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Which 2 jars do you like the best?

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Hi, I'm new to candle making and I am trying to decide which containers to start with. Which 2 do you like the best?

If you sell a candle without a lid, do you have some sort of plastic lid for storing or use plastic wrap for storing until you sell the candle? I'm looking for a lid to sell with the apothecary jar. I bought the jar at Old Time Pottery, but they don't carry the lids for this one.

From right to left...

1. 12 oz glass

2. 8 oz apothacary

3. 4 oz flower pot

4. 8 oz jelly jar

5. 4 oz jelly jar


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I like the first, third and forth

There is something about plain old jelly jars that I really dont like- I use the squares and LOVE the look of them but the round....not so much

The little jelly is very cute and something I would purchase to sample out the candle and see if I like them before I buy more- I have many of these myself I havent got around to testing yet! Was going to do aroma beads in them but decided I have wayyyy to much on my plate already....one thing at a time! LOL

The first one is very classy clean classic- I really like that jar- what is that one called?

and the flower pots I like and make for summer only- for wedding or baby shower favors- BCN sells the plastic lids for them and they are a big hit in citronella for patios and decks when people are entertaining

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Oh heck....I like them all !!! :smiley2: I have never found a jar I didn't like or couldn't find something to do with. All of these jars would be wonderful to use for different things. I love the 4 oz for sampling, I love the flower pot for Spring /Summer and it is so cute , the other 3, you could layer colored scents in, make layered embed candles in, make chunk candles out of or make pie/grunge candles out of them. It is alllllllll good!!! :thumbsup:

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Gosh I feel your pain. They are all pretty in their own way, but I'd have to say that the first 2 are the nicest. The last one...the 4 oz jelly is cute for samples or to sell as travel candles. That's what I'm thinking of doing as well with the 4 oz. For me the container I love best would be the one I can get a great consistent safe burn. I'm still starting out too!

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The first is an easy jar to wick and genwax has these with lids that look pretty nice. Check out their status jars. The second is also great because the lip at the top tends create more airflow and better HT. The flower pot is great too because of the size and people can drop a votive in there when they use up the way that comes with the flower pot. The last two are easy to get in local stores and I use them sometimes, but they scream "cheap" to me so keep that in mind.

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To me, it depends on your branding, target market and your business' overall style. If your business is "country prim" then masons (circle or square). If it's boutique chic, then #1.

When looking for containers of different sizes I seek options that have the same or very similar style to maintain a sense of continuity within the brand, only introducing new styles when there's a new 'line' added.

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