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Everything posted by jackocandle

  1. that's interesting I know every batch I did was scented maybe I just didn't abuse them enough.
  2. which is why I suggested to test the accuracy of the scale with something you know the weight on. I'm pretty sure any digital scale you find today though won't be off by more than a 1% anyway. I'd still test any scale I bought to ensure it is accurate. I test mine before using it each time.
  3. I have old walnut creek polycarbonate molds that I use to abuse with FO's and they handled it fine. Unfortunately they are no longer in business and the ones sold today are not the same quality. But I never had a problem releasing from my molds regardless of what I used.
  4. unless you buy a scientific scale you will find they are all +/- 1% You can always test your scale as well. for example a nickel weighs exactly 5 grams. If your scale doesn't go down to grams than just find some other household item you know the weight on and use that instead. 3% off isn't that big of a deal in small quantities but when you start getting into large amounts like your 42 lbs melt sessions, You are than looking at variations of pounds. 1.26# at 3% 1.5# @ 5%. Personally I'd be hesitant using bathroom scales.
  5. Ah I thought you only had one to do not a bulk bunch. I still think it would be ok since I'm sure you will be watching for the minute they melt. Your oven might smell nice for a little bit
  6. wouldn't a heat gun do the same thing? I wouldn't think it would have much affect unless you go overboard.
  7. I second candlewic, just bought 2 spools at a good price with shipping. They were fast and good with the emails. THey processed the order quickly and had it out the door!
  8. I'm pretty sure you can even buy it at wallyworld without ordering it. I thought I saw some the other day, forget what it was being sold under thought. I thought I read somewhere that it is also sold at middle eastern food stores. So look around for any jewish/muslim grocery stores too. ( I might have this confused with palm oil at the middle east stores)
  9. Hope the OP doesn't think I'm threadjacking. My apologies. What about the propane fryers or are those not used and just the electric ones for the element immersion?
  10. interesting, first I ever seen this. very neat!
  11. do a google search for turk and surf I think is what I used, you can find a few places that sell that specific fryer but it isn't being made anymore from what I can tell. I am researching fryers as well and I'm still not sure if any fryer is ok to use or just the electric ones. I think I'm confusing myself because I always thought you don't melt wax directly from the heat source and it appears to me at least, that is exactly what you do with these fryers. I always used the double pot method but I would like to be able to be more efficient and pour more than what I can with that method.
  12. I wouldn't say that one area I showed in the picture is a small area, it's as large as a 50 cent piece. I suppose some people think new is rusty. (like the mgr of candles and supplies) Would you spend close to $60 on that mold? If so this company will have it back in stock next week Yet buying something sold as new and showing this much rust. Minuscule surface rust I can understand, but to ship something that looks like that, isn't acceptable. I bet they wouldn't display these pictures on their website to sell this style mold now would they? No they show a nice shiny mold without rust. (as they should for the price of these things) My friends gave me their metal molds that are 10 plus years old and don't show that much rust, and they kept them in a basement at times. I just got off the phone with them since I was emailed saying UPS will be by. I don't live by the UPS man so I wanted/needed to know the day they will be here. I guess I'm just suppose to wait on them to show up. Or as I was told, leave the box outside so they can pick it up. I guess living in amishville they can just leave stuff laying around and UPS intuitively knows that is the box they needed to get. I've returned a lot of stuff and never was I told UPS will be here to pick up something without a label. This whole process has sucked, and I still need some taper molds. On the plus side I get my money refunded so I can gamble on another online site and their stock of metal molds.
  13. They are sending a return shipping label to me to send back the taper molds. Long story short I should be happy but I'm just getting more aggravated. The BBB may yet still be involved here soon. I don't know if this office manager took Friday off but they never got back to me till today. (I guess out of office reply's are too hard), to todays email saying the "shipping dept" will send a tag. So I'm trying to find out if they plan on mailing this or sending it via email like most places do these days and why I haven't seen the label yet. I know as this ticks on I am becoming more upset with this company. I can't get my money back as it is (so they say) since they only issue "store credit" well I can see why now.. After the lies from this last email I guess they think I'm stupid and I have no trust in this company or any of their product. As for the phone call suggestion, at this rate I might just do the 5 hour drive over there.
  14. I feel you. Just started to get back into the hobby/business after 10 years and both vendors I have purchased from this past week, their is problems with the order. I sure hope not all supply companies act like this. (actually one of the companies is ok it's their shipping like the original poster)
  15. These were purchased from candles & supplies I bought the last 8 tube they had and 1 6 tube I did contact the company as soon as these arrived and I inspected the contents of the box. Their response was. " As far as the tube molds go, since they are steel molds, they tend to have a little bit of rust in them as once they sand down the molds so they do not have the sharp edges to them and then are exposed to the air they rust a little bit faster. There is nothing wrong with the molds and will not produce anything on the finished candles you make. I have several other customers that have purchased them and are very pleased with the finished product that comes out of them." I wasn't too pleased with the response above. I'm going to send these pictures to them tomorrow so they can see what they shipped. Since I've been lurking without registering, and never dealing with metal molds I wasn't sure if this is common for new metal molds. If I would of know that this was what I was going to get I know I wouldn't of bought them. edit to add: I bought these metal ones because I thought they would be ok for making beeswax tapers. What other taper molds can I look for that release without much effort? thanks for everyones responses too!
  16. Ok, the pics are not the best. Between not being a photographer and using a 1st gen 1mp digital camera from 10 years ago this is what I have.. I tried with flash and without, you can sort of make out the rust inside the tubes on some of the pics. Am I making too big of a deal of this by having higher expectations than what I received? If I bought these used from ebay I'd take it for what it is.. But buying from an online site described as new I thought they would be in better condition?
  17. This is definitely rust, they are steel/tin taper molds that are supposed to be brand new from an online retailer. I'll get a pic of the exterior at the least to show and let you decide if it's acceptable or not. Although I don't really care about what it looks like outside, it's the inside that obviously matters!
  18. Greetings! New guy on the block here. I use to make candles back in the mid 90's for a little while and stopped and now I'm getting back into it again. All the molds I ever used were acrylic/polycarbonate and I've never played with metal molds. I just bought some "new" metal taper molds online and after receiving them they don't look new. What I mean by that is, I'm surprised at the sight of rust I see on these before I have even used them. Is this normal to have rust on metal molds when you get them? I wouldn't think so myself but again not familiar with metal molds. It's been a while since I was in a brick and mortar craft store looking at candle molds but I don't seem to recall seeing any rust on those ones unless they were aluminium and I wasn't paying attention. If rust is "normal" when purchasing these new, how much rust is considered acceptable? Pictures would probably help but my camera is ancient and I don't think it would take a good enough picture into the tube to show. I expected shiny new no rust on the molds so maybe I just set my expectations too high?
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