Prairieannie, what say you?
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