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How do you melt ?


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Ok I know this is a dumb question but yall know Im new to this and I can assure you, I will have tons and tons of dumb questions before this is even remotely over !

How do yall melt your soap?

Is there an easier way than the micro?

Anyone use a presto or crock pot or anything like that ( no double boilers )

Seriously, I am already sick of hearing that ding dang dinger go off on my micro every 10 seconds , figuratively AND literally ! Im afraid Im going to blow this thing up , or the door fall off or something, and its brand new. But this constant start/stop/open/close/start/stop every 20 seconds or so CAN'T be good for it.

Yes dang it Im looking for a cheat ! Help !

My micro, and my ears and sanity, thanks you :)

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Thanks Linda. I guess you learn stuff and new ways around it, the more you are into a new project huh? Everything I've read or seen, says to do it in 10 to 20 second bursts. I think I could deal with setting two pounds on like a minute or so to begin with and then work down from there, but that constant dinging was driving me insane at 3am! ( I've got my days and nights mixed up again! )

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Thanks Linda. I guess you learn stuff and new ways around it, the more you are into a new project huh? Everything I've read or seen, says to do it in 10 to 20 second bursts. I think I could deal with setting two pounds on like a minute or so to begin with and then work down from there, but that constant dinging was driving me insane at 3am! ( I've got my days and nights mixed up again! )

Depending on how much your melting 10 - 20 seconds won't get you too far. Just watch and don't overheat or boil it. Start with minutes. :)

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I still use the micro. I was like you starting out thinking you can only do 20-30 second bursts. Took forever to melt my base that way! Now when I use the micro I go for 2 minutes and an aditional 1 minute until my base is completely melted. I melt 2 lbs at a time that way.

However, for most of my melting I mostly use my rice cooker. Got mine at Walmart. Don't remember the price but I really needed it for the mass production I do. Once you start selling you really should consider a good soap melter. I'm already on my second rice cooker!!

Edited by Candybee
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jack, did you do a video when you made the kitchen soap with the pumice and coffee grounds? Did you have to do the layer thing like the oatmeal in order to get the pumice and grains evenly distributed?

Yes, I layered the pumice but not the coffee grounds. I put them into the soap mixture.

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