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Should I offer to make the candles for less????

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I had someone inquire about the baby food jar candles I made for my daughters' shower. They were pretty sure they wanted them. When I told them $3.50 each they weren't too sure. So I said I could do them for $3.00. Now she says they don't think they will be doing candles. I really wanted to do them for them because they are local people. Should I offer to do them for $2.50 or would it sound like I am desparate to do them?

I am so gald there is always someone to talk to about our candles needs. Love this forum!!!


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My philosophy has never been to cut cut cut on prices to get the sale. Instead, sweeten the pot with other 'gifts'. Buy X and get a bonus of Y. Perhaps the Y is a premium candle you retail for $20, but costs you $5. In their minds they just got $20 and it cost you only $5. Compared to cutting $.50-$1 on EVERY candle, the bottom $ is favorable to you.

Being willing to continually cut not only cheapens the product, it limits your income. You're not a Dollar Store. You make quality hand crafted items.

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I agree with the others that said they don't cut their prices. I don't walk into Target and say "hey, these shoes are too expensive, can I pay less for them?" My prices are my prices and there are people who are willing to pay them. If not, then that's too bad. I'm in the business not just because I like what I do, but I would like to make a profit too. :) I think your willingness to cut them to $3 was very generous, but cutting lower is too much I think.

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My philosophy has never been to cut cut cut on prices to get the sale. Instead, sweeten the pot with other 'gifts'. Buy X and get a bonus of Y. Perhaps the Y is a premium candle you retail for $20, but costs you $5. In their minds they just got $20 and it cost you only $5. Compared to cutting $.50-$1 on EVERY candle, the bottom $ is favorable to you.

Being willing to continually cut not only cheapens the product, it limits your income. You're not a Dollar Store. You make quality hand crafted items.

I totally agree! The idea of a premium freebie makes me want to buy! :)

Edited by QTsmum
Wow, wrong smilie, lol!
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The " buy X get Y free" ( or at a discount ) is a great idea... and depending on the situation, doing a one time, IN WRITING wholesale price for X amount as long as you are making a little money is a good idea too.

Once I was put in a position to sell at a lower price ( slightly ) than I normally went, but it ended up being a good thing in the end. I had it arranged that my contact info, website and phone number was on each item... ( it was wedding favors ) . I ended up getting about 30 sales from that one wedding and I ended up having a REALLY good three months that followed. I made some great friends while chit chatting taking orders, I got four contacts out of it that are waiting for me to get back up and running, and I still get a decent percentage of re-orders from that. ( a lot of them know what happened to the business and call and ask all the time if I'm up and running again yet) so , even though it was a gamble, I made the bride happy, and got some substantial sales out of it !

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Im not sure how long you been doing this or i you have just started out, but the worse thing you can do in business is have your prices all over the place. You set the price and that should be it. If they dont like it they will go somewhere else. Some people like to haggle but never intend on buying to begin with. Most people want favors under $1 and $2.50-3.50 in general seems high for a favor. maybe suggst something cheaper instead of lowering your price or include something special for the mom to be.

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Im not sure how long you been doing this or i you have just started out, but the worse thing you can do in business is have your prices all over the place. You set the price and that should be it. If they dont like it they will go somewhere else. Some people like to haggle but never intend on buying to begin with. Most people want favors under $1 and $2.50-3.50 in general seems high for a favor. maybe suggst something cheaper instead of lowering your price or include something special for the mom to be.

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I guess it just all depends on how bad YOU need the sales and exposure. We can all offer suggestions but in the end, it's what works for you. I'd hate to lower my price for any reason, but if it was the difference in getting a sell for quite a bit of product, and it being a one time thing, and me needing the money bad enough it would hurt if I didn't get the order.. I'd lower it, but that's just me. I guess sometimes I need the money more than the principle. I wish it wasn't like that, but sometimes it is what it is.

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Do you know what their budget is? And their time frame? Too many times a brief conversation leads to a sales dead end when price is quoted without knowing the whole picture... Though sometimes it may seem rude to answer a question with a question, at least you have more info to go on. Always have alternatives to fit the budget... Votives, melts, etc. all make nice options. Don't let the door close before it needs to.

As for needing to make a sale so badly that you'd flex quite a bit - just be absolutely certain you know of your total costs, including the sales tax your lovely state will be after and the IRS for their portion at the end of the year. I've seen people bend so far backward to make a sale that they lose actual money in the end. In all honesty, it would be cheaper for many of us to hand over a $20 bill than to go through all the time and materials to meet what we think someone's ideal needs are.

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