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Smell of a Vampire!


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ok...I admit it, I'm sucked into the Twilight/Vampire saga and I'm looking for a scent that smells like a Vampire. I have never smelled a Vampire before so I guess I have not point of reference. I have a sample of Vamp Vogue from NG that I pour on Sunday, I have not burned it yet but I'm not that impressed with the CT just smells like a very light Drakar. Here is the description...

Vamp Vogue fragrance oil is a sexy, gothic statement, beginning with top notes of Blood Orange, Ruby Red Grapefruit, and Mandarin; followed by middle notes of Geranium, Bourbon, Oak Moss, and Dark Patchouli; sitting on notes of Black Amber, Sandal Tree, Cashmere, and Musk.

...so my question is, What do you think a Vampire would smell like?

thanks :wink2:

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I think it depends on your idea of a vampire. Do you like the Twilight vamps or do you like the old school, crawl out of the crypt, talk with a sophisticated Eastern European accent vamps? In Twilight, Edward smells like honey, sunshine and flowers. I would imagine the traditional/old vampire smells more like dirt and incense *shrug*. Then you have to consider all the other literary vamps out there and their own nuances.

If it were me, I'd probably have to do a custom blend. I don't think I could buy what my mind conjures up...:D

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Thanks Fareywren, those are all good questions, I suppose I would want my Vampire to be a combo of the two without the musky dirt smells...lol

I burning Vamp Vogue right now and quite frankly it has no HT at all. At least not to my nose, its in a parasoy blend with a 3 day cure, so I guess I will pass on that one. :undecided

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Vamp Vogue is from NG right? They also have one called Bite Me...which apparently smells like Hawaiian Punch. *shudder* Not at all when I think of when I'm reading about Edward. In fact, that would be a deal breaker!

They also have a Werewolf scent, but since I can't stand Jacob I never even looked at the description for that one :laugh2:

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Yes...Vamp Vogue is from NG, I had hopes for it but its a no go for me. I also wasnt crazy about the other Vampire inspired scents from NG. I guess I will keep looking for something more on the earthy side?

Totally stumped with this one...lol :confused:

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Try ancient incense from Moonworks Collection - it's a very old world but strong throwing FO made up with alot of EO's. I have a group of customers that are into Renaissance stuff and I use that for their fundraisers and it's that "kind" of scent. I use soy and it throws great, so I am sure it would be a strong thrower in your wax. I think it smells great.

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Maybe one of the earthy formulations of Dragon's Blood (there's floral ones but... ick!). I'm planning on trying CS's new one. I really don't want to have to reorder from my current Dragon's Blood supplier.

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Maybe one of the earthy formulations of Dragon's Blood

I was wondering if you had tried NG's Dragon's Blood? I really like it, but I haven't tried any others and am curious to know how it compares. This is one I need to re-order and was thinking of trying CS's version, too.

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I'm testing CS Dragon's Blood now. It's really strong in C3. Not sure how it compares to others, it's the only one I've ever smelled. It's good I guess if you like those types of scents (hippie, patch, etc.) New scent category for me so I'm not much help. It is strong though.

Edited by deb426
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OK, are you after Edward or Dracula? The Cullens are intoxicatingly Sweet, "the scent draws you in". A sweet scent that you can't stop wanting to breathe in. A scent that makes you warm....lol

Dracula is an old musty smelling coffin, IMO


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Vamp Vogue is from NG right? They also have one called Bite Me...which apparently smells like Hawaiian Punch. *shudder* Not at all when I think of when I'm reading about Edward. In fact, that would be a deal breaker!

They also have a Werewolf scent, but since I can't stand Jacob I never even looked at the description for that one :laugh2:

I just had to tell you, I spent months blending scents to come up with Jacob. It was so hard since on one hand he smells like a "Dog".lol

Then you have all the Team Jacob peeps who want a hot smelling young dude. I finaly came up with a perfect blend ( of an fresh ocean and forest scent. He is from LaPush, afterall) and guess what. They discontinued one of the scents...I had even asked them "Now your not going to discontinue this anytime soon, are you?" and they said "Oh, No that is a big seller". Bull

Now I have to start over, well almost.

Bella, and Edward were easier, Sweet and florals blend well. The difficult one is blending a Hot young werewolf, who smells like a dog to Vampires...

Sorry for the rant


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I just had to tell you, I spent months blending scents to come up with Jacob. It was so hard since on one hand he smells like a "Dog".lol


He acts like one too! Following Bella around like a needy, whiny, lost little puppy, begging for attention...ick. No wonder he imprinted on an infant who didn't know any better! lol

Sorry for my rant too! But your blend sounds perfect...Jacob to a T. Good luck getting it back!

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I think if I were doing a vampire scent it would be based on the typical variety, as there are some peeps out there that are not familiar with Twilight or the characters? Unless you are specifically targeting fans of the series.

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Edward smells like honey, sunshine and flowers. I would imagine the traditional/old vampire smells more like dirt and incense *shrug*.

:laugh2:I'm all for literary interpretation but REALLY??? I mean I know he glistens in the sun and all but :shocked2:. By the way, NG's bite me smells more like Cherry Kool Aid. I have people that ask for it in lotion.

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:laugh2:I'm all for literary interpretation but REALLY??? I mean I know he glistens in the sun and all but :shocked2:. By the way, NG's bite me smells more like Cherry Kool Aid. I have people that ask for it in lotion.

hey, it wasn't my interpretation. The books say he smells like honey, sunshine and flowers. A point which my older kids, who've read the books, think is "lame". :tiptoe:

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Something that smells like Edward!

But seriously, I guess I would agree that it would have to earthy. What about Sandalwood Vanilla. I especially like Sweetcakes!

I also like their Sexy Men fragrance...I guess I am still envisioning Edward.:laugh2:

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What about NG Crackling Birch...smells like something that has been dead for a long time...

OK, I'm tired. When I first glanced at that I thought it said "Cackling B*tch" and I wondered how we jumped from vampires to witches. I'm going to bed.

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LMAO Darbla! Bed already? Geesh!!! :laugh2:

I've read the whole series...got the New Moon dvd from Netflix today and hoping to watch it tomorrow night *hubby will want to see it, believe it or not...he liked Twilight*.

I don't remember what Edward was supposed to smell like...you all have good memories lol.

On an off topic note...another great series to read is The Black Dagger Brotherhood series. GREAT reads, though adult reading material only for this series ;) Waiting for the next book in that series.

I just started The House of Night series, by PC Cast the other day. Love me some vampire reading!!!

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