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Everything posted by cactusladycandles

  1. does anyone have 1/2 oz or so from any company that I can try out and show to the store.
  2. I have a store asking for Pinion Pine for the holidays. I did a google and found Taylored Concepts. Any other companies sell this scent?
  3. Thank you so much for the info. A neighbor down the street is having an estate sale tomorrow but I got to see what she is selling today. She has a brand new Rival Crock Pot and is selling it for $5.00. i'll be over there first thing tomorrow morning to buy it. Thanks again.
  4. Does anyone know if a Rival Slow Cooker, which has 3 heat settings, would get hot enough on "high" to melt wax? The one I'm looking at has a removable ceramic bowl inside.
  5. Well, it looks like Candle Science is the winner. I'm going to order a bottle to test before I buy multiple bottles. Thanks for the info.
  6. Another fragrance that was a closeout from Bert's Heaven Scent. Strawberry Shortcake. My customers love it. Can't get it anymore from Berts. Did anyone use the one from Berts. If so, is there another company with a comparable Strawberry Shortcake.
  7. I let my jar candles cure for a week before I sell or deliver them. Do tealights need to cure as long, or can they be burned sooner.
  8. Glad to be of help. If you haven't already discovered the supplier in Tempe, it is Crockett Honey. I was just there today and bought a lot of supplies and wax.
  9. Does anyone know if you can use Astorlite C in pillar candles. All the information I have found says it's for container candles.
  10. Gen Wax sells it, but you have to buy 55# at a time. Google "releasant powder for candles" and a lot of candle suppliers will come up that sell it. It's the same thing.
  11. Does anyone know what scents you can mix together to get Johnson and Johnson Baby Powder Scent. I'm trying to come up with my own mix instead of having to order just 1 bottle, since I don't need any other scents right now. And shipping is stupid, especially on just one or two bottles.
  12. I received the Baby Powder Scent and it is what I wanted. Thanks again for the sample. I will be ordering a large bottle.
  13. Years ago, I had Baby Powder scent in stock. I can't remember who I bought it from. I now have my store wanting to stock this scent in cupcakes. Does anyone know of a Baby Powder scent that smells like Johnson's Baby Powder.
  14. I am going to be selling them. I plan on using a larger zinc wick than recommended for the container I am using. So are you saying I should just stick with container wax?
  15. Does anyone know if it is okay to mix container wax and paraffin wax to make Citronella candles. I thought I read it somewhere on the internet, but now I can't find it.
  16. When I talked to Paul yesterday, he told me the doctors are starting him on an experimental drug to build his liver up. He is also spending a lot of time under an ultra-violet lamp to help keep the toxins at bay. The Navy is exhausting every available treatment before they commit to a liver transplant. Paul told me this weekend will be the first time he hasn't spent the weekend in the hospital in 2 months. Let's hope the medication works.
  17. You need to pour your final pour hotter than the first or second so the wax adhers well to the other wax. That should ellminate the line you see. I also do 3 three pours on straight paraffin wax. And a thermometer is very important to get the proper melting, mixing, and pouring temperatures. Also, to know how much higher to heat your wax for the final pour. All that being said, your candle is very pretty and cheerful looking.
  18. I use 4630 wax in my 3" tumblers. And I use a 51-32-18 zinc wick. I get a very good melt pool and fantastic scent throw.
  19. I use 30 ply in all my 3" pillars. This size leaves just enough of an edge that the wax leaves a hurricane-type shell when it has finished burning down.
  20. Well, I finally got the mold this past Tuesday, 12 days after I ordered it. He emailed me and promised to have it to me in 2 days. What a liar. One mold shouldn't take almost two weeks, especially since he is in California and I'm in Phoenix, Arizona. I won't order anything from him again. Anyway, I poured it Wednesday and sent it out yesterday. My son should get in by Monday or Tuesday.
  21. I did order it from Spirit Crafts and put in a message as to why I need it quickly. He replied back and said I would have it by Wednesday. Thanks everyone for all the help.
  22. I saw that mold. If someone doesn't have the mold to make me one, I will order and make it myself. I'm just trying to do it as quick as possible.
  23. I have a very special request. My oldest son, Paul, is in the Navy in Norfolk, Virginia. He has been diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver and is on a waiting list for a new liver. In the meantime, he is in and out of the hospital with jaundice and having his blood purified which is very painful and exhausting. When I first started making candles, I used a lot of the plastic two-piece molds from Pourette. One was a 9 1/2" tall cross mold. When I moved back to Arizona from Kansas, I sold all of my plastic molds. Does anyone have this mold, and if they do, could they please make me a white cross for my son. And send it to me and I will send it on to him. Time is of the essence. The cost doesn't matter. His wish does.
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