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Everything posted by sudsnwicks

  1. I like both Caro Classic and Caro Choice. The alliterations make them memorable. Can you use both at the same time? For example, one could be a list of best sellers, while the other could be a list of your personal favorites or recommendations.
  2. Depends on what kind they were. For the cheap ones, you can get votives at 4 for $1. That would be $25 for 100.
  3. I think they are emphasizing candle safety (instead of how do you boil water or grill burgers more safely) because of the big jump in candle usage in recent years. No other household appliance (e.g. kettle, iron, grill) has had such a big jump in usage compared to candles. In the past, candles were not used much, mainly during power outage or on a birthday cake. Now they have become a basic for home decoration and so many more people are using them, so it is no wonder accidents have increased.
  4. Perhaps these people did not make candles very often, like maybe once a month. Someone who made them every day for 3 months (90 batches) would likely be more proficient that someone who made them monthly for 5 years (60 batches). So, it's not so much a matter of how long you've been making them but how many batches.
  5. If the large order came in through my website and the customer already paid with his credit card, then no, I do not give a discount as that would mean issuing a refund or credit. What I would do in this case is to add in a few free items to act a the "discount". If the large order hasn't been paid for yet, I could either give them something like 10% off or throw in extra goodies. Personally I prefer the latter method as it enables the customer to try more items and makes them feel they got a good deal (they paid $x but got $x+y worth of stuff). As to what constitutes a large order, I guess it really depends. You could fix it at a flat dollar amount (e.g. $100) or you could look at it relative to your typical order. If most people buy $15 of product from you, then a $50 order would be considered large.
  6. Rice bran oil has similar properties to olive oil. But it is a cheaper oil because it is produced domestically compared with olive oil which is imported from the Meditarrean region. If you come across rice bran oil that is as expensive as olive oil, you know you're paying too much.
  7. Here is another place with comparable price to the one above: http://www.riceland.com/consumers/gifts/
  8. The small room would count. As for the kitchen, I am not sure...I think it would depend on whether a section of it (e.g. cupboards) is used exclusively to store your supplies. As I am no tax expert, I'd suggest you obtain copies of all these forms I mentioned. You can order them through the IRS website (look for "forms and publications by mail" or you can print them out but I think it's simpler just to have a copy sent to you). You'll be getting the forms for the 2004 tax year as this year's won't be ready yet, but looking through the instructions will be helpful as the questions don't change very much from year to year. The instructions would tell you what you are or are not eligible to deduct. Also order publication 334 (it's a free booklet called "tax guide for small businesses") as it provides further information which you may find helpful.
  9. If one room or section of your home is used solely for your business, then you may deduct a pro-rated portion of your rent or mortgage and property tax.
  10. Where does your cousin live? So that we can recommend places nearer to her.
  11. How about: Mediterranean Mint Roman Holiday Heritage Vineyard
  12. Lemon and lime makes me think of 7-Up. So how about "Citrus Fizz". Or "Citrus Explosion" like you said.
  13. Come to think of it, I don't think the average customer is aware of the difference. As long as they see the words "shea butter" it means a luxury ingredient to them. I first became familiar with it from shopping at L'Occitane, and I don't think they put whether it's refined or unrefined. It may be in the fine print somewhere but on the front label it's just "shea butter" in large letters. So I'd say to go ahead and use whatever kind you have instead of buying more.
  14. I don't make this but as a consumer I'd rather buy the unrefined. It just feels more...wholesome.
  15. If you are a sole proprietorship, you would file schedule C in addition to your regular return. If your net earnings exceed $400, you also need to file schedule SE. If you have a home office and qualify for the home office deduction, you'll need to file form 8829 to claim it.
  16. Whoa! They are almost 2 feet tall! I have never seen such a huge pillar, let alone imagine such a one could exist. They look beautiful!
  17. I wouldn't want 5 of the same tart either. Could you package them so that they get one of each scent? In this way you could sell several at a time, instead of singly, and they would still get to try different scents.
  18. I recommend getting a starter kit too, because they come with everything you need, including the melting pot. You should learn one type of candle at a time, so first decide if you want to learn votives, containers, or pillars, and then get the appropriate kit. Welcome to the board, good luck, and have fun!
  19. I agree Spruce Christmas Tree is a must have. It is such a fresh, clean scent, and strong too. I also like their Spiced Cranberry and Home for the Holidays. It's hard to go wrong with their FO's - I haven't really come across any I didn't like.
  20. Can you use one that you know is good but hasn't been selling well because people don't realize it's a nice scent? Just an idea.
  21. I have not organized such an event, but have participated in one before. The organizer rented the event hall of a community center, then sold tables at $15 each. She publicized it by advertising in the newspaper as well as putting up notices all over town. I don't know how much the rental was, but I'm quite sure the booth fees covered the rental and advertising costs for her.
  22. The description in their catalog does mention the musk undertone but it must be really subtle because I cannot detect it. I do smell a light floral undertone though. I think this would suit someone who wants a vanilla scent which doesn't smell like food. It isn't exactly a straight vanilla but it's more straight compared to other variations like BBW's warm vanilla sugar (or whatever it's called).
  23. I get mine from www.essentialoils.org. I believe they are in Kentucky.
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