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I still cam't believe this???

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Hi everyone, I just had to get this off my chest and I don't know if I was wrong or what but it's weird! I do not want to give the vendor name but here is what happened. I placed a very small order, less than 1# of weight of fo's for samples. Before I was ready to check out I saw the(all carriers) shipping was really high so in the comment box I asked since it was coming usps could they put it in a 4.95 flat rate box. I received no answer but did get the order. It came in a usps 4.95 flat rate box but I was still charged over 11.00 for shipping. I politely emailed the company (never had any problems with before) and asked why I was charged so much shipping when it came in a usps flat rate 4.95 box with no special bubble wrap or anything and if they could credit my card for the difference, I also praised this company for their oils because they are good. I received an email last night and a credit for the full amount of the order not just the shipping difference. It explained that they did not want anyone to feel cheated and they are refusing further service with me, goodbye and good luck. Now like I said NEVER had any problems with this company WTF, is everyone on crazy pills??? You would lose a customer because they caught you charging exorbadent shipping, I mean sometimes they charge handling and I understand but??? Now I can now longer order from this company. What are your thoughts?

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It doesn't sound like a company I want to deal with, good oils or not. You don't seem to be a rude inconsiderate customer trying to scam, so why on earth cut you off? They must have an awful lot of extra business to be able to give away your business. Seems strange in this economy,


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Right after I typed this message I received an email apologizing for what they said etc and explained why they snapped at me. They had a good reason to be stressed but not to snap at a customer etc so I accepted the apology. I'm so glad this is fixed because it was really weighing on me. I know that sounds silly but it was so weird. Thanks for reading and the replies.

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I'm glad they apologized and all. And I'm glad the shipping cost worked out.

BUT keep in mind that while some companies roll their shipping expenses beyond the actual shipping costs into their product prices, and some put them into "shipping and handling". So don't assume you are being cheated just because you see the number there.

Remember, EVERY supplier needs to make back ALL their costs and make a profit on top.

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I feel you. Just started to get back into the hobby/business after 10 years and both vendors I have purchased from this past week, their is problems with the order.

I sure hope not all supply companies act like this. (actually one of the companies is ok it's their shipping like the original poster)

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IMO charging more than actual shipping costs is just plain WRONG. It's like lying to me. if you want a surcharge then tell me you have a surcharge.

In this day and age there is no reason not to be able to tell exact shipping costs. I charge my customers exact shipping ONLY, if I can do it so can a larger supplier. I don't like being ripped off in shipping and just don't do business with companies who do this.

Love to know the name of this company.

I will not do business with a jewelry supplier .. Rings N Things, because of this very thing. They tried to rip me off for 11.95 when actual shipping was 1.98 ... that is unconscionable to me. I DID get a full refund for shipping charges I paid after filing complaints alll over and telling them so.... but i will never do business with them again.

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In certain areas of the country it's supposed to be illegal to charge extra for shipping. There are a couple ways to skirt that. It's illegal for example to charge $20.00 for shipping if you are using a postal service medium flat rate box for domestic shipping. But that doesn't mean that the companies still don't try it. It is acceptable to charge shipping plus packing materials costs in some areas. But seriously that much of an upcharge? Yeah... I don't think I'd be willing to mess with a company like that.

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I do not like that they tried to cut you off... NOT good business practice. BUT, If they list the cost for shipping before you place your order, and you accept it and pay, I do not think they are necessarily doing anything wrong. I do not know if the person who packages the order has the list of prices/payment/shipping costs, or if they are just boxing stuff up and sending it out.

That being said, I would not like to be charged so much extra for something like that.

IMO the costs for packaging up items is kind of one of the costs of doing business. If we charged clients for every expense we had, we would never sell anything. Do I charge an extra .50 on an order because I had to write them a note with a pen to cover my ink charges? No, and it feels the same way with tape and peanuts and shreds.

Question for those who do online orders: If we decide to refund or partially refund money to a customer, is that considered negative (kind of like a chargeback?) I have never had to do that...

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it's the sign of the times. People are so sick of dealing with people (and there was nothing wrong with questioning the overcharge) they are just saying F it. You just happened to get caught in the middle of a fury. I think, no, I know it's the over the wall syndrome. I have it in my business as well. I have turned down customers because they continue to make havoc with my brain, and some people have accused me of not "needing them". My favorite word anymore is "whatever"

It was nothing personal, accept their apology and don't feel bad about it.

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Even though the matter is settled it would be nice to know who the supplier is so people can double check the shipping charges. Did you go ahead with the order knowing the shipping charges? I could understand those shipping charges if they only shipped FedEx or UPS, not USPS. I see that new supplier in GA ships their samples USPS which is a plus for orders such as yours otherwise UPS would be $11.00.

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Yes I placed the order knowing that the charges were over 11.00 but in the comment box I stated I thought these charges were high for just 12 ounces of oils and if they could fit it in a small flat rate that would be great. They DID ship it in the flat rate but I was still charged the full amount. The card has since been credited and I found out the reason for their blow-up on me…it was not me it was personal reasons that they were dealing with and they apologized and I accepted. I then went on to have the worst night at work EVER so this seemed like small beans compared to that. LOL

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I agree, I would have challenged the additional shipping charges too. I tried to talk to one of my vendors about shipping USPS regional, which we do for our customers. Their customer service had never heard of it, and told me to contact their shipping and tell them. I told her I would think as customer service, she might want to do that. Seems to me that poor customer service is at an all time high. We bend over backwards to give excellent service and high quality products. Hard when our resources aren't trying to do the same.

In this poor economy, it has been a struggle to make money. We are already paying outrageous prices for our raw materials, because of high shipping.

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