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Everything posted by Jane42

  1. Thanks, Heather! Yes, the ones that I received through the classies are drawstring (I love those too!) but were longer than the regular ones. If they don't have the tags, though, they will work great! Thanks so much for the website! Jane
  2. Heather, do you know if these are the ones that have tags stuck on them - I really don't like those....lol I received some through the classies that I love...nice, long ties that easily can be tied on the car mirror, etc. and no scanner sticky tag attached. Thanks for your help! Jane
  3. That was very nice of you, VIO, to jump right in and help!!
  4. Well, now I am totally confused...lol:confused: I make them in small batches right now, since it is the end of the season. This is the formula I use for MOST of them - some require a little less FO. 4 ounces beads 1 ounce FO That makes 4 bags and we sell them for $2.25 each. Does that help at all?? If we double, triple, etc the batch we just double, triple, etc. the recipe. I believe I found this recipe on Bittercreek's website, where we purchase the beads.
  5. "Each beautiful pattern slowly floats underneath the liquid wax during the burning time and will remain throughout the life of the candle." If it is in a tin, you wouldn't see the "floaters".....lol "Each candle has scented oils blended throughout the wax, opposed to "top pouring", which only holds the fragrance in the very top layer of the candle." I know I am still fairly new to this, but I have never heard of this method. I wonder if that is how they made some of the cheaper candles I have bought in the past that seemed to lose their scent. That is kind of sneaky! I never thought I would have to tell people I didn't do that... It is a cute idea, but dangerous.
  6. I thought Candles and Supplies in PA carried them at one time...
  7. We are in our second year of selling and the shows have been tough. Lugging those candles all over the place has been difficult. I really think I am too old to be doing that part :undecided , but it is the only outlet we have right now. We will be working on a website over the winter. I was also hoping that if we did continue to do home shows, we could bring a sampling of what we sell - maybe all the votives so people could have an idea of the scents and some jars so customers would see a finished product - but take orders for the jars. I just don't see us being able to lug these candles all over with us for very long! Has anyone ever tried that? I thought it would be more like other parties ie Tupperware, Pampered Chef, etc. We buy our wax by the case and our wicks and stickumms by the 1,000's, but until we can buy in even larger amounts, the cost of making them is still too high for me to figure out how to wholesale them. Our last two shows were the best - one being held in a home, and the other in a local beauty shop for four hours on a Friday night. Neither of those shows cost us a table fee, so it was pure profit. We put a deadline of December 8th for Holiday orders in our brochure - and of course nobody noticed that - so the orders are just coming in and I just don't have the heart to say no... I love making the candles - and I love trying new things - the marketing part is the killer...lol Can you tell I am worn out this season????
  8. Our last show was tonight! :whoohoo: We have had some orders coming in, but nothing too big. I am so ready to just sit back and relax........but I have no decorations up, I have one gift and the house is a disaster..... Yup, I am ready to be DONE! LOL
  9. Oh, I will definitely have to check those out! Thanks for letting us know!
  10. Good for you! Isn't it exciting when it "works right"!?!?!
  11. We use 4630 in a 10 oz apothecary. Although it does have a slight "dip" towards the middle, it is very slight and not noticeable in our particular jar. I have not noticed any pinhole identations.
  12. We buy ours from Bittercreek - and they will ship USPS if you ask them to.
  13. I had a vendor next to me tell us that after watching everyone pick up our votives and stick their noses on them to smell them, he wouldn't buy them...that he thought it was disgusting!
  14. mmmm, I can SMELL it.....could be because I just made Peak's Fruit Slices aroma beads....lol That is GORGEOUS soap!!
  15. I am sorry to hear that you didn't see anything BUT you never know - maybe they thought of a better place to show them off!! Is there any way at all you can find out what happened with your items?
  16. If you "search" fire starters, there is quite a bit of discussion on them. I have not quite figured it all out yet, but I am sure ready with the wax when the time comes! If I have extra votive wax, I do have a small grubby silicone mold that we make little grubby melts with our overpours - we can then give them to customers to try out scents. If it is the jar wax, I just keep that in my bowl for my future fire starters! lol
  17. I remember the first year we sold candles, we had a little guy with a dollar searching and searching for something for his mom. I helped him, my business partner helped him, etc. etc. He finally found something he wanted, but didn't have enough money, so I told him "that will be $1 please". His face lit up. Later, we talked about this and I confessed I had only charged him $1 for a $3.50 item - she confessed that she had not charged him for the fancy gift bag he wanted, and she had wrapped everything individually and put a bow on each item for him....lol It made us feel so good that the little guy was all set for his present for mom!
  18. I have a little "collection" of my bits of wax that I didn't need. I take a bowl and line it with foil - then just keep pouring the "overages" in there. I am PLANNING on using this wax for firestarters........as soon as I get a chance.......lol The bowl is getting quite full....
  19. We had to put ours in the freezer for a bit, then let them "thaw" for a few minutes and gently get them out - otherwise they cracked. We don't have mold release - we had never had this problem until we did the unscented - but I am thinking we should try that the next time we make the unscented votives!
  20. Thanks for your good wishes! There have been many many days where I have thought "what the heck did we get ourselves into", so it was very nice to be able to have a little positive feedback to give us a "boost". Thanks again!
  21. That is pretty good for a three hour show! And what a great idea. A school district near us used to do a show like this every year and my mother-in-law would take her grandson's there to do their mommy and daddy shopping. Your display looks very, very nice and inviting.
  22. Congrats on your show yesterday and Good Luck today!
  23. Wow, I forgot all about that site! That is very, very reasonable! Which styles did you get?
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