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How much do you charge for clamshell tarts


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just starting to research for the clamshell tarts and was wondering when you say "$ for 1" is that one set of like 4 or 6 (isn't that the count size for the molds?) or is it actually for 1 that is broken off?

That would be for 1 clamshell. You wouldn't want to sell one broken off peice. The clamshell is the entire unit for sale. I do clamshells and the 1.5 oz individual tarts in souffle cups if folks want different scents in "single serving" size.

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just starting to research for the clamshell tarts and was wondering when you say "$ for 1" is that one set of like 4 or 6 (isn't that the count size for the molds?) or is it actually for 1 that is broken off?

I believe that's for the entire clamshell. There are usually 6 little compartments.

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got it thanks, so these molds that you buy are a one time use thing that you sell or give away whatever in that mold or can you re package them into something else and re use the mold?


a clamshell is a 6 cavity platic fold-open piece. You pour wax directly into the plastic clamshell, Label it, close it up and sell it for $3 - $4.50 (according to previous posts). You want NOT to break the wax in pieces, and you do not want to remove the wax and sell it by itself. Therefore, Clamshells (sold somewhere between $0.25and $0.50 a piece) are a SINGLE use item. When you do large numbers, you can buy a CASE of clamshells (850 pcs or so) directly from a manufacturer.

Also, as I found out myself, you do not want to pour wax with a melt point much above 125-130. The wax will not melt all the way on different warmers.

Hope this helps.

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They would be too hard to clean out from batch to batch if you wanted to reuse them. Not worth trying. They are fairly inexpensive as it is anyway.

I do believe someplace does make a silicone mold that is shaped like a breakaway clamshell melt. Those you can reuse. The silicone mold is an investment price.


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We sell them for $2.99 which is the going rate in our area of NC but I have seen them as high as $4 at a couple of the shows we have done. It's just difficult for us with Wally World having the exact same size tarts for $2.00!!!! We use Eco-Soya PB which works well in the clamshells in regards to coming out and we've tested them in different kinds of warmers and they melt down just fine. The only problems we have seen with the smaller warmers is that the wax will actually get too hot and burn the fragrance out quickly.

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For the ones that are using the pb how do you cool and please if you don't mind, how hot are you pouring them? I started a thread about the votive and they frosted a bit, hoping to get this down with no frosting:laugh2::laugh2: I really like the wax but I got the oily residue, Stella said to demold warm and let them harden off and my votive now are way harder and really pretty except on the top, they have been sitting for a few days.

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