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Everything posted by Brat

  1. As requested.. when first lit. An hour and a half into the burn, it's bulging a bit, but hasn't overflowed yet.
  2. Not sure how this is going to burn... heard it won't burn so well, but still looks pretty! I used Raspberry Creme (type)... too much of it, as you can see from the paper towel. It's a 2 inch pillar.
  3. Got it out of the mold. I had to use a bit of elbow grease, but the extra seeping FO helped it slide out LOL I got a mottle! Gonna post this in the gallery also....
  4. Here's an update... well I think I had too much FO, cause it looks like it's bleeding! I'm warming up the wax for the 2nd pour. It was still too hot last nite before I went to bed. Hey Jane, that would be awesome! I'd surely give it a shot!
  5. Hey, I've got some UA!! I've been wanting to try some layered pillars, and don't have any pillar wax, other than this. I'll give that a shot! Thanks so much, you've buoyed my spirits back up!
  6. Well, I do have a 3 inch mold to use. I think I'll try that next. If I won't be able to wick a 2" pillar, I guess I'll just use it as a vase, since I'm already way over my limit on different types of wax! Unless I can use some votive wax. Hmm, something to think about...
  7. Oh crap... I got some of the stuff they recommended on the site, what was it... ummmm oh, now that I look at the site, the wicking I ordered was for that mold. It's 18 ply flat braid. I also got some #1/0 square braid. I didn't use any stearic... don't have any. I guess I'll see how it burns and post a pic of what not to use, huh? LOL Thanks for the replies!
  8. Just got my slab in tonite! Hadn't had it more than 5 minutes before the wax was melting... Got a small 2x6.5" mold too. I'm so excited, I can't wait until it cools! I used Raspberry Creme (type) and threw some purple in the pot. It says to let it cool slow, so I stuck the mold in my 4" hurricane mold to cool. I can already tell it's going to be too long of a wait... I was so excited about it that I forgot to spray the mold with Pam. I hope it releases! I just know that after the wait, it's not going to want to come out. Anyway, my question is does this wax shrink up pretty well?? Thanks!
  9. Is an 8oz jelly jar the same thing as a half-pint Ball jar? Just about 4 inches tall, inside top is about 2.5 inches? Thanks!
  10. I know, this is probably a silly question. I've been making votives with Peak's 130MP votive blend (which I can't find anymore) and I've been using the 44-24-18s. The throw is great, but it mushrooms a lot and I need to trim the wick a LOT. I tried the 36-24-24, and although I do get a full melt pool, the throw seems not so good. Am I imagining this? I've noticed the difference using German Chocolate Cake, 2 votives from the same batch. Any ideas or thoughts would be appreciated!
  11. Well, coffee and beignets are big, right? So... maybe coffee scents, sweet sugary scents, (sweet also goes with sugar cane) maybe some spicy scents (crawfish, Tabasco, and such), maybe some margarita/hurricane/daiquiri type scents (not sure if anyone makes them), how about some ocean type scents (the whole Gulf coast thing), jasmine, gardenia, any type of flower that grows here....ummm I think I'm out of ideas. Hope this helps...
  12. You get TOOTSIE ROLLS!!! Lucky!!!
  13. I just got a sample from kycandlewaxsupply.com. It doesn't smell like cotton candy at all. Not sure what it smells like... maybe one of those scented household cleaners? Haven't put it in a candle yet, but so far it's not very promising!
  14. I've been experimenting with C3 and so far only one JS oil will throw. Creme de la Creme. Good thing it's my favorite one! I've tried German Chocolate Cake and Chestnuts & Brown Sugar, but they won't throw for me in C3. They have a run-you-out-of-the-room throw in paraffin!
  15. How quickly are they cooling? I noticed in the few batches I made that if I had a cardboard box on the top of them, they didn't crack. Try cooling slower, maybe? I was using NatureWax V-1.
  16. Me too! I thought for sure the site went down the drain right after I posted my pic in the member gallery thing... Was positive it was my fault! I broke a camera in 9th grade right after my pic had been taken. They had to cancel the rest of the pictures that day and get a new camera!
  17. I use PhotoSuite III. There are a bunch of later newer versions, but I like this one.
  18. I just got tins just like that from Peaks. They're so cute!! Got mine wicked pretty well on my first try! I just love those tins..
  19. Looks like a reflection off shiny wax?
  20. Oh, man! I hope they fix this problem for you! Quick! Good luck with it....
  21. You can use a Presto for soy. I do! Just make sure to never ever set the temp above 200 degrees. It gets warm quick! I usually set mine to just past the Warm setting and watch the temp, if I need more, I bump it a little until the orange light comes back on. Just make sure you keep a thermometer in there.
  22. Wow, that little? Thanks for the info... I'm going to toss it and pretend I never bought it!
  23. Hi there. I bought a small "make your own lotion and lip balm" kit today, and decided to use a couple of my candle FOs instead of the ones in the kit. Um, I put a LOT in one of them...maybe 1/2 an ounce. I was bumped while pouring it in the bottle with the lotion. I was wondering how bad this is. Should I toss it in the trash? Will the extra FO peel the skin off of me? Cause a painful-impossible -to-heal rash? These are small little two ounce bottles.... thanks in advance! (before I used it, I checked the site where I bought it, and it said it was B&B safe)
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