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can i use EO university EOs in lip gloss?


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thanx everyone for responding!

WSP has a pretty long list of essential oils that are safe for lips. that's what prompted my question, since i have a number of oils from essential oil university and i believe they are known for quality oils. i haven't contacted them yet, been so busy i totally forgot till i saw all the replies.

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thanx everyone for responding!

WSP has a pretty long list of essential oils that are safe for lips. that's what prompted my question, since i have a number of oils from essential oil university and i believe they are known for quality oils. i haven't contacted them yet, been so busy i totally forgot till i saw all the replies.

I went on wsp and checked out the page on lip safe EO's and wow- I cant believe how many they have listed

This is just my opinion, nothing else as I do not know everything there is to know about EO safety- I do not want to come off as a know it all telling anybody what to do...I have been studying them for awhile and the one thing I learned is to be very very cautious when using them. But you also need to know that I am a total worry wort and probably am way more conscious about stuff than most people.

I would be very uncomfortable using EO in lip balm 1% or even a half- I need to rephrase my previous post from "NOT safe" to "Potentially harmful to some"-(I don't think their safe on the lips but that is based off my opinion in my experience with EO) but then again walking out your door to your car could potentially be unsafe also!

All EO's warn against using near the eyes and on mucous membranes, not to take internally or use undiluted on the skin and extreme caution should be used with children and the elderly

On the wsp site it states the EO for lip balm it can be used at 1% some oils more- that probably will NOT harm anyone but here are the reasons I personally myself would not do it and would not buy it from anyone selling it-

they have Anise listed as one oil for the lips- anise can be useful in treating in Bronchitis, colds, coughs, flatulence, flu, muscle aches and rheumatism BUT the cautions listed are: Caution for those with hypersensitive skin or with skin problems. Avoid in endometriosis and oestrogen-dependent cancers. Is narcotic and slows circulation in large doses-

What determines large doses? What is a large dose for one is not necessarily large for another- do you know if the person buying it has oestogen dependent cancer and will that 1% do anything? People have different sensitivities and unless you list all this on your product the consumer has no idea what they are putting on their lips.

One person has mentioned before that is the consumers responsibility to be informed on what can harm them if they have a medical condition but my arguement on this is- how can they know if its not spelled out for them what is in the product and what the affects could be?

Grapefruit is listed as a oil for the lips on wsp and grapefruit is very phototoxic- again 1% may not do anything but for someone with very sensitive skin or gets sun poison looking at the sun- that 1% in their lip balm "could" cause them harm- it states right on grapefruit not to use to an area that will be exposed to the sun f or 24 hours

I could list so many more but then it would be a book! LOL

On one of the sites I visit regulary does have a section for lip balm recipes- most all of them use Organic Carrier oils such as Avacodo, Emu, Hemp Seed, Sweet almond- only a few list Peppermint EO in their ingredients- all others use flavor oil

peppermint oil again can be sensitising and should be avoided in certain medical conditions but then again we are talking 1%- probably not enough to be concerned about but are you willing to take the risk?

You just have to use your own judgement and do your homework on whatever EO's you decide to use. There is alot of misled information out there on the web regarding EO and you will find that one site totally contridicts another- just like B & B product and candle making you have to really do your research and know when your on a "quack" site. I do think the consumer should know whats in the product when dealing with EO and the possible effects of it and then you can let them decide

I bought a lip balm before that stated on the ingredients "a blend of essential oils" it didnt cause me serious harm but it did dry the crap out of my lips and they peeled for weeks and I have no idea what the blend was

With that all said, I do apologize if I came off to strong on my opinions with EO- I should not have said its "not safe" but rather "I" do not think it is safe.

I have poisoned myself with EO and I am just sooo cautious with them now (and probably very over reactive)and panic when I see people going in blindly in regards to them.

Eo's should be treated like medicine, it is totally different than FO in a candle or Flavor oil in lip gloss-

There are so many ways to enjoy EO- they do wonders for wrinkles- you just need to research and listen to your gut- when in doubt....throw it out:cheesy2:

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Thank you so much for posting this Moonshine. I don't use EOs in my lip balms and was skeptical to begin with about using even the ones from WSP listed as lip safe.

Like you said they may be safe for some but I sell a lot of lip balms to kids, teens, pregnant women, and older folks so I want to be safe. I think I will just stick to lip flavors.

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Essential oils on the lips are safe at 1%, BUT you need to do your research as to any contraindications of the particular essential oils you are using. ALSO, they have to be pure 100% essential oils, if they are messed with in the lab and adulterated, then they can be harmful or useless. I use spearmint and lavender pure essential oils in lip balm for my whole family. Very beneficial.

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Essential oils on the lips are safe at 1%, BUT you need to do your research as to any contraindications of the particular essential oils you are using.

SOME are safe at 1%. But unless it's FCC grade, it's not allowed. And lots aren't safe at 1%, or at all. What goes on your lips enters your mouth, contacts mucous membranes, etc.

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