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Stupidest mistake in candle making history

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Ok..you guys had the thread on spilling dye all over everything..been there done that, but I did the stupidest thing ever this week.

Had my wax in a box next to the counter all chopped and ready to go!!!!!

Went to move the George Forman grill off the counter inorder to start melting that wax. forgot that the little drip tray was still in the bottom of the grill and ...Yup..you got it...all the grease went..Where?? Right in the box of wax. I thought quick and washed off the the chopped wax. It was in big chunks and it was just little spots of grease, right?? No problem.

Poured my wax...added my scent..of course the expensive Wick your Wax Mulled Cider...the last of it, too. Went to town pouring my first 2 layers. Everything is going great. Yeah!!

Waiting for the second layer to cool and I start hearing little pops in the presto. There at the bottom is brown meat grease just a bubbling away. I am mortified.

Why couldn't if have been carrots?? Anything but grease..which causes fires...in my candles that are made for burning!!!!!!

Poured out the remaing very expensive wax and scent and washed out the presto. I guess I will burn the candles in front of myself and see if they sputter and flame. If it was in the bottom of the pot..I bet it's throughout the candles themselves.

Just wanted to share my holiday candle disaster with you all for your reading amusement.

Moral of the story???

Grill veggies for dinner!!!!


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LMAO! Here I was wanting a George Foreman grill for Xmas ... oh well, perhaps I can just use it for decoration.

But this may top yours ... I was trying out a technique, lost the candle while dipping it into a pot of hot wax and stuck my hand in to get it ... stupidest thing I've done ;) --- next to mistaking a pot of melted wax for hot water and pouring the reminents of it down the kitchen sink. That was a LONG time ago lol.

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That is so disappointing! I'm so sorry - but don't be too hard on yourself, we've all made mistakes like that one time or another. And hey - if you want some more WYW Mulled Cider, I really don't think I'm ever going to use the rest of what I have. I have about 3-4 ounces, and if you want it, it's yours - just spring for the shipping!

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oh no! Don't you just hate it when stuff like that happens. Last winter our basement flooded and two cases of wax got wet. I set it out to dry for weeks, when I put it in the presto I heard little pops etc, and when I watched it I saw huge bubbles like boiling water! I had to throw out both cases.:cry2:

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LMAO! Here I was wanting a George Foreman grill for Xmas ... oh well, perhaps I can just use it for decoration.

But this may top yours ... I was trying out a technique, lost the candle while dipping it into a pot of hot wax and stuck my hand in to get it ... stupidest thing I've done ;) --- next to mistaking a pot of melted wax for hot water and pouring the reminents of it down the kitchen sink. That was a LONG time ago lol.

OMG, sorry to hear about both of your disasters. But, nice for both of you to post, it will make all of us more careful, I am sure.

Hmmm, meat scented candles? The men would love it. <ducking now> :shocked2:

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Hmmm, meat scented candles? The men would love it. <ducking now> :shocked2:

LMAO!! The drain thing was back when I was married. Must say the ex didn't appreciate having to do drain work lol! The other was a bit toasty lol! Then again, never grab the hot end of a heat gun. That takes a while to heal lol.

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I'm glad I'm not the only person that s*** happens to, lol. I wouldn't sell the candles, but I bet you won't have a problem burning them, back in the middle ages they were made with animal fat--imagine the smell, lol.

Pam R

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Ok, so I made cinnamon votives a few weeks ago. When they cooled they turned pink...so I melted them down again to put in more dye. Forgot the dye and repoured. So, I tried again....forgot the dye a second time. Third time I got it.

This past week made cinnamon votives again, found that it's the FO that is changing my cinnamon from red to pink. I melted them back down down this time and found that I hadn't learned my lesson...I poured once again without adding more dye! I hope practice makes perfect!

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I've poured wax down the sink.. put hot glue on my fingers but my all time favorite was when I was testing Dragons Blood from NG, poured the candle and wasn't getting cold throw at all. I let it cure for 2 weeks and still nothing. Then I go to get more 1oz's to pour and find my complete 1oz of Dragons Blood that I had forgot to pour in.

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I've done that, forgot to add FO.

I was making a batch of pie candles. Poured blueberry, apple cinnamon, and cherry. I was wondering why I couldn't smell the cherry at all, and went to check the FO. Sure enough, there was a full bottle, not missing a drop. :rolleyes2

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Have burned myself many times with the heatgun. Also one time I had unplugged my glue pot and was cleaning up the kitchen. I picked it up by the cord to move it and lets just say, the glue was still hot and liquidy in it, what a mess! I have not (knock on wood) spilled a bottle of dye yet. I am very careful to put the lid back on and put it back in the storage box every time I use it. I have done lots of stupid little things, but nothing too disasterous yet.

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We've all had our bad days...just last week I was dipping a bear for a customer, and after it dried, I couldnt smell it. At first I thought I had candle nose, then I realized...I had forgotten to add the scent. santa emba


I hate it when that happens! I'm sure I've done that before also. and I still have the burn mark on my arm from when I was cleaning out the melting pot. Yeah that hurts too. geez....LOL

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Oh yes I've done a lot of your mistakes guys. Grabbing the heat gun to quickly get it away from the mold as I prepared the water bath & yep grabbed it by the hot tip. But my all time favorite stupid mistake I think tops everyone. A neighbor had come by while I was in the middle of pouring candles & dropped off some european chocolates. She set it on the counter top for me to eat while making candles. As I'm in the middle of my chocolate high I grab another peace put it right in my mouth to descover it was one of my dye blocks. :shocked2: I don't use dye blocks anymore & I don't eat while making candles anymore either.


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I've poured wax down the sink.. put hot glue on my fingers but my all time favorite was when I was testing Dragons Blood from NG, poured the candle and wasn't getting cold throw at all. I let it cure for 2 weeks and still nothing. Then I go to get more 1oz's to pour and find my complete 1oz of Dragons Blood that I had forgot to pour in.

I have done that.. and I LOVE that FO... makes great incense too... FYI :) What part of WV?

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Oh yes I've done a lot of your mistakes guys. Grabbing the heat gun to quickly get it away from the mold as I prepared the water bath & yep grabbed it by the hot tip. But my all time favorite stupid mistake I think tops everyone. A neighbor had come by while I was in the middle of pouring candles & dropped off some european chocolates. She set it on the counter top for me to eat while making candles. As I'm in the middle of my chocolate high I grab another peace put it right in my mouth to descover it was one of my dye blocks. :shocked2: I don't use dye blocks anymore & I don't eat while making candles anymore either.


LMAO I bet that didnt taste very good...That's a good tip tho, not to eat while making candles.

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