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Posts posted by lightmyfire

  1. 4 minutes ago, Hopie said:

    Lovely packaging, for sure! Love the company name. You could also eliminate the top tag, create the same size sticker and place it on the back. It would eliminate the cost of the ribbon, and a lot of time tying the ribbons when you have to make large batches of your melts. Instead of tying ribbons, you could be pouring :)  When I used to ship a gazillion packages a day, I was always looking for ways to cut the time it took to print labels, pack the item, tape it up and get the packages ready to ship. Small things matter when you get to a point where you're doing massive orders.

    I agree with saving time and money for sure!!  I only do that little tag for my specialty market store because they get fancy pants customers who go for those extra touches and they'll pay $6 each for these little babies.  

    What did you mean by "creating the same size sticker and placing it on the back"?


  2. 12 minutes ago, ncraiders said:

    Personally i would use approx 2.7oz.  due to variations in the weight.  It keeps people from getting upset if they find out it was slightly underweight.

    holy cow, if people get worked up about net weight I will have to tell them to get a clue :blink:  Ha Ha!!  I did end up changing it to net wt. 2.7 oz.  That seems to be consistent with what I see on Etsy when they even bother to indicate the weight.  Most don't bother.........I won't be selling on Etsy but I use it as a guide and for ideas.  


    Speaking of Etsy, have you checked out some of the candles for sale on there?  I saw one that had the wick all the way over to the side of the container and sinkholes over the entire top of the candle.  Made me sad...........*shudder*


    • Haha 1
  3. 43 minutes ago, birdcharm said:

    It looks nice.  Should the word "net" be added to the weight?   

    Thanks for your feedback.  I actually scanned Etsy to gauge what to include on the label and it's a real crap shoot.......some melts show the net weight but most don't.  Surprisingly many don't even show weight, what type of wax etc....just the company name and the scent name.  :blink:

  4. Thank you to all of you for your enthusiasm for my good fortune and super awesome and hunky hubby:wink:  I am exceptionally blessed to be married to a man that just wants me to be happy.  We are besties for sure.  💘💜


    I'll send pics as soon as they get started.................so dang excited I can hardly stand it

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  5. I'm so excited that I couldn't keep from sharing my joy over the birthday present my husband gave me last week.  He presented me with the design for a 14' X 20' addition on our home that he's having built and it will be for my candle making studio!!  I'm beside myself!!!  We went to the local restaurant supply and ordered several stainless prep tables and a few baker's racks with trays for storing candles while they're curing.  I'm retiring in January from my sales job and going full time with my candle business and I need more space than our kitchen can provide.  I'll most likely never come close to replacing my current income but we have worked hard to pay off our mortgage and be debt free so that I can pursue something that I love.  

    If anyone is interested I will post photos of the progress of the construction---they break ground this week.  :yay:

    • Like 17
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  6. 7 hours ago, Marleigha said:

     And YES..... ❤❤❤. I seen @lightmyfire post about  being willing to send us each a pound.  

    Just an update that I haven't yet received my Graham Cracker Latte order--it looks like it'll get here tomorrow!!  I'll give you an update when it arrives.  I also ordered a pound of the Maple Pumpkin  Stout--that sounded wonderful!  And of course, I had to order the Vanilla Bean Noel which is what started this entire message string.  I had to sneak in a tiny bit of the Autumn Lodge to round it all out.  I'm actually set on FO's now for the entire fall and winter season........now I have to test my new containers.  Yay!!!!:soapbabydance:

    • Like 1
  7. 23 hours ago, Marleigha said:


    Ugh!  I didnt want to read your post but my eyes wouldn't let me look away!  😂😂😂. I've not yet tried any of Lonestar's scents but have had my eyes on their sun washed linen and sugared cronut.  If you don't mind me asking.... What are some of your favs from Lonestar for wax tarts?  

    OK, you asked for it!  When I took advantage of the 50% off 1 oz sample sale, I ordered a ton of FO's for melts for a big display I have in one of my customer's stores.  There are some that I wouldn't necessarily have purchased for my own use but I had to appeal to a broad spectrum of clientele.  I can tell you up front that they ALL smell great!!  Honestly, no duds.  These are the scents I've made into melts so far:


    Sun washed Linen (you will love it!)  It's not Downy linen smelling......just fresh and warm

    Olive Leaves

    Sun Ripened Tomato (smells just like a tomato plant--fantastic)

    Key Lime Pie (not too sweet--very fresh lime and a hint of crust)

    Sugared Cronut (big fan-not too bakeryish......more like cinnamon and then a hint of doughnut)

    Birthday Cake (smells like........well......birthday cake.  I mean just like it!)

    Blackberry Amber (soooooooooooo good! Lightens up the muskiness of the amber with a hint of blackberry)

    Baja Cactus Flower (light, fresh, great throw; could be used all year long)


    Hope that helps!! 



  8. 3 minutes ago, katmeltswax said:

    I am still waiting for my order ,since the Memorial Day sale .It has been going on near 3 weeks now .Gosh they must have been drowning in orders .I usually never have to wait this darn long .

    I definitely do have some favorites .

    Jelly Donut 

    Maple pecan Strudel

    Gingham Apple 

    Pink Chiffon

    Marishino cherry 

    Vanilla bean Noel

    Beautiful Day

    Along with more I can't remember off the top of my head atm.... I will go see the others I have in stock & certainly let you know.

    lol I will also let you know the ones that definitely are not my favorites . I know when I get a WSP oil that blends well with my wax , it has great performance. I also have had some that simply just will not bind to my wax as well . I usually end up making bath bombs with these certain scents . 

    I was sure hoping to grab a couple pounds of Graham cracker Latte myself .It is so unbelievably strange to me that the sale just up & disappeared .I have never experienced this issue with WSP in the past .Kinda makes me wander what is the hek is going on ?????

    I guess I will try to be faster in the future when placing a order during sales .I learned my lesson lol. I am so slow when making decisions .I will fill up a cart ,take oils out ,put oils back & just constantly going back & fourth until I make my final decision,silly right 😀

    Be in touch on more fav from WSP & some that I do not care for oob .

    Wow! 3 weeks?  That's ridiculous!  Have you called them about that??

    • Like 1
  9. 8 hours ago, Marleigha said:

    @lightmyfire Lol well I am glad you were able to snatch some up before it disappeared.  You would think it would still be there just not with the 25% off.  I can't imagine that every single FO listed sold out, do you know what I mean?  Oh well... I'm glad you got yourself some and I hope it rurns out to be a great oil for you.  If sure love to know what you think of it.  👍🏼😇

    I'm so sorry that you and Kat weren't able to get the Graham Cracker Latte--ugh, I'm feeling guilty.  Please PM me and I'd be more than happy to have WSP send each of you a lb of my order.  Seriously.  :icon_awww:

    • Like 2
  10. 25 minutes ago, Sebleo said:

    Thank you for posting that. I buy a lot from Lonestar, but have never tried that one. Just placed a big order from them and next is CandleScience. (Have to stagger them!) I'll have to try that next time!

    You won't be sorry!  I hit them up on their 50% off sample size sale and tried out a lot of new scents.  Also wonderful are the Sugared Cronut and BlackBerry Amber

  11. 7 hours ago, Trappeur said:

    I ditto exactly what Sarah said.   Safety first.....learn about all the waxes and wicks out there, problem solve....and test, test, test....Did I say test?  You put the wrong not wicked correctly tin, glass jar, etc in the hands of an irresponsible person, even the ones who have burned candles for years and you put someone's life at risk, a fire, or some young kid picking up a container and scorching himself and you have a major disaster waiting to happen.  I'm not being mean or trying to hurt your feelings but making a product such as a candle is truly something that is to be mastered.  It took me a couple years before I felt comfortable to even put a candle out to the public.   And most of the rest of us have done the same thing.   It takes, time, patience, hours, weeks, and months, and lots and lots of money to master this art.  I personally would step back, take your time, not worry about doing your social media at this moment and certainly not selling at this early stage of the game of learning how to make a candle and read and read on this forum all the different threads out there pertaining to this art.  You could read for a year endlessly.  I still learn to this very day and I've been at it for over 12 years easily.  I know how exciting it is to create and you will get there but from what I read, your not ready to sell if you are asking certain questions as what you have.  And we are all here to help, offer suggestions and discuss just about everything so ask away anything just like what you have.   We have a great time here on this forum so jump in with the rest of us.   We all have been there, done that.   Hope I didn't hurt your feelings as it was not meant as that.   Nice to meet you....;)



    I don't think there's anything mean about your post--it's all true.  I can speak from my own experience on this topic.  I keep a candle making journal that I love to go back and read to remind myself of the long, expensive and wonderful journey I've taken to become "pretty good" and this craft.  I poured my first candle on 11/15/2014 and all of my notes were about how pretty the candles were and how much I liked my little jelly jars.  Not one note about how the wick performed under multiple test burns or anything else.  Seriously.  I didn't know about this forum so all I had was the CS video on making candles to show me how to just make the candles.  I had no idea that I had to burn, burn and burn some more.  A month later I had some candles in a consignment shop and sold a few; I'd hate to know how poorly those candles burned.  It took me another year and many waxes, FO's and containers later to realize that this is a science as well as an art.  I'm now almost 4 years in and really now feeling the joy and sometimes the frustration/heartache of creating these little wax creatures that have become part of who I am.  It's so easy to want to give/sell  your creations to others since there is a great sense of pride from making them but that is something to be earned from the learn.  Pick a friend or 2 that will be your extremely honest sounding boards and test, test test.  Stick with a few scents and one jar.  READ THIS FORUM as often as you can!!!!  I have a long way to get to 12 years like Trappeur but I'm excited for the journey.  I'm thankful to have your experience and that of many others to guide me.  BTW-it's 5 am and I'm doing my second test burn on my new amber mason jars--we gotta do what we gotta do.  :dance2: 

    • Like 2
  12. On 7/7/2018 at 10:09 PM, Scented said:

    Are you pouring into tins? What's the tint of your oil? If you allow your wax to harden, do you see a yellow tint? 


    I use clear tumblers and the wax is white upon hardening.  I have determined from conversations on this forum that the yellowing is from fluorescent lighting in the store that sells my candles.  I'm going to try some white dye to see if that helps a bit.

  13. OK, if you don't want to read about a fantastic FO, just look away.  I just did the first round of test burns of Lonestar's Mahogany Woods in my new amber mason jars and wow!!!!!  I LOVE IT!!!!  It is a rich, smooth scent that just swaggers through the house like it owns the place.  Fabulous CT and HT in 6006.  This will be a sure hit with both women and men and would make a slick mixer with a little pipe tobacco FO.  I can't wait to play with this for fall!  :2cents:


    "Smells just like the popular Bath and Body Works* men's fragrance. Top notes of fresh mahogany, blood orange, and red pepper with mid notes of Clary Sage Absolute and cognac on a base of bourbon vanilla, golden amber, tonka bean, and sandalwood."

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  14. 15 hours ago, R.palmer said:


    I recently started making candles I first started out using GB 444 but which hade great ct but no ht and candles with become lumpy. I then switched to igi6006 which I love but I noticed that with the 4oz tin using eco 1 (recommended by CS) I have a high flame and black some, the flame also dances and container becomes very hot. I want to make great candles and so far everyone that buys from me loves them but I don’t feel comfortable selling any more with this issue! I also made using the 8oz tin and eco 8 wic. Can anyone share some tips and ideas I don’t even mind switching containers. I’ve already made sales and created social media for my brand but I don’t want to become untrustworthy. 

    Forrest gives wise advise!  I have been using 6006 for 3 years and I feel like I have a good handle on it (for now....we all know how that goes!).  I've never used a 4 oz tin-that seems very difficult to manage.  The 8 oz tins are pretty friendly and as Forrest said, the CD 8 is pretty standard but can change with heavier FO.  This is the container I use and it works very well-11 oz tumbler.  661417761_silverlid.jpg.80166c94fb239660d3a81ef987017613.jpg


    You may want to use the search function on this site for 6006--you will find oodles of posts that will give you lots of info.

    • Thanks 1
  15. 8 hours ago, Trappeur said:

    Does anyone know a supplier where I can get all these wicks from?  I have been having to buy from 2 to 3 separate suppliers as none offer all the wicks in 1 place.  I have checked every company out there that i can think of and haven't had any luck.  It's horrible to have to buy from different suppliers and pay shipping on each of these companies.


    100 cd 4's....I use the 3" short ones.

    100 cd 5's.....These need to be the standard like 6 to 7" length.

    100 cd 7's.....These need to be the standard like 6 to 7" length.


    I can get all of them at BC but the cd 7's you have to buy 1000 at a time....not 100 at a time...I don't understand the reason behind this.



    Lonestar Candle Supply has all of those and you can buy 100.  I have ordered from them before and their wicks don't show up nearly as pretty as FC's but if you're not fussy they have what you need

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