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CandleScience Suggestion


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Not going to be much help but if I could use it in b&b products I would order the Grapefruit Mangosteen one. Wish it came out suitable for that. I have had the Violet-Lime but I'm not a fan of this scent anyway..found it too sweet for my liking but others adore it. CS has some great fo's and I use quite a few, just not those other two. Sorry.


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I wouldnt get the fig since its being discontinued... the grapefruit mongsteen is only candles so I wouldnt do that either since I require my FO's to pull double duty (they have to be safe for skin) so... personally I'd do the violet lime!

Its not a regular in my line though.. it didnt sell well enough so I ended up not keeping it around

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Actually it's the Fig Forest that's being discontinued. And the Fig Tree scent is my personal favorite, but it's not for everyone, it smells like green wood, as though you've just peeled the bark off a branch of the tree. :cheesy2:

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I haven't tried the others, but I will second (or third or fourth) the ickiness of Violet Lime. I can not sell it and it's the only scent I've poured in 7 years of candlemaking that gave me a headache and made me nauseous. I can not stand the stuff.

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I don't like the Violet Lime either...gives me a headache too.

I haven't tried any of the figs but got a few sample bottles of the Grapefruit and Mangosteen. OOB it smells soooo nice but just haven't had time to really test it for scent throw but managed to make a few tarts and hope to eventually get around to making a few container candles with it. I keep gettin orders for citronella candles(CS fo) so the testing gets put aside for now.

I can smell the grapefruit and some peach and not sure what else. It wasn't super strong but lightly filled my room with a nice scent.

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