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Ok, I'm realizing now that more and more folks I know are allergic to the FO's.

The girlfriend can't stand the firestarters any more because of the scent. Two office workers have demanded that I NEVER bring a candle to the office again (and I complied).

Seems to me the florals are the worst because they tend to irritate me a bit.

Any thoughts on what ingredients in FO's are more problematic than others?

I'm beginning to think there is a reason why commercial mass production candles are subtle in FO.

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It sounds to me like they just don't like them. What makes you think they are allergic to them?

Years ago I had a complaint from a gal at work. She smoked, so I didn't pay any attention to her allergy whining.

The last office I worked in, people asked me to bring candles, they bought them, and the boss set up a little area in his office where I could display them and sell them. He would bring his friends and family in to sniff and buy. There were about 20 to 25 people in that office. Nobody complained except when they tired of a particular scent (wickless, so they lasted a very long time) and asked me to change out the scent.

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i agree with Sliver-they probably just don't like strong scents. do they get an allergic reaction? betting not. on the other hand, my daughter has asthma and was told by her doc NOT to burn candles, but wickless scents would be ok. a SIL also has asthma and does burn candles but cannot breathe right if there is a pine type scent, others though are ok.

have been told by the dog's vet that different types of evergreen trees are one of the most allergetic (that right??) triggers for both dogs and humans, so maybe fo's & eo's with those oils included might actually cause a reaction. could be the SIL's problem with them i guess. some people just love to whine-if not the candles it would be perfume, your tuna salad, blah, blah blah. they probably think french fries smell good too!

sorry for the rant-my husband is one of those allergy a-holes too- and he does NOT have asthma, only advanced whining syndrome (AWS for short!)

done now!

have a good one-kris

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Allergies to FO's is very real. DH takes shots & pills for his allergies and asthma and had bad sneezing fit, his eyes would water and throat would start to close to a particular Orange and Pine FO in candles and CP soap. I eliminated them and found replacements that he could tolerate.

My hair stylist has a bad reaction, to Moonwork's Patchouli in CP soap, but loves the rest of my soaps and candles.

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I love the AWS! So funny! My hubby has that too. But, I agree on the sensitivities. It might not be allergies but maybe just sensitivities to certain scents, but it's definately very real. I used to work at a cosmetic counter and there were many scents that I couldn't tolerate. Mainly florals. I don't make many floral scents for that reason. I make myself sick when I pour Lilac.

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And then there are those people that just lie. I have an employee who pitched a little fit about our secretary burning candles cause she is allergic to scent. Now I am just amazed that she has a SCENTED candle sitting on her desk and uses SCENTED lotion.

Either they just don't like the fragrances you took or they just are being a horse's behind.

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I'm always amazed at the people who come into my store and stand around bellyaching about how allergic they are to candles.

My door is wide open. It doesn't automatically close or lock when someone walks through it.

They'd rather stand around and whine than leave.

They get NO sympathy from me.

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Some people can have actual allergic reactions to EOs and FOs -- unfortunately, I'm one of them. I have seasonal allergies (ragweed, grass, tree pollen, etc), and have cross reactions with a lot of floral and herbal EOs, and similar ingredients in FOs, and I actually do break out in hives, get sneezy and a runny nose, sometimes get really lightheaded, too.

But, I also don't go in candle stores, and I can see how people in your stores complaining about the scents would be very annoying! (I make soaps/lotions, but mainly unscented).

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Concentrated fragrance in a poorly ventilated area or room would probably cause some people difficulty. I have to turn on a vent fan when pouring in the shop at home or my wife has to leave the house. She has become increasingly sensitive to fragrances that are super concentrated or have a floral base. She doesn't break out in hives but her nose stops up and her eyes water. I encountered a shop in Gatlinburg whose candles were so strong they could be detected a block from the shop. You couldn't stay in the shop long and catch a good breath of air. It was worse than going to a distributor show room.

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My mother has to blow out my candles sometimes, because they cause her shortness of breath. My husband sneezes with every RED candle I make.

It doesn't matter what scent it is, if it's red, he sneezes. My cat is continual contortioned (?) into an upside down stance, itching, biting and scratching despite the fact we have tried every food on the market - sometimes I think it's the candles. My daughter who is an asthmatic - has no problems at all.

I do get headaches if I've made several kinds of candles.

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reactions to anything are different than a dislike of that specific thing. runny noses, hives, sneezing, itching, etc. are common allergetic (again spelling ?) reactions. there are also other reactions that are not so common, but again, are the people with the AWS actually having a problem? hey, i do not really like florals, but i don't sneeze, swell, or itch from them. just don't like them. asprin now is another story for me-thank goodness that is not an FO!!


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I've got to remember AWS. It goes hand in hand with EISUTS (Every Imaginary Syndrome Under The Sun).

The people who have AWS advance to EISUTS if given the opportunity. And if you allow it, they will stand around in your store for as long as they can to make sure you know every tiny detail.

These are the most boring people on earth. When did it become acceptable to tell strangers about every little thing from projectile vomiting to explosive diarrhea? Are lives so empty that's all they can think of to talk about?

It's a good thing I didn't decide to become a doctor!


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I have a relative like that. Always said she hated candles.Didnt know why her kids and in laws liked them so much .She even told another relative not to buy mine. Yes that is right.I couldn't believe it when the relative told me. This is a free world.I think she was afraid I was making lots of money and couldn't take it. :confused:

I am like chuck's wife.I cannot be around the candles when they are being made.It takes my breath.My husband had to move out in our shed.I've become very very sensitive.I think My cancer diagnosis and also my husband stopped smoking around me made be more sensitive. Like withdrawel.I don't burn them as much anymore either but use tarts . Almost 2 years ago I did OK with most of the scents but not now. Can't take any of it. Had to get the stuff out of the basement.


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There is something to the fragrance level thing. My roomate is only allergic the one time I dribbled and missed it and the strait FO got on something that ended up on his desk. He was fine smelling it beforehand but the scent intensity gave him a huge headache and sneezes. He's been fine when I've used the oils since, just can't handle them in his face.

So far my only allergies are to sagebrush (the actual plant) and Drakkarr. Both make me lightheaded and groggy and then come sneezes and itchy eyes. Not fun. I wish I knew what it was in Drakkarr that did it so I could avoid it.

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Well, one of the workers I think was sensitive (worker A). Despite the fact that I found an open tumbler on another worker's desk (worker B) that had been there for months with no complaints. Anyway, worker A did have upper respiratory problems and used an inhailer.

It didn't help that the week this all blew up was the same week I got the Valentie's Swap and also the same week that we had record highs an alerts of pollen count.

Worker A has been out two weeks now.

Worker C also used an inhaler once or twice a year and we spent thousands cleaning the AC ducts so that she could have a clean work environment.

Worker C said cancles don't bother her. She said she had a nose the doesn't smell anything (repeatedly I heard this) and she said the one time she did find a candle she could smell, her roommate said it was way too strong. It was just dust and pollen.

So after the Valentine's swap, worker A had to take take an indefinite leave. Worker B is just fine. Worker C now says she has skin reactions to scents and that her skin breaks out when ever I have candles around. (never mind that they are sealed in a container)

Plus the girlfriend that can't handle the firestarters any more.

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i think my husband is working up to EISUTS!!!

thank heaven he is off to the camp for a few days so that i can "smell up" the house for a change.

Eric-wonder if your co-workers are related to my in-laws? sounds like they could be!!


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