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GB 464 - In the Summer Months - Plz Help!!

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Hello All. I am fairly new at making candles and I have a question to those seasoned 464 Chandlers. On Sunday, I bought some tester candles to church with me for someone and I had left them in my car. And of Course they had melted to a certain extent, and its wasnt that hot out, but my car windows were up. This made me think of the summer months. So for those who have been using the GB 464, during the summer do you use an additive to it to make it harder or do you switch to a different wax?

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I'm just going to start testing GB 464, but I would never leave candles in a car. It might also create "frost" on your candles by exposing them to different temperatures. Not sure on this but as much work as I put into trying to create a "frost-free" soy candle, I just made sure I didn't leave them in my car for any length of time.

I think it would be too much work to change wax for a season with all the testing you would have to do. If you ship candles, ship on Mondays so they don't sit in a delivery truck over a long hot weekend.

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CBA has an even lower melt point temp than the 464 plus it may detract from the ht of the 464...better to mix with 444 or just use the 444. You can help the wax look much smoother after subsequent burns by tempering and/or using a small additional amount of USA (1/2-1 tbs pp)...hth

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444 (to me) behaves very much like 464 just that it has a slightly higher melting point. As I mentioned, you may not have to switch 100% to 444 during the summer, a 25% or less mix my be enough. Retesting should be done but your results should be very comparable to straight 464.

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For me personally there was no difference as far as wick performance for 464 vs. 444. I live in the warm south. I like 464 but changed due to melt point. I've been really happy with 444.

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No, nothing. I used 464 for about 6 months and switched over to 444 when it got hot. I have made every fragrance with 444 that I did with 464. Jar and wicks are same. Wax performs same with me. It's great.

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This is a big problem for me.If my candles frost before I send them to a wholesaler I do them over.Very costly. Now though my wholesaler said the candles are getting lighter.FROST.Wanted to know what she can do because they don't look as good to sell.She has had the candles over a month but she did a show last weekend.I bet they were in the car either when it was hot or cold during transport and she may have left them in there longer.

She wants to know what she can do?I don't see anything.Anyone have any suggestions? Should we take them back.I am about ready to give up candlemaking.We did fine till this year after years of candlemaking.My other wholesaler hasn't mentioned anything but hers stay in her store and don't get moved once she sets up her display.I'm not sure how much these are moved around. I know they've been to one craft show.


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Tell her the truth...soy frosts... too many variables can change the appearance at any given time. People who buy soy candles know this. If she is unhappy with the frost issues, tell her in the future you would be happy to make them colorless for her.

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Tell her the truth...soy frosts... too many variables can change the appearance at any given time. People who buy soy candles know this. If she is unhappy with the frost issues, tell her in the future you would be happy to make them colorless for her.

This is so true. It's just like how chocolate bars develop a haze over time.

How about a frosted jar or tins if she likes the color? Colorless works for me, though. If she's not sold on colorless, show images of Kringle Candles to illustrate how beautiful uncolored candles can be.

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I came to this conclusions as you said, Colorless if she wants.She is bothered they won't sell because where she lives people are so particular and they won't buy them.I've had people buy some if it is a certain scent they want.With it being my business and my feelings on the fading I sell it a bit cheaper. They really don't seem to mind.BUT she is my wholesaler and if she feels they wont sell then nothing but colorless.

I told her if they are left in a car etc they will frost.She said temps were 70 and she took them out of the car and they weren't left in it. She said they also weren't in the sun when displayed but temp changed I'm sure throughtout the day.

I have another wholesaler that loves my candles and they sell good.She buys over 100 at a time.She's never said they frost.I am going to double check but hers are in a store. I'm sure they turn down the heat when they leave.Many store owners do. Another wholesaler would buy 400 at a time and she was a former candlemaker.She never had a problem with my candles but we had a shipping problem in her area.

I will offer her the change to colorless. We had problems with the color because my husband makes them in our shed.We made them over 2-3 times to be perfect. We can't do that again. The candles were with her for over a month and now just starting to frost.

I'm sticking with my colored candles to sell to my other wholesaler and also for my website but will see if she is interested in colorless. My preference is color and we get compliments on our colored candles. But if they won't sell in other areas then best to go colorless.


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I usually carry my candles early in the morning with the air on in the car and they make it just fine. I use those blue pouches that you put in the freezer and place those down in my tote box or pack in coolers to prevent sweating. HTH


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