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Question sparked by Scentsy


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Hi Everyone!

I saw a posting by a new Scentsy Rep and I just have to ask here if you agree with the claims.

First, I know that melts have advantages over candles when you have small children and such, but this person said the wax doesn't get hotter than body temperature and that you could put your fingers in it and not get burned. I make melts and love them, but I know my warmer gets quite warm and I would not be brave enough to stick my fingers in it. I think I will put a thermometer in there next time.

Second, I agree that candles (I assume she is referring to paraffin) can leave soot and such, but she claimed with candles you breathe in the wax and oils and everything. Well, with the melts, the oils evaporate over time so aren't you breathing it in in that case?

I was just curious what everyone here on the board thought about those claims.

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I don't anything about the breathing stuff, but I'm sure there are some experts that will chime in... But, I can't beleive they claim you can stick your fingers in it either. I know you can - I had an "incident" just the other day where some wax that was at the very least 132 degrees splashed up on my hand/arm - and no = it didn't burn at all. But why would anybody make such a claim? Ignorance if you ask me.

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she claimed with candles you breathe in the wax and oils and everything

:laugh2: Only if you plan on snorting the wax when it's liquid! Wax combusts like gasoline does in an engine. It's a fuel source. Yes, I'm sure it leaves particles in the air, but it won't condense back down into wax, no matter what you do to it. As for the oils, what does she think her nose does? You get particles of everything you smell in your nose, that's how you smell things.

I've heard some far out claims from all sorts of people, but that one made me laugh!

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When burning candles it has to disperse into the air...so yes you will breathe it in. When using a wax melter it has to disperse into the air...so yes you will breathe it in...lol!

I have dropped my speech on why my candles are better. I've just decided that my candles stand for themselves. I'm not sure that one is better than the other anymore. Great arguments on all sides. I suddenly had an ephinany (sp?) that I was selling my candles through fear and I didn't agree with that tactic. JMO as I see it for my business.

When I have customers ask or I overhear about sticking fingers in wax, I always discourage it. Some waxes are cooler than others; but consumers do not always differentiate between waxes and may get hurt. Also I don't want children seeing adults stick fingers in wax.

Edited by NaturallyTru
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I look at it this way-- if its safe enough to stick your fingers in it you should be able to pour it on your body. Do you really want to do that? Do you want to advise your customers to do that? I don't think so!!

ALL CANDLES SOOT! Period. Anything you burn produces soot. Doesn't matter if its soy, paraffin, palm, coconut, beeswax, etc. If you light it and it burns it will produce soot. That is a byproduct of the burned fuel (wax). Also, they produce carcinogens. However, the amount of carcinogens is not anywhere near the level of cigarette smoke and far less dangerous. If you spray an air freshener in your home you are leaving more chemicals hanging in the air than a candle would.

I personally feel having a tart or candle burning in your home to produce a scent in your home contains far less harsh chemicals than an air freshener spray or something like Febreeze would leave hanging in the air. An air freshener is safe to use but some are more sensitive to the scents. Same with candles-- some people are more sensitive to those candle scents than other.

You should keep in mind that Scentsy reps don't make those tarts so they typically don't have the working knowledge chandlers have about wax. The reps memorize the script given them and accept it as truth. You'll notice that Scentsy diatribe always blasts candles. Its a marketing spin. A dirty one. Trash other companies to make your products look like they are the safest and healthiest? Just dirty, sleazy marketing. One day Scentsy will lose their customers from trash talk about other companies and products. It really looks bad to trash talk others products. You can tell the companies that are losing a foothold on the market and their customers when they start getting so paranoid they have to start trash talking other companies!

Edited by Candybee
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BS smells just as bad no matter what the source. Combustion produces carbon, simple as that. Fragrances contain chemicals and pheromones which are in the air. So does dog poop. So do roses. The *other* chemicals released when the oil is heated may not be something you want in your environment - I'll leave that for each person to research and decide for themselves. The floor cleaner people use has chemicals and fragrance in it; the laundry detergent does too; so does nearly every product used for cleaning, sanitizing and deodorizing in the home. The plastics, fabrics, dyes in one's home environment all contain chemicals, too.

At some point, common sense has to prevail. Arguably, the best fragrance for the home is NO fragrance, but that won't please most anyone!

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I don't care for the Scentsy tactics either but ... like em or not .... they are big, and growing, and have now gone international. They have broken into the European market, in the UK and Germany, and will continue to spread like a disease. This year they received an Entrepreneur Of the Year award in Utah and are apparently on track to hit half a BILLION in revenue for 2011 !

Bad tactics, rude consultants, and not so well scented Scentsy will no doubt be around for a long time... continuing to grow... and rake in the money !

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Bad tactics, rude consultants, and not so well scented Scentsy will no doubt be around for a long time... continuing to grow... and rake in the money !

Best solution is to boycott their products and teach your children, customers, family, friends and anyone who'll listen to do the same thing.

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I always just laugh when people tell me the latest Scentsy tactics. I use a Scentsy warmer at home and can personally attest to the fact that the tarts melt just like they do in any of my other warmers - that's the one I hear most often at a show. The melt vs candle thing is spouted by some non-Scentsys who specialize in tarts only also. I guess some twist it however they can to gain an advantage but I think most customers realize that's crap.

I almost saw a Scentsy cat-fight the other day-lol. The show I was setting up in had 2 Scentsy dealers in it. They were both adament that the other had to leave and wanted to organizer to look up who applied first and kick the other out. The organizer didn't care and said stay or leave, it doesn't matter to me and offered to refund the one who left. They both stayed. The organizer said it would be easier to leave Scentsy out entirely next time than to have to keep track of their "rules". Sounds good to me!

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Here is what I've learned about scentsy...

Melt point is 125

They are told to demo saying it melts just above body temperature and to dip their fingers into the side of the warmer where the wax is cooler.

They claim the paraffin is food grade. (yum... fossil fats)

They want people who sign up with Scentsy to book 3 parties in a week and they are taught that those who you give money to are the best to ask for bookings. (Hair dresser, for instance)

Sell 20 warmers in your first month

Get the booking at the party - They are most off guard at that point, so book the date and lock it in.

Theme the parties. Distract them with food and liquid refreshments so they don't pay attention to the money they are spending.

Sell the lifestyle. Don't sell your downline on money but things. Boats, cars, cruises and keep in touch with them. Pressure them for parties and down line.

Use stupid names like superstar and director.

Praise melting and use the words soot, soot rings, and carcinogens (for the intellectual bunch)

Mention 10 hours per cube but not "up to"

Sell it on savings. A $30 warmer and $5 for 2.6 ounces of wax is steep so tell them each $5 bar has the same fragrance time as a large jar candle at a cost of $25.95 so every time you buy a $5 cube of wax you save over $20 what an effin deal!

Explain the growth and how they can too be a superstar director... and if they fail it is their fault. they obviously aren't popular enough for the pyramid- strike that multi-level... no strike that. Unique business opportunity.

I give scentsy credit though they really have a matrix set up that is conducive for growth, and hey if they want to drive the boat through the industry I am happy to surf the bow waves.

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Personally I think its great they are a big company. Because of them more and more customers are begging me to carry melts. I used to make melts and quit because lots of people didn't know what they were for. Although sales were good I wasn't making enough money off them to justify carrying them.

It wasn't till the last few years that people around here have become aware of melts and what they are for so they have become popular. I have since reevaluated my price points and because of them I can now offer melts and warmers at a profitable price point and still undersell them.

So because of Scentsy I will start carrying melts and warmers again this fall. So customers can make a choice between candles or wax melts.

Frankly, I think Scentsy has done itself a disservice bad mouthing candles. It would have made sense for them to start a line of premium candles using their brand name to market them. They could have sold billions and made more money off candles than melts or at least a boatload of money. Now they have burned that bridge because of all the candle trash talk. A stupid thing to do in todays volatile economy.

Edited by Candybee
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I don't know if they have burned the bridge really I think if they came out with a candle that they claim doesn't soot with a low melt point wax they can claim they reinvented the wheel and turned the candle scene upside down. The new, safer candle by scentsy.

I do agree with you that I am happy they are doing what they are doing. I really enjoy warming over burning, the quality and depth of fragrance imo is better. With burning its a little more subtle. I am glad now I don't need to go through a 30 minute conversation with each customer on the virtues of warming. All because of scentsy!

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Scentsy is the best thing that ever happened to my tart business. The first year I sold tarts I sold maybe 30 tarts in 4 days. Last year, I sold almost 40lbs of fluted tarts in 4 days. I also sold about 30 warmers to go with them.

Thank you Scentsy for opening up the market to crafters like me. Mine are better, I have better fragrances, they last longer and they cost less. I get lots of scentsy business. They are no longer allowed at the big craft show I do. They talked their way in to one but there were so many complaints by the other crafters that they weren't allowed back.

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I guess my thought is the company is starting to run it's course and they are doing what they can to try to promote their products (and picking the wrong path to do so!) The consultant is full of it ... and that's the problem with reps who don't understand anything other than what they're told or dream up.

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maybe the message finally got across to Scentsy that they are NOT better than home made . home made tarts will NOT break their warmers . and lying to people was starting to hurt their business a bit. ?

or maybe those that are quiet and hidden at the back of their booths think the Scentsy products will just sell themselves ? I bet they don't sell much by not mingling with their customers.

I took my mom to a huge flea market a few months ago... we came up on two tart booths ... side by side with a divider between them ...

both booths were selling nothing but tarts ...

interestingly both booths were run by a man and wife team ...

my mom stopped at the first one ...

there were no other customers and the owners were in the back of the booth sitting there watching.

While mom was looking there I decided to go into the second booth.

In this one, both the man and woman were up moving around, greeting customers, talking about whatever (weather etc) with everyone going by.

They weren't pushing their product -- they were just very friendly -- and quick to answer if anyone had a question -- I purchased a few tarts from them and stepped back out to see mom still looking around in the other booth. Both people were still at the back ... watching. I told mom to come next door. The friendly couple sold a few more tarts to my mom. And we wound up chatting there for quite a few more minutes after the sale was made. LOL

Being friendly usually always pays off in the end.

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