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My latest soaps (including CP & rebatch!)

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Here are some photos of my latest soaps. I can't stop making soap even though I don't sell them and haven't given any away yet! I'm running out of places to stash them in my house, and I'm gonna make some more today! (I think I need to seek professional help.) On the plus side, I have never washed my hands so many times a day until I started making my own soaps.

Anyway, the first photo is my M&P clear and white base from EBC (both really nice bases), mixed with some liquid soap colors from TKB Trading, and scented with Watermelon FO from Miami-Erie Candle Supply. It's more of a candy watermelon scent, but it's not bad. I meant to have the green on the bottom and red on top, like the actual fruit, but my plans never seem to work out the way I envision!

The second photo is of my very first CP batch! Can't wait till they cure to try them out. The white bar is unscented, and the pinkish round one is a rebatch of my unscented CP soap with CS White Tea and Berries. They look pretty primitive, but I'm still a proud mama!!

Thanks for taking a look...




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Thanks, everyone!

EBC stands for Essentials by Catalina. They sell M&P bases, lotion bases and a few other B&B products. They just happen to be located about five miles from my house. Wish I could find a candle supplier that close!

Nice, I love the watermelon one. What does EBC stand for?
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Thanks, everyone!

EBC stands for Essentials by Catalina. They sell M&P bases, lotion bases and a few other B&B products. They just happen to be located about five miles from my house. Wish I could find a candle supplier that close!

Thanks candlemama.

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