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Natures Garden Open House =) Who's coming???

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Awesome! Got a couple already! Can't wait to meet you guys =) SuzyK, the pictures don't even start to show how amazing it looks! Just went up today and I was just like OMG WOW!!!! They have a HUGH showroom that they do nothing with really, but they went all out for the open house! Should be a great time and I heard there is going to be a hott male model too!! =P Ohh La Laaa =)

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I will be going! I am fairly new to this forum and I am excited to go to the open house. I actually didn't even know about it until you posted this thread. So thank you! Wouldn't it be amazing to win the give away?!

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Can't wait to see everyone that's coming! Troy and I are going to try and stay most of the day but we'll see how that goes =)

As for winning the FO give away! OMG!!! Winning that and with summer coming up would make for one hella hot summer because our melter would never be off =) LOL

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I want to go too, but it is just too far. :cry2: I hope that everyone has a wonderful time. I received a NG update yesterday that at least 500 people are expected to attend. It should be great for all of you. Wish I could go. :angry2:

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I'm going to go too, all the way from Texas! What time is everyone planning on arriving and how long are you staying? I know they are rotating the program every three hours to start all over again. I don't want to miss meeting someone though!

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We are also too far to go to the Open House. However, when we lived in Ohio, NG had an Open House and we drove the three hours up for that . It was actually held in a house and Dreama was with them at the time. Don't know if she still is or not, but she was always so helpful. It's amazing how much NG has grown over the years. They've done a great job. I wish NG would consider an Open House special for all of the loyal customers that can't make it :)

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