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Everything posted by sudsnwicks

  1. Your logo looks nice. I agree that your name shouldn't reflect only candles if you are going to have other products. It would make your other products look like an afterthought, or worse still, people might think maybe candles are your specialty and the other products are not as good. Your main name could be something like "Lisa's Creations" with a tagline (in smaller print) under it saying "Candles, Soaps & More".
  2. Yes there is! You can use someone else's tongue. I use DH's.
  3. I have heard of lemon and coffee grounds being recommended as good for getting rid of odors. As far as de-greasing goes, it seems any basic recipe should work as long as it isn't too moisturizing. If you have clay of any kind, you could try adding that too, as it's supposed to help absorb oil.
  4. Maybe it depends on the week they pack your order, not the week the box it arrives. I didn't see either Spiced Pear or Pear Spice on their list - maybe it's a new one. It sounds like it'd be good for the fall season. Yummy!
  5. Don't worry, you won't have any body parts falling off. I have used soap that was less than one week out of the mold before (though the ones I sell are cured for at least a month), and it felt just as good as the older soaps. It won't be as hard though, so expect it to finish faster than usual
  6. I just put them in cardboard boxes, one box for each recipe. I close the flaps at the top but don't seal them, so that they're properly contained and yet still breathable. Seems to work well, and saves the trouble of having to go and buy special containers for them.
  7. Can't think of any additional advice for you at the moment, but was wondering how popular candles are in Italy? What kind of attitude and mentality do people have regarding them? Here in US it used to be more of a luxury item but nowadays it's considered a basic part of home decor, which is probably why candle stores and candle makers are popping up all over the place.
  8. Did you mean emerald pear? I couldn't find spiced pear on their list. Either way, it's one I haven't tried, and I have an order arriving on Friday, so it's definitely something to look forward to. So far their samples have been things I haven't tried, but I've been thinking what a bummer it would be if I received something I already had a large bottle of.
  9. Do they give out a specific one each week? I was under the impression it was something random.
  10. I have slab molds which are not a problem to cut. The problem is getting the soap out of the mold. The mold is scored, so lining it would defeat the purpose. If I had one of the specialty molds like from Upland, then it would be a different story. I like the versatility of a log mold. If it is custom made, you could make it deep enough so that you could pour 2 lbs, 4 lbs or 6 lbs using the same mold, with difference being varying soap heights.
  11. I've heard lavender and tea tree are good for facial products. Plus a little bit of mint to give it a spa feel.
  12. This link here has scent mixing ideas which I have found useful and helpful: http://www.candletech.com/recipes/scents/ You can also get to it by clicking the 3rd button on your left (general information) and then selecting "scent mixing ideas". The one you have in mind (blueberry + vanilla) is listed there under blueberry cobbler.
  13. I agree with Angela. Besides, those customers who aren't religious may not even realize this is a religious name.
  14. Anything that is written in ALL CAPS would strike me as suspicious. Something that is legit would be written more professionally. Yeah, just delete it, like Robin said, no point wasting time to even send them a reply.
  15. What a good idea! You could have him drop you and half your products off at the first show, then have him proceed to the second show with the other half of your products. :highfive:Well it's nice of him to help, and good luck with both shows!
  16. My dream soap mold would be a log mold that DH custom makes to my specific measurements. I showed him some plans I found but so far he has not done anything yet.
  17. I agree. Just because all the instructions are on our label, they may be disobedient and not follow those instructions. I'd like to try and make my candles as idiot proof as possible. So I'm going to reconsider doing those refills.
  18. Welcome to the board! :wave:Here in US we often take it for granted because supplies are so readily available. If we can't find it in a store in town we can order it online from one of the numerous suppliers. But I know in many other countries, especially those where doing crafts isn't popular, it may be difficult of even impossible to find every ingredient, especially specialized items like vybar (wax and wick are easier). Good luck to you in candle making and in finding all the supplies you need!
  19. Wow, I didn't know that. I was wondering why the site wasn't more retail customer friendly, especially for a 1st time customer who would need to have descriptions for each scent and also an "about us" section to learn more about the company and its products.
  20. Wow, that is good to know. I was thinking of offering a discount on refills too. Knowing that the jar may not work as well the second time, would you recommend still doing the refills?
  21. Not only are they going to IN, they also go to IL and TN, according to their craft show schedule which lists the towns and dates where they'll be.
  22. Usually I would just wait until that scent is back in stock. Because I don't have a fixed list of scents that are promised to be always available. When someone is looking for something to buy, they would just pick from what is available in my catalog. I seldom have people asking for something specific.
  23. These soap decks look nice! What kind of saw do you use to make them? I have seen them being sold at soap supply shops, but thought it might be cheaper to make them myself.
  24. Do you know if their candles are handmade? I couldn't tell from browsing through their site. If not, they must be very busy, as their order form has a lot of scents to choose from.
  25. Macintosh Apple from Peak smells like a real apple. Their Apple Blossom is more of an apple flower scent, not the apple fruit. If I was looking for a real apple fruit scent, I'd go with the Macintosh Apple. I have used both before.
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