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IDSO Picture Hurricane Help

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I can't believe it but I now can't make a picture hurricane to save my life and I have orders for 16 for Christmas presents. :embarasse I use IGI 1260 and add 1/2 oz pp of 180 micro wax. The wax on the picture keeps sticking to my mold. No place else just in front of the picture. I've been so desperate that I even tried over dipping them when I finally got one out of the mold but that was a flop.

So far I have replaced the mold, presto pot and bought a new case of wax trying to find the culprit. I have had 2 good 'canes out of the last 24. And I have no idea why those 2 worked. I've done them my way, followed the instructions to the left and followed Donita's instructions. Beside pulling out all my hair I don't know what else to change. :cry2: :cry2: :cry2: Only change I am aware of is the colder weather but I make these in my kitchen.

Please help!

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Sorry I can't help you, but I feel your pain. :sad2: This last summer I made 2 really nice 'canes, then I couldn't get one to turn out to save my life. So I decided to step away from them for a while. I know you can't. Only other thing I could think of is the weather. When the weather is cooler outside, and we run the heat, I have to back down on my beeswax in my candles otherwise they crack. Seems to be something with the heat in the house drying them out more. Hope ya figure it out, I know how frustrating it is.

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:yay: I'm 3 for 3 good ones. Can't believe water bath temp makes that much of a difference. I went from 65 to 80 degrees and they are practically falling out of the molds. The 4th one is cooling right now.

I did make 2 other changes. Using straight 1260. I'm afraid to add any micro until I get these orders filled. Then I can go back and test at 1/2 oz pp which is what I used all summer and fall. I had also changed the container I use for a water bath. I went to a kitty litter bucket cause it was convenient and could sit on the floor. Went back to the larger round utility tub that sits in the sink. Who wants to cook or do dishes anyway.

Just 12 more to do and I can breathe a sigh of relief.

Thanks for all your advise. It was greatly appreciated. You folks are the best! :highfive:

Here's a picture of no. 3. Top, I know it's not the best picture but I wanted to take something quick.

PS. Donita, love the mermaid 'cane.


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Wow, I made some last week with no problems, but this is really a interesting thread. I never would have thought to heat up the water bath. In fact, I put ice cubes in mine last week to make sure it was cold enough, plus I do them in the basement so it's always cool down there. I'm going to try warmer water on my next one just to see what it does, I'll be very interested to see how it reacts to the warm water.

Learn something on this board every week.

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You're right Donita. I shouldn't have waited 2 weeks to ask for help. Been driving myself crazy. 6 and 7 are in the molds cooling now. Gerrie - that's what I was doing. Cooling down the water bath with ice. Learn something new every day here. Thanks Again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just wanted to thank Sharyl for asking about the hurricane. I never had a problem with these, even with the ones I poured a few weeks ago, but a few days ago I poured one and there was the wax that was supposed to be in front of the picture, stuck to the mold :(

I remembered this topic and knew what to try.........worked like a charm :grin2: Sorry Sharyl that you had to work so hard at getting it figured out, that would have been me if it hadn't been for this thread. Because I NEVER would have thought to warm up my water bath. Thanks Sharly and Donita :bow:

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thanks....diamondgirl.....Sharyl helped me in the beginning....we all have to stick together and figure out the wax issues....you know that the little green men come in at night and mess around with out stuff......I am not afraid to ask questions.....that's the way we learn.......my Grandma Ava told me before she died...."It's when you quit learning that you die"......so let's keep on learning!!!!!!!!! Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy New Year and Festivus for the rest of us........ho ho ho...and soon it will be Valentine's day and the green will be replaced with pink. Donita

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