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Everything posted by Quentin

  1. I just noticed the part on the DIY light box. I think I could pull that off.
  2. Very timely information. It just so happens that this is a big project that I'm struggling with right now. I'm trying to get pictures ready to put on my online store. I'm not a good photographer. Shaky hands, a miniature tripod of sorts, a cell phone, and a webcam plugged into my computer are the only things I have to work with now. It was comforting to read the comments from the other Etsy users and realize I'm not alone in all this. Getting the lighting right without glare is the biggest hurdle for me. You're right about the handbook. Browsing through it I found lots of good information that can be used regardless of whether you're using Etsy or something else.
  3. @aptommo Take Trapp's advice here. You will learn something new each time. I know I learn something new every single day. For example, I'm learning that I can download files to my computer "easily". I just click download. Now when it's time for me to FIND those files, use them, upload them to something else, convert them or manipulate them, that's a different story. I become a nervous wreck! Usually, I consider it a success if I just happen to stumble upon what I'm looking for, click the right thing and accidentally get them where I wanted them to go. But I'm a little better at it than I was. Seriously though, you do get better each time you do something. That may sound trite, but it's true. Old sayings become old sayings because they're true. I always look at the pictures of every single table, booth or display method and I always pick up some good idea. It becomes a part of you even though you may not realize it at the moment. Your brain is a lot younger than mine. You'll do fine. Look at what you've learned in just the last few hours since you started this thread! [I'm 60 years old. I got my first computer in 1994. 4 MB of RAM! That's not a typo. It was the fastest computer in the neighborhood. The internet was brand new. I only learned how to "cut and paste" about 10 years ago. I was scared to try it for fear I might fail or blow up my computer or some other horrible thing. Totally irrational thinking on my part. Now I get really irritated when I hear older people like my father say they're too old to learn anything new. I've decided that I'm never going to take that attitude. Never.]
  4. Same here. candlescience really seems to love those peanuts.
  5. @Sunday Six out of seven dwarfs are not Happy 😊 "A recent study showed that 10 out of 4 Americans suffer from some sort of Lysdexia".
  6. Sunday's idea will work great. Use whatever is around the house and drape it. It will add some height, creating an illusion of abundance from which the customer can choose. You can also use this same setup when taking pictures of your products. I've seen even professional photographers use this technique.
  7. If they don't lose your business card, they might find it two years later at the back of the junk drawer in the kitchen. Every house in the United States has a drawer like that. I'll bet even the White House has a junk drawer. George Washington's dentures might be there. No. The White House wasn't built yet when he was president.
  8. Oh, I don't know about that. I just left my comments on your post.
  9. If I'm reading you right, I think you may be feeling that your table looks a little too "flat". I'm basing that on the pictures of your table versus the setup you've been drooling over. I bought some stair step risers to use on my tables for that very reason. The ones I bought on Amazon will work for my needs but I don't think they would be pretty enough for what you're displaying. While I was shopping for mine, I noticed many others that were much nicer and would hold the type merchandise you are showing. Next time I go on Amazon (which is several times a day) I'll look for them and post the link here. That might help you make a decision. I just added a note to myself to look for them.
  10. I checked out the link. I have seen that stuff used in some things I ordered for other purposes. Dollar Shave Club uses it. I was wondering what it was called and where to locate it. Now I know. Thanks for that link tip.
  11. I don't mean to get personal here and this question is for everyone. I'm not interested in whether you wear boxers or briefs, but which is most cost effective for shipping? Bubble wrap or styrofoam peanuts?
  12. Whoa! Lot's of good ideas here. The variable depth boxes. I'm thinking about them for another purpose such as shipping. I'm taking us off topic. I'll post that idea in a new topic. Sorry.
  13. I will. Been a Prime member for quite awhile now. I'll add that to my Sticky Notes right now.
  14. I think you are being wise to consider that, but I wouldn't wait till I had a website. Never leave the customer without some way to find you again. A container candle stays around the house longer than a business card usually does. When your customer finishes using your product and wants to experience it again, your "business card" is right there on the jar. They won't be saying to themselves, "Gee, I wish I had kept that business card". I don't mean to imply that I'm down on business cards. I think getting them is the first thing anyone should do when they go into any type of venture.
  15. Correct @geodon99. I put the weight on mine to the letter of the law, but not because the law says I have to do it. I'm a bit of a rebel. I just think it adds that finishing professional touch and since it happens to be the law, it's one of those laws I CHOOSE to obey because it also works to my selfish benefit. I was wearing seat belts back when seat belts were really "uncool", long before there were laws requiring me to wear them. I've always worn them because I don't want to be impaled on the steering wheel. It's doubtful to me that the Federal Trade Commission sends agents to weekend craft shows to check labels. But that's just me. I don't care how anyone else does it, but it would seem advisable.
  16. Yes. Sadly, they have their hands in everything. No offense toward them intended. That's just the way it is these days.
  17. My comment was meant to imply that someone will most certainly want to reorder. A phone number, email, website address or just anything really so they can get in touch with you to send you $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
  18. My website and online store are finally coming to fruition. Scheduled opening is on or about December 7, 2018.  www.pillar7candles.com

  19. Excellent. Very professional. When we were on the topic of "stories", this would have been a excellent submission. The story I see in these pictures is quality, craftsmanship, care, and work ethic that translates into value regardless of the price. Blue Ribbon Winner.
  20. I missed this when I first read through your post. How do you trademark the company name on your own?
  21. Not too busy at all. Is there any contact information anywhere on the jar? That's all I see missing that I think would be wise.
  22. I just so happens that I know a little about another court case that relates to what @TallTayl just mentioned. [ I'm sorry folks, but I'm on a roll ]. Autozone Auto parts started out as Auto Shack. Just as their business was starting to really take off, there was a small glitch. A company in another type industry had a problem with the Auto Shack name. Radio Shack felt it sounded too close to their own name. They went to court. Radio Shack won. Auto Shack had to change their name. Thus, they are now known as Autozone. As Paul Harvey used to say: "And now you know the rest of the story". I've been here too long and I think I smell something burning in the garage. I'd better check that out. Bye.
  23. There is a barbeque restaurant in Mason, Tennessee that has gone by the name of Bozo's for decades. They started in business somewhere back in the early part of the 20th century. [Don't anyone stop reading this. It gets really interesting.] The people that own it don't even know the true story of where the name came from. It's a landmark. [This is funny but a true story] Anyway, some guy up in Chicago or someplace up there, held the trademark for Bozo, the clown. He found out about this restaurant and sued the restaurant for trademark infringement. Mason, Tennessee is VERY small, but people from all over the United States have eaten there. It was on the main highway before Interstate 40 was built. The owners of this BBQ joint decided to fight the clown in spite of the fact that they couldn't afford the legal fees. They took contributions from customers to help pay for the looming court case. They also took depositions from customers. Hold that thought in your mind. Bozo's BBQ lost round after round in court but they weren't going to be intimidated by Bozo the Clown. At the last court stop before going to the Supreme Court, Bozo's restaurant finally won. Bozo, the clown appealed to the Supreme Court of the United States. Bozo's BBQ had no money but they had something far more valuable that the lower courts ignored. DOCUMENTATION. SCOTUS noticed it while reviewing whether or not to hear the case. Bozo's had been keeping a guestbook all those decades in business plus all the depositions from customers that generally stated something like this: "As long as I can remember, it's always been called Bozo's BBQ". The clincher, however, was the collection of guest books. The guest book entries showed that Bozo's BBQ had actually had the name years before Bozo the clown ever came on the scene. This was a real David & Goliath story. The Supreme Court of the United States looked at the guest books and the depositions. They refused to hear the case. Bozo's Barbecue is still called Bozo's Barbecue to this day. Almost brings a tear to your eyes.
  24. I too went through the legalzoom experience. I had a perfect Last Will and Testament done by them. Only one problem. No one in the area would notarize it. My own bank turned me away!
  25. Surely in this day and age, there must be some sort of website like "trademarksRus.com" ?
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