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Candy Corn and Caramel Apple


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Bert hs a really yummy carmel apple but not sure if she still has in stock. Throws great in parasoy.

I just got a small bottle of Carmel Apple Crunch from wsp which I just tested in votives(ecosoya pb) and the throw is great.

I also just got bottle of Carmel apple cider from candlewic...oob it smells wonderful but haven't tested it in wax yet.

I'm on an apple kick these days looking for the best one for fall and have to say so far as far as throw goes Berts is the winner but wsps smells better to me but not as good a throw as berts but they both throw great. I'll be trying candlewics asap

Haven't purchased any candy corn so can't help you there

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It's the only Caramel Apple I've tried, but I second the one from Peak's. You really get the sweet caramel notes in there. I've also had a good experience with the throw in paraffin.

The only Candy Corn I've tried is Lone Star's. I never got it into wax though because oob it smells absolutely nothing like candy corn, and I have no idea what it does smell like, so I haven't found a use for it yet.

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I've tried Candy Corn from NG, TCS, and Bert's -- none of them smell like candy corn so I gave up on that scent!

Caramel Apple from TCS is good but not strong enough. I've recently been playing around with the one from JS -- I'm actually impressed. You can smell both scents equally.

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I've tried several candy corn scents and the truest for me so far is from the Candle Source. Most of the ones I've tried in the past either smell like just a vanilla or have maple notes, but the one from the Candle Source had a rich vanilla/candy smell with hints of honey.

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Caramel Apple from TCS is good but not strong enough. I've recently been playing around with the one from JS -- I'm actually impressed. You can smell both scents equally.

That's what I like about the one from Peaks - I can smell both!

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I personally think that the caramel is a little more pronounced than the apple in Peaks, but I seem to be in the minority in that opinion. I remember when I was buying the scent most of the reviewers on the site wanted more caramel. That said, I definitely get both caramel and apple from the scent, and it's been very strong for me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been using Caramel Apples from Miami Erie, but I recently got a 1oz bottle of Kickin' Caramel from Rustic Escentuals, which is yummy, I just might have to mix it with their Apple Harvest and give it a test run.

Edited by PAgirl89
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  • 2 weeks later...

I had to make an order for something at Miami-Erie and just picked up a sample of Caramel Apple. It is wicked strong, and smells good, however, has a very off celery note to it. Maybe it is the tart apple not sweet, but the caramel doesn't smell buttery either. I thought I had candle nose because I had been pouring all day but I decided to do a test burn and my daughter who has no real scent distinction said....Yum are you cooking celery? Great. Anyone else notice this?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll have to go with Candy Corn from Just Scent - IMO it smells exactly like Candy Corn. OOB it stinks - smells like nail polish remover, I had it on my shelf for 6 months before I even tried it in wax. lol Once it gets in wax and after a 4 days cure, it smells amazing and the HT is wonderful. I used 1.20 oz in 16 oz. of wax which was a 50/50 blend of 4794/4630. HTH!

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