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Rude Supplier..


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Oooooohhhhhh!! I know! I know the one Nana is talking about! (not sure if it is the same as the OP) I even went to a candle conference and took some oils to swap with other candle makers and someone on here snuck the floatie oil into my box. I CRACKED up when I got home!!! I remember the handwritten note on the invoice, too. After the floatie oil incident (where the supplier said all the crap in the bottle was just "raw materials" and would not replace it for my fellow friend/candle maker) and the nice little note on my friend's invoice, I found replacements for all of their oils. It was easy to do. ;-)

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Yeah I don't know if Nana's and the OP supplier in question is the same, but, I know I've read posts before where the supplier was mentioned and some of the same incidents happened. If that's the case begins and ends with the same letter (state wise). I've not had any incidents or problems from that particular supplier if its the same in question.

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I'll come out and say the name...it is Just Scents. I know the messageboard and the person that it happened to. I used to order from them...always got their newsletter etc. Well...as soon as Becky saw the names of the people who were posting on a certain board...she basically took everyone's name off of the newsletter email list. I was able to find a BETTER version of her Pumpkin Pie...which I LOVED from Missy's. The one from The Candlemakers Store smelled the same and actually has a stronger cold and hot throw.

If someone else remembers for sure...didn't she tell someone not to order from her anymore because she would NOT sell to them. If I am wrong...sorry. Scented or Vertically Enhanced...you might remember this.

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Oh Booo!! I need to place an order for Hot Buttery Cinnamon, Kitchen Spice, and Nutmeg Spice.

I just saw a Cinnamon Vanilla on Daystar.. "a delicious blend of cinnamon spice mixed with sweet, warm buttery vanilla". ??

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I'll come out and say the name...it is Just Scents.

Thank you! Finally lol, for a newbie it's really hard to read a code everyone knows when you are new. Thanks for the help, they weren't on my list to look at to begin with but good to know in the future if I am randomly shopping around.

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I'll come out and say the name...it is Just Scents. I know the messageboard and the person that it happened to. I used to order from them...always got their newsletter etc. Well...as soon as Becky saw the names of the people who were posting on a certain board...she basically took everyone's name off of the newsletter email list. I was able to find a BETTER version of her Pumpkin Pie...which I LOVED from Missy's. The one from The Candlemakers Store smelled the same and actually has a stronger cold and hot throw. If someone else remembers for sure...didn't she tell someone not to order from her anymore because she would NOT sell to them. If I am wrong...sorry. Scented or Vertically Enhanced...you might remember this.

It doesn't surprise me a bit that this is the supplier! She has told several of us in the past not to order for one reason or another. I was one because I blasted her in the beginning as she spammed all our email addresses with her then new business and then lied about it. She does read here and has her minions who puff her and her FO's up from time to time!!

If you tell us the name of your FO, I KNOW someone can find you a better dupe!!

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Glad to know that about that specific supplier... that is just sad to me that someone who is supposed to run a reputable business acts like, well worse than, a child to their customers! They weren't on my radar for purchasing FOs from either (though I have looked at her site) but I think I'll definitely stay clear from her. That stalking thing really creeps me out..... paranoid much?

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I got an FO with sediment in it from JS. A LOT of sediment. I called and they said "oh, it's supposed to be that way" and I couldn't get my money back. Nor could I use it in candle because the bits showed up. I called again and they said to filter it, or to just pour off the top and leave the sediment behind. I left them behind.

ETA: this was 2 years ago.

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