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strongest oil?

heavenly scents

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hello i am new here and have been searching the web for days looking for the strongest fragrance oils to make my candles with. i have seen several sites that advertise pure and uncut but i am skeptical about ordering with out actually knowing if this is just their marketing or could it actually be what i am looking for. i am wondering if anyone that has first hand knowledge please lead me in the right direction. i have found home made candles at flea markets that when i get them home and light them you can smell one candle throughout my home and have tried making them but have failed. i ordered my oil and waxes from lonestar and just not satisfied with the scent throw my candles have. i followed all directions perfectly as what temp to add oil and heat jars and wick size etc. could i be doing anything wrong other than not having a premium oil?

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Lonestar carries very good oils. If you tried several different FO's and were not happy, it might be a wicking issue. If you just tried one FO, it just may have been one with a lighter scent throw. I personally use mainly FO's from CandleScience, Nature's Garden, a few from Lonestar and Peaks. Here is a list of suppliers:


My advice would also be to use the search function and read up on threads about Fragrance oils and various suppliers.



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thank you very much steve for your response. i tried 6 deifferent scents from lonestar they were pina colada,mullberry,poundcake,mandarin cranberry,cucumber mellon, and gardenia. i have bought some candles from a local flea market and the candles i got there were the best i have ever burnt in my home. you could smell the candle very well when it was not burning and when it was burning you could smell it three rooms away. i have done lots of reading but cant seem to find what i am doing wrong. i am adding my fragrance at 170 degrees and stirring for roughly two minutes then pouring. is there any tips you could lend that would help my candle throw a better scent? i am using the zinc core wicks that are designed for 3 to 4 inch containers and my containers are 3.25 in diameter. i am getting about a 3/8 inch melt pool all the way across the container also but just not getting the throw i am after. do you think i should pour at a lower temp?

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For whatever reason, I've never had much luck with Lonestar FOs. Too bad, because they're roughly 2 hrs. away from me. If I could get all my candle supplies from them, including the FO, I'd be one happy camper!

Having said that, in descending order (from the Company I buy most oils to the one I occasionally use), here's where I get mine:

Nature's Garden


Candle Science


The Candle Source


Cajun Candle Supplies



I use paraffin, but sometimes mix it with a little soy. HTH :smiley2:

Ooops, nearly forgot... Bert's oils are very good and her prices, IMO, can't be beat. Unfortunately I find her stock isn't consistent and that makes me nervous; same with Moonworks.

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I just checked to see what wax 4630 is since I never used it.

I always add my fragrance oil at 180* and when I was using one pour container wax like J50, J223 etc. I always poured immediately after the oil was mixed well with the wax. What temp is your wax when you are pouring? Oh and what percentage of fragrance are you using?

Another great place for good fragrance oils is KY Candle Wax Supply. Vickey tests all of her fragrances in soy and won't sell any that don't throw well.

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I've used that wax and Candle Science's fragrances worked very, very well in it. It has been a while, but I think I remember getting a good throw from their Cranberry Marmalade, Mango Papaya, Honeysuckle Jasmine, Mediterranean Fig, Plumeria, Red Hot Cinnamon, Sage & Pomegranate, Very Vanilla, and Wildberry Mousse in that wax.

Oh and with 4630 I never got the best cold throw. I think the hot throw is really good, but with cold throw I had better luck with waxes like J223. hth

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thank you very much leah i have been playing around all after noon and i think i have came up with where i was going wrong. i was adding my fo at 170-180 degrees and stirring for just a few minutes i decided to let my wax cool some and started pouring it at 140 degrees and it seems to have a much better ct i havent gotten a chance to check the ht but if it increased in potency as the ct did im sure to have a hit. once again thanks for everyones help as i am sure i will have lots more questions in the future. also who would you say has the best pound cake fo?

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WOW 1.5 ounce to a lb of wax.That is alot.My first candle had that much FO.My friend insisted to make a good candle you have to use that amount.Well we did use that and had to fumigate the house.Not just making it but when we burned the candle.It was terrible.

I use 1 ounce of scent to 1 lb of wax. Never have a problem with scent throw.

If you are using that much FO and still not having a good scent throw you do need to change companies.

I use:


The Candlemaker Store

The Candle Source


Nature's Garden

I use a few other suppliers but these are the main ones.

I use 402 soy wax and customers are happy with my product.


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lyn thank you for your response i am almost certain as i have been reading for hours on end that i must have a wicking issue of some sort. my candles are burning evenly all the way across and i have to stand right over it to even smell the scent. i am getting a decent cold throw with that much fo but still not quite what i was lookin for. have you ever had any dealings with 4630 or 4633? the wax im using now is 4630 and im lookin at changing to 4633 but not quite sure what i need to do. i have also ordered a sample kit of every wick that would even be close to workin in my containers. i got three sizes of each zinc, lx, and htp. i have smelt home made candles that are so aromatic you just knew they were somewhere in the room even if you didnt see them and that is what i am trying to recieve. as for putting 1.5 oz to the pound that is what the wax was said to hold and it does without any fo seeping out. i guess i was just thinking the more the better. i am brand spanking new to making candles and dont mind reading i just really could use some one to point me to the links i need to read or someone who would like to go above and beyond the call of duty and hold a noobs hand on mastering this particular conatiner. i would just like to be able to make this one perfect before moving on to anything else. i am a bound and determined person and i know if i keep reading i will eventually figure it out but i really feel like the candle is kickin my butt:sad2:

*edit i have ordered some new fo from ng candle science as well as peak and berts they should arrive in the next three days i hope.....i really want to get this figured out

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I'm not a candlemaker by far, but when I do make them, I use the 4630 from Candlescience. Top of my head I can't remember what wick I use, but I get a great hot throw from this wax. To find the correct wick, I used the tool on candlescience's website. Have you checked to make sure you're using the correct wick? I'm sure this isn't a help, but just a thought! Good luck!!

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Let me say first that I have not used your wax. However adding 1.5 oz/lb sounds like a waste of good FO to me. Not only that but it's bound to cause wicking issues including sooting & mushrooms.

My recommendation would be to use 1 oz/lb. I use 7% with a para-soy blend and have excellent results. You certainly should be able to get by with 6% in straight paraffin.

I'm diagnosing you with.....the dreaded candlenose!! :shocked2:

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You certainly should be able to get by with 6% in straight paraffin.

I'm diagnosing you with.....the dreaded candlenose!! :shocked2:

I get a great HT with as little as 3% with some FOs. If I go as high as 6% with any FO, I get too much seeping and the candle is just plain nasty to hug. (1274 paraffin)

Edited by Pam W
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