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Soy marble addict!


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These are way easier to make than the paraffin marbles. And no mess, no clean up! This is fun!:drool:

Edit: I learn the hardway. I let it set up over night. I just heated a wick pin and pushed in through the middle of the candle for my test wick and coincidentally split the candle right down the middle.....cracked it in half! Guess I should try that before it's set up from now on! *lol*



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Awesome Chris! Super looking candle!!

How are you doing them? Is there a thread with directions?

Thank you! There is a step by step for marbled candles in the instructions part of the site. However, the way I'm doing the containers is much much easier than the pillar. I'm experimenting with soy125 from candlewic and palm stearic. Melt the wax and then let it cool until it starts to get foggy. Heat the container and pour the wax in. 4 or 5 drops of dye on top of the wax. Then I use a skewer, poke each dye drop and move it where I want it. To get it to show up darker, you must move the skewer against the side of the glass, thus smearing the dye against the container.

Let us know how it goes, post up some pics! Happy marbling. :yay:

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Thank you everyone for your compliments! I'm going to try to answer all of the questions in this one post....

Regarding the dye, I probably could have gotten away with using 3-4 drops...however there was no smell from the dye I used. I made one with red from candlewic and one with green from peaks....no smell at all. I'm testing these with no fragrance...don't want to waste any yet.

Using regular container wax versus soy....I doubt it....regular container wax that I have cools and sets up differently than the soy. Non soy wax that I've used solidifies from the sides, top and bottom first. The soy wax starts to become jelly throughout, thus giving an even mix when I marble. When I put a drop of dye in paraffin, it starts to blend on it's own. The soy however leaves the drop of dye right where I put it. Then I use the skewer to move the dye where I want it.

Any more questions? The only thing I'm trying to work out now is the formual for soy versus palm stearic to gain a smooth texture without any cracking.

I'll post more as I test. Thanks again!

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Using regular container wax versus soy....I doubt it....regular container wax that I have cools and sets up differently than the soy. Non soy wax that I've used solidifies from the sides, top and bottom first. The soy wax starts to become jelly throughout, thus giving an even mix when I marble. When I put a drop of dye in paraffin, it starts to blend on it's own. The soy however leaves the drop of dye right where I put it. Then I use the skewer to move the dye where I want it.

Yep I agree with that, I put a couple of drops of dye in a paraffin filled pillar mold and the wax just mixed itself right up. I just did this last week when messing around..lol...I was bummed but that's ok, the candle still turned out a pretty shade of pink....hehehehe

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That's lovely, Chris; I really like the look. And also the tumbler; very classy. I had some tumblers similar that I got from Big Lots a year or so ago. I loved using them and now can't find any more:sad2: One thing I have tried in marbling paraffin containers is to use finely-grated color block. It takes some playing around, but you can make it look pretty good. Pour wax as usual and allow it to start to thicken. Then add pinches of grated color randomly and, as it melts, it will form streaks. You can use a skewer to gently nudge the dye shavings where you want them. The trick is to add it at the right temp; too hot and it blends too much, too cool and it doesn't melt enough.

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I had some tumblers similar that I got from Big Lots a year or so ago. I loved using them and now can't find any more:sad2: quote]

Bed Bath and Beyond. Go to there clearance, damaged, mismatched section. I grabbed a ton of tumblers for about 50 cents each. :drool:

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  • 7 months later...

They got some really nice thick tumblers much like chris's at Walmart, they sell them as Vases, they are square that tapers to the top, but are really thick, and only a dollar or two, but big, like 24 oz... I put 4 wicks in and the marble would look great with that, I will post a pic of the container If I can find one laying around.

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