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Stupid is as stupid does

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Just wanted to share what I stupidly did this evening. I had cleaned out my Presto with the spigot last week, and didn't close it, soooo can you guess what happened when I started melting GG.:angry2:It was not a huge mess becuase I noticed right away but with the Holiday coming and everybody trying to do so much at once I just want to remind you all Please pay attention and be careful.

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I tend to lurk in the darkness here alot but had to chime in on this one =) We feel your pain OP =)

We just got a 100lb wax melter (direct heat) and it had some left over wax from the prior owner in it... so one day we kicked this sucker on and my husband was going to play around with some molds we got too... well it takes a long time to warm up and has that valve thingy, so it apparently was taking too long to melt down, so the hubby decides to leave the spout thingy half way open.... said it would melt quicker that way LOL Then proceeds to watch a show and forgets about the half turned valve thingy and next thing you know..... 15lbs of wax pouring in our office.... down the hallway..... into the bathroom... down the heat registrar and cold air return... OMG!!! It was a HUGH mess!!! Thank god this women that had it before used paraffin wax, so clean up was a snap... due to the sheet of wax that popped right up off the floor... the vents... well that's another story... but the coolest thing of all from this was when I went down stairs to check the furnace... I swear to you.. I walked right into a cave... with stalactites forming off the ceiling LOL I sooooooo wish I had pictures of it!!! LOL =)

So don't feel to bad... it happens to us all =)

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OMGoodness. Yeah, I too have had to pay special attention to that. Just because we get so busy setting everything up...getting out the jars, oils, dyes, wicks, turn on the oven....and yep...watch the presto pot. We too left ours open once, but notice it right away. Thanks for the reminder and happy you weren't burned or anything damaged.

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Haven't done this...yet. But once when I thought I wanted to try wick pins, I set up some pillar molds on the counter and didn't bother to seal the wick hole at the bottom. Completely forgot that step since I was so engrossed with the new wick pins. Anywho, if you're curious, feather palm comes off cabinetry pretty easily.

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Back when we first started (seems like so long ago now), we had made a few tarts, jars and votives. Then it came to try some pillars. Being inexperienced as we were and not having discovered this board or any other like it at the time, off we went making our pillars.

No one told us that the wick pin was supposed to be placed through the bottom of the mold, so here we were just putting it inside and wondering why the tops or our pillars looked like crap...LOL. Took us a couple of batched to realize how stupid we were and that the pin had to be placed through the hole in the bottom of the mold.....Doh!

On another occasion Tracy was melting wax over a pot as we sometime still do for bits and pieces. This was was on for hours and was just not melting at all and she couldnt work out why this was happening, until finally she discovered that she had 2 bowls together with the wax in and on the pot, making the whole setup double the thinkness and with a small air pocket between the bowls working as insulation. That was about a year ago, and I reckon at the rate that wax (palm) was melting we would have been lucky if it had been melted by now....LOL

We all do some crazy things, but at least after the fact we can look back on it and laugh :)

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And while I think of it :)

When we get busy or have things to do like shrink wrappping we rope the kids in to help.

The other week we were putting together about 500 sachets of crystal potpourri. I would weight the salt into the organza bags and place on the table. The kids would put the hang tags on and then place into the cello bags.

Anyway our youngest, a boy of 12 was kind of working away as boys do, putting the tags on and placing into the bags. I noticed there were a couple that had the incorrect scent tag on and told him so.

He fixed those and then as we watched trying not to roll on the floor in tears we were laughing so much, he then proceded to unpeel the cello bags, take the tag off, put a new tag back on, put back into the cello, reseal and then start another. We watched this for some time, before telling him that he was actually taking the "French Vanilla" tag off, placing a "new" French Vanilla tag on, placing in the bag and then resealing.

Talk about double handling..............

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