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Just started making candles last month. I am a stay at home mom and needed something to do in my free time.

Nice to meet you all

Welcome!! You definately came to the right place!! These guys have been super helpful. I just started making my first batches of tarts here in the last few days. I would encourage you to make sure to read around on the forums. Lots of help!!

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Welcome. I'm a stay at home mom, too. Just a word of warning - this can become an obsession. My kids tell everyone that I love candles as much as I love them. It is too funny. Anyway make sure you set alarms and time limits. I was 10 minutes late picking kids up from school today - Got too involved in making soap. -- My kids know I love them more than soap and candles. ( But just barely) :)

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Welcome. I'm a stay at home mom, too. Just a word of warning - this can become an obsession. My kids tell everyone that I love candles as much as I love them. It is too funny. Anyway make sure you set alarms and time limits. I was 10 minutes late picking kids up from school today - Got too involved in making soap. -- My kids know I love them more than soap and candles. ( But just barely) :)

Welcome! Welcome! Oh yeah..if I didn't know better, I would think I wrote this! Cell phone alarms are a absolute must! Buying oils, making candles and Craftserver are very addicting!

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Get out while you still can. And still have money.

I just literally spewed my coffee laughing when I read this !!!!!!!!

HookieBear, welcome to the Circus !!!! You'll find so many different people on here, and they all have wonderful experiences to share and help you with, but the best way to go about it til you get your feet wet is just start reading. Read ANYTHING you can even if you don't think that thread would be something you needed to know. We have a really bad ( or GOOD habit, depending on how you look at it ) of going OT ( off topic ) or elaborating on a topic once we're all up in that thread, so what you THINK the topic is about, it might take a turn and you can learn extremely valuable information by reading all the posts.

This addiction ( and trust me, you'll see, it IS an addiction ) can be as expensive or as inexpensive as you want to go with it. It's not cheap by any means, to make a great sellable SAFE product. Don't be afraid to ask any question you might have, but also see if you can do a Search and find some of the answers up there at the top. You'd be shocked at how many of us have to ask questions, years and years, into doing this, that you might think of immediately. You just never ever know !

I will say this. We all try to answer a question ( even if it's to tell you, sorry , we don't know... just so you know we're not ignoring you lol ) as soon as we can, but right now, is the " busy season" for this industry and so many members are extremely busy right now so don't get discouraged if it takes a while to find something out.

Myself? I'm not doing anything this year ( season ) so I'll be around... I'll let you know that I don't make candles in containers so wicks, glasses, container wax, all that is kinda foreign to me but I'll try to help all I can on other stuff !

Welcome to the madness!!


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Get out while you still can. And still have money.

How true is this??!!! Too late for this ole chick!!! But if I have to have a vise, this is a pretty darned good one!!! :yay::bliss:

WELCOME to the huge family Hookie!!!!:wave:

Edited by puma52
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