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Everything posted by katmeltswax

  1. Hi ,just wandering if the peppermint over rides the Cocoa on your suggested blend ? Gosh the blend sounds soooo Good .I love blending oils ,have never thought about this one .I have Aztec hot cocoa and North Pole from flaming .What co. do you recommend for this blend ? I have to try this one ,great for Christmas .
  2. Me to Candlesource definitely the winner for me .I only use their lemongrass & have tried many .Trapp I have even added a splash of their Pink lemonade to make the lemon really pop.It depends on how strong you want the lemon note ,either way is great πŸ˜€
  3. Candlewic has some awesome strong oils,check out their ultimate & bold selection. I agree with Jcandleattic ,you will always get some misses here and there .I think overall the list given so far is great . Do you have certain scents you are looking for ? You will find some good recommendations here .
  4. I am actually wanting to name one of my scents "The Christmas Story" ,love that movie .It needs to definitely have Christmas notes with a bit of fun sweet notes .Maybe I need to ask here if anyone has a suggested fragrance oil,for this name .
  5. You said it Sarah , exactly how I feel about scents as well. I think if we put a great name to each one , definitely helps with the sale πŸ‘
  6. Maybe add a splash of Lemongrass ,may be a bit strong on the lemon note thou.If you really want to go Italian definitely add a Basil & sage oil πŸ˜€
  7. It is a great name for a beautiful Christmas scent .I just love naming scents .I have learned if you put a intriguing name on the scent ,it certainly helps to make a sell πŸ˜€
  8. Yes Belinda A Vintage Christmas ,I think is such a good name .I love vintage πŸ˜€
  9. Sarah so do you have alot of Hillbillies in your area ? Lol thought that's was so funny ,your blends sound great .I love to name scents and blending as well ,so much fun .
  10. Love "Forever Christmas" that's a wonderful name to put on a beautiful Christmas scent .I love naming scents πŸ˜€
  11. Aww Trapp ,you are to sweet ,thank you for the offer .I am going to switch my browser ,as Candybee suggest ,may be all I needed to do all along .Had no clue this may be the issue . I know your a pro at designing the perfect label for your scents . I am so blessed to have found such great talented Crafters here .I learn something everyday on this site.
  12. Thanks Candybee ,I think maybe it could be my browser ,never thought about that being the issue .I will give it a try .I love Trapps labels ,so amazing how she can find the perfect one for each scent .I will change my browse & see if that helps.
  13. Christmas Cider, Holiday Spice , how about "A Vintage Christmas" .I just love naming scents .The notes seem to take one back to sipping on a spicy cider that grandma was cooking on the stove ,so vintage comes to my mind .I think even "Granny's Holiday Cider" could work .There are a few suggestions for ya Belinda πŸ˜€
  14. Gail ,let's make that 4 including me lol....I have plenty of oils to pass around as well. I bet this trip could turn into a bus load wanting to go visit Trapp. I just know it has to be gorgeous & peaceful ,in her part of the woods.
  15. I agree Belinda ,would love to see how she pours her gorgeous candles .She has alot of patience and talent. Gosh that would hurt my neck ,I can barely do my wax melts .I do not have the patience to make so many candles with all the testing that has to be done ,wick issues etc....Love Trapps crystal candles and her labels are so wonderful. I admire her talent & she is a inspiration to us all πŸ˜€So glad I found this site .I have learned alot. I know if I have a question ,someone will always be waiting & willing to assist ,such a blessing .
  16. Lol not sure why I have lines under my response above .Now that's funny too! Yes I really have trouble on Zazzle ,crazy right .I was trying to get a blanket ordered the other day on the site with a pic of my new grandson ,go figure could not get it right .My daughter told me , she would do it on her iPhone for me .I love your labels you design on that site .I read on here before that someone else had a issue on Zazzle ,cannot remember when or whom .I will keep trying thou . I look forward to posting my Christmas Story porch theme soon. We are going to hang lights today and drag out the rest all this week . I purchased a real Frasier fir tree yesterday ,first real tree I have had in years ,I wanted it because I love the smell .I received my CS Frasier fir oil & love love love it .Went and purchased a real one lmbo .
  17. They even sell those leg lamps in some our stores .Lol I make my own. I actually have a mannequin and use her leg ,my own vintage lamp shade and of course a fish net stocking just like in the movie lol....It is hilarious πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€
  18. Lmbo Trapp ,It is so funny πŸ˜€ I will post a picture later this week ,we will be doing our Christmas decorations. That lamp in the movie is very popular down here in South,Tx during the holiday season lol..
  19. Oh ok I thought I saw Winter wonderland on his site a couple of weeks ago .I am sure Keystone will get this one in stock soon,due to the holidays. I placed my order with Keystone a couple months back still need some of Peaks that has not been posted .
  20. Trapp ,you need to do your Zazzle thing and find the perfect sticker for this one ,your so good at designing your labels on their site .I know you have plenty of oil selection to choose a scent for this one .Lmao I use Vista print because I cannot Zazzle like you ,so funny right .I have more trouble trying to get it right on Zazzle.LOVE LOVE your labels πŸ˜€
  21. Could try some Volcano with a splash of clove oil ,may make a good citrus spice blend ,certainly worth a try .Aztec has a wonderful Volcano oil .I love blending oils and would not hesitate to try this blend ,sounds interesting .
  22. She said YES!!!! I agree Belinda , would love to watch her pour the candles . Read her post ,now we have to go ,a cabin with a spa in the mountains ,cannot turn that down right Thanks Trapp your the best !!!πŸ˜€
  23. Yes sounds fun πŸ˜€Guess we should ask Trapp before we leave right lol .
  24. I will certainly watch it ,thanks Gail. I love the original and sit with the grandkids and watch the 24 hour marathon every year . Hek I watch all the original Christmas shows , Rudolph,Frosty ,takes me back to my special Christmas memories growing up.I am 54 and still love these shows .I do like the name Country Christmas Shoppe for your scent .
  25. You can order it from peakfragrances.com .Alan the owner of the original Peaks has reopened ,after selling out to Keystone .This has been a issue from what I have read ,some are not pleased with him at all for doing this idk. I just go with the flow and if you need this scent really bad ,this would be the only way I can think if to get it,for the time being .I have not ordered since he has reopened ,due to the fact I placed a big order with Keystone as soon as they added Peak oils a couple months back. I do not see a few I am needing myself on Keystones site ,however Alan has the scent I am desperately needing, Bird of Paradise.Gosh I do not want to cause a issue with this post at all ,just trying to help you get the oil you needing . I remain nuetral to all the contraversy over the big change a few months back. I am in no way promoting ,nor putting down either co. I know how you feel needing a oil you are used to having & I wanted to let you know ,that's all just trying to help you get Winter Wonderland , Blessings πŸ˜€
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