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Posts posted by lightmyfire

  1. On 5/4/2018 at 5:03 PM, Pam W said:

    I use the standard wick bars but as the candles start to cool, I do check them and recenter as needed because the hardening of the wax can pull the wick off center.  I'm somewhat obsessive about this...I remove the wick bar, wiggle the wick around to ensure centering and then reattach the wick bar.

    Great idea---I will be diligent about watching those little suckers and not letting them stray :faint:

  2. I could sure use some suggestions on centering my wicks.  I don't mean centering it in the bottom of the container, I've got that down pat.  My challenge is centering the wick after the wax is poured and I've attached my popsicle stick with the hole in it and clipped the wick in place.  I stand over the container and give my best guess as to whether it's in the center of the container and I'll be danged if 1 out of 4 is consistently off center a bit. I've tried those bow tie wick gizmos but they don't fit properly on my tumblers so the wick isn't centered.  Is this just me??  Am I being too type A??  :rolleyes:

  3. 15 hours ago, Jcandleattic said:

    For me personally and my type of wax and applications, I never go above 6%. So that's where I start my testing. IF I like the scent at that percent I keep it. If at that % I get choked out because it's so strong (this actually does happen, probably about 10% of the time), I cut back until I find a % that works for me. If it feel the scent is too weak, or doesn't perform up to par, then I dump the scent and move on. 

    This is some of the best advice I have read-thank you for this!  I'm pretty tired of trying to "make a scent work" by messing around with the FO%.  Knowing that hiking the % to 8, 9, 10% just to be able to smell it is self defeating and ends up producing a sooty, smelly candle that costs a fortune.  

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  4. 6 hours ago, Candybee said:


    Like others have mentioned, the scent throw can vary depending on the fragrance. Some are lighter than others while others are much stronger.


    I only test one candle at a time. Also, how long did you allow the candles to cure? 6006 being a parasoy blend you need to let those cure at least a couple weeks or more to get the best hot throw. Some scents can take as long as 3-4 weeks to cure too so again its going to depend on each scent as they are not all the same. I wish they were, it would make our testing a lot easier but unfortunately its not.


    I also do like kandlekrazy does and go outside for a few minutes to get some fresh air. Often I will come back in the house and be surprised that the whole house has been filled with fragrance when I couldn't smell it before. Sometimes I just find that when I am testing I got candlenose and didn't realize it until I was able to clear my head and sinuses with fresh air.


    Sometimes 7% FO load can be too much for a wick and can actually cut back on the throw and or cause sooting. I always start out testing at 6% load before I test it at a higher %. I know its hard for some to wrap their head around this but higher FO loads does not necessarily equate to better scent throw and can sometimes do the opposite. Also, too much FO can cause that sooting you are seeing.


    Thanks for the reminder on the FO %.  It is very tempting to push the limit on this in order to have a really good HT and CT.  I'm learning which scents are going to just naturally be lighter i.e. sandalwood and spa varieties and I just let them be what they are.  I was doing 10% for a while until I read all of the posts on here about how expensive and unnecessary that is.  Thank you!

  5. I finally got around to making some melts yesterday using the sample of Coconut Creme that FC sent me with my last order.  Holy cow---it's fabulous!!!  It smells just like a creamy coconut dessert without being too foody and not too sweet.  It's really fantastic and so far the CT is right on.  I highly recommend :yay:

    • Like 2
  6. I poured 2 lovely new scents yesterday which I did test before pouring 4 each for a customer.  The scents are Lemon Verbena (FC) 8% and Wood Sage and Sea Salt (JS) 8%.  I use 11 oz rocks glasses, 6006 and CD8 wicks.  Both smelled wonderful when  I poured them yesterday but this morning when I went to give them a sniff I can barely smell either one.  I do find that the softer scents like the Wood Sage (a sandalwood type scent) like to hide for a while before appearing but I was surprised that the Lemon Verbena is being so shy.  I have them covered and I'm playing some smooth jazz to relax them.  I'm sort of kidding......I'm hoping the smooth jazz will relax me.  I've been up since 4:30 making inventory for a customer before I head off to work 😅 

    Am I jumping the gun on worrying about this? 

  7. On 4/20/2018 at 5:08 PM, Trappeur said:

    Well the other day I was at one of my accounts and we were picking out new fragrances for her shop.  Well I brought in Fillmores Daffodil in a candle I made and she liked it very well.  I also did a Flaming Fresh Cut Grass too and she liked that one too.  Actually she thought they were similar.  Well they are sort of, so I said why don"'t I do a blend 50/50 of those 2 together and you know what?  I did and it's fabulous!   Well I think it is.  When you think of Daffodils and Grass together, well they really do go together being that they are both outdoors and you see Daffodils coming up through the grass.   So she decided to keep just the name Fresh Cut Grass even with the 2 blends together.  Now my other big account the apple orchard that you all have heard me talking about, well I decided to do this blend for them but I always rename the scents differently so each shop has their own exclusive name....so what do you think of this what I came up with for the apple orchard account......I'm doing "Who Cut the Grass"?????  I thought it was kinda neat especially being that I'm horrible at thinking up names?  Thought I would show you my labels I do for them...


    The jars I use for both these accounts is the pint canning jars small mouth.

    Merciers has a black lid and Aprils Attic has the old timey rust lid.  April's prim shop she is into sunflowers so I came up with this label for her.  Speaking of Sunflowers, Flaming came out with an oil called Sunflower and I got a sample of it, thinking April might want that scent.  Now I don't know what Sunflowers smell like, but when I got the sample from Flaming....well, I don't like at all and she didn't either.    Smells like a cologne and was horrible I thought.    So that went out the window.










    Your labels are amazing!  What program do you use to design these if I may ask?

  8. On 4/3/2017 at 8:28 PM, pcbrook said:

    I have ordered from them.  I am testing the ribbon wicks and a have a couple of their FOs in my line and testing a few others.  There were a couple duds but you get that with every supplier.  Their customer service is good and the shipping is good for me because they are only about 3 hours away from me.  

    What did you think of the ribbon wicks?  I ordered some from Northwood but I haven't tried them yet.  

  9. 6 hours ago, TallTayl said:

    I would not judge that candle until the very bottom. An awful lot changes by the halfway point. The glass holds a lot of heat which causes the remaining wax to melt much more quickly and get very hot. You will likely notice the flame growing by mid point.


     Your wick choice seems reasonable right now. 

    I'm happy to report after a power burn that the CD 8 is perfect!  The wax hang up melted nicely and it's a beautiful candle.  Hallelujah!!!!

    • Thanks 1
  10. 45 minutes ago, Trappeur said:

    She's not kidding either about FO stashes that seem to grow and grow when your not looking.  If you look somewhere here (I'll try and find it), but there is a thread someone put up about what their fragrance oil cabinets look like with stashes of oils in them.  Go look at the pictures there....! lol

    Let me see if I can find that thread.



    is that the photos where someone showed their beautiful new cabinet?  That was impressive indeed if that's what you're referring to

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