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Candle Logo


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I don't know if this is where I'd post this, but I designed the logo that I'd like to place upon my candles when I start selling them I'm just not sure if it's good or not.

I thought I'd load it here and ask everyone's opinions?


The name of the particular candle that the label will be placed on is going to be typed just under the brand name. This label is the bases for each candle.

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i think the label is going to be 4x2.5 inch's in size. I printed it out this morning on standard paper to see what it would look like and I changed the font to what it is now. I'm still working on it, I'm just worried if I make the brand name bigger there wont be enough room for the candle name. If you click the logo it usually makes it bigger and to the size it would be printed.

Edited by VivienneCrow
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I absolutely love the label and name of your business! I understand what your trying to do and really like it. If you don't color your candles you can have the scent name in color to help distinguish each candle. You could have a nice little shop at a Rennissance Festival with that business name.

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I absolutely love the label and name of your business! I understand what your trying to do and really like it. If you don't color your candles you can have the scent name in color to help distinguish each candle. You could have a nice little shop at a Rennissance Festival with that business name.

That is what I'm hoping to do. There are Farmers Markets that are held at the local Castle near our place ((a castle on the east coast of Australia you say??)) It's a tourist attraction, but quite fun when they have the annual medieval festival.

I love the idea of having the candle name in colour! I think it would work wonderfully, and add that little bit of POP to the candles. Thanks!!

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After downloading many fonts and discussing them all in depth with my partner I've finally come up with the final label look :) including the name of the first candle line I'm going to be putting into production. I still have as yet to test the final ingredients list, but I've got a lot of wax to practice with. So this is what the logo will look like on my candles.


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The font I used for the brand name is Uechi Gothic. I suppose I can read it fine because I know what it says. I did have a more cursive font earlier in the process but it didn't suite what I was aiming for. I might go through my font website and find another, similar, more ledgeable font and see what happens. I'll pop up a few examples and see what everyone likes and doesnt like. I really do like the one that's on it now, but if it's hard to read than I'll need to pick something else. Asthetics only go so far lol

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I do like the black and white simplicity of it. I really would like to see the scent name in color. Do you not need weights listed in Australia?

I don't find the font hard to read and I really like the initial letter in the big flowy script, but I thought it was an S and your name was Sherrywood.

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