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Newbie to the forum... here's my range so far

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Hi Cheryl. Your candles look great! Nice layering. The tarts look so smooth and creamy!

The way they are all photographed too is very good!

I have to say, and this may be simply personal taste, but I think the black ribbon looks a bit "heavy" on your products.

I know it's darn hard - the whole ribbon thing.

At one point for one particular shop I was trying to decorate jars with ribbon and found that the pale colours just looked washed out and practially invisible, so I tried a dark chocolate brown and then that looked too heavy.

Luckily we convinced the shop owner to just go with the gingham (like we do all the rest of our jars!)

Not that that would work with your product since you're not aiming for a "country" look.

So I don't have any alternative suggestions really.........raffia gets messy quick.... Maybe a simple thick kind of jute string to tie in with your "natural" look? On second thought, no.....That wouldn't go with the gold lids and I realise you're after a more classy look.

I do like the black organza bags though.... I did tarts in a deep burgandy bag at one point and I liked how they look through the dark material.

Anyway...could just be me and my tastes though.

I think for the size of some of your jars perhaps some of the hang tags could be slightly smaller too?

See what everyone else says though :)

Edited by Desertrose
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What great product photos! Good job! Except for the tins (the surfaces are unacceptable for product photos & the wicks are too long), all are wonderful and show the product well. I think the photos with the tops on the jars should be angled a little more to show more jar and less lid.

I'm not wild about hang tags in general, so when they are used, I like for the ties to be very minimal. I don't care much for bows (except on prim, country-style presentations) and would prefer a narower string, ribbon or elastic tie, particularly on such classy looking containers as you have. I think a lighter neutral color rather than black would look less contrasty. Why no hang tags on the big bail-top jars?

I love the melts in the bags - very classy! The sheer black almost looks a little naughty... In a couple of the candle photos, I almost expect to see a black stocking or negligee in the background...:naughty: I think I would prefer a lighter color bag so the colors would show through more, but that depends upon the venue and marketing...

Overall, I think you are off to a WONDERFUL start!! I wish my presentation & product photos looked half as good as the ones you have developed! Looking forward to seeing more of your stuff! :)

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Very nice products. I am not a fan of ribbon either. Not for aesthetics but for the time (and sometimes frustration) of trying to get them to lay flat and look good.

My suggestion would be to go with some elastic cord. You could stay with Black or even go Gold to match the cap. It saves considerable production time. Here's a link to one supplier - you could investigate to see if there are others with better deals. http://www.libertycrafts.co.uk/metallic-elastic-cord-17mm-gold-p-481.html

Hope that helps!

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Welcome to the board!!

I think you are off to a fantastic start!! I actually dont mind ribbon on the jars when its done right and I think it can be very classy... but not a fan of it on your cups/tumblers.

I agree with Stella on hang tags... if you are going to do them, I think they should be very simple and classy, yours dont bother me at all! Your photography is beautiful... great job on that! I like the tarts in the bags too. Never saw that before and I quite like it!

The tins are the only thing I think need improvement.. that level of frosting, cracking... I wouldnt sell it and dont know too many people who would buy it.. but you might still be working on that. Not trying to be hard on you, just letting you know we can all help with that if you need suggestions! Thats EXACTLY what my candles looked like before this board!!

Again, amazing photography... really nice jars too!

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Overall it's very impressive, personally I like the "drastic look" you have with black ribbons but I don't like them on tumblers.

You should not publish the last pic (to the public I mean, not on here!!), too many cracks, frost and the wick is way off center (as someone already wrote all wicks are too long).

It seems a nice start, congrats!

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I actually like the ribbon. I think it would look even nicer w/black or pewter lids (IMO). I think they look very upscale. I do have to agree w/the others about the tins. They don't look as good as they could. I'm sure you can make a hella-good tin though, so no big deal. Just try again and take new pics of them! I personally use ribbon on my candles too. I make them for myself and family and I have black lids w/thin black ribbon w/small light pink polka dots on it. You can't please everyone and since I'm not looking to sell I figure I'll just please myself!

I see you're a newbie to the forum...if you don't mind me asking, how long have you been making candles b/c they look Great! :yay:

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Hi, I think they all look great, I did notice longer wicks and off center in the last pic, but that can be fixed! I think they look very contemporary, not country, not sure which look you were going for... but they look GREAT regardless! Cant wait to see more of your work also!

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I like the black ribbon and the hang tags. They look really good, except.... I only make one size candle and I've been at this for almost 10 years. Can't imagine making all that some of you do. Love your square jars with the tall rounded lids, very nice.

Edited by Sharon in KY
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I like the black ribbon and the hang tags. They look really good, except.... I only make one size candle and I've been at this for almost 10 years. Can't imagine making all that some of you do. Love your square jars with the tall rounded lids, very nice.

I too wonder how some people have the time to make all that they do. I have such a hard time making the one size of candles and tarts! I did make some cupcake tarts today, and they were pretty time consuming! I dont think I would make em to sell, maybe as gifts for family and friends.

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