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Suckiest Craft Show Yet


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Sooner or later we all come across that really bad show where the sales are slow to non-existent and the crowd (ha ha!) is slim.

But today I had the experience of the worst show I have ever come across. I was there 2 hours and only six people showed up. So I packed up and left. There were bad signs before I even got to the show. It was raining. Never good for a show but this was indoors. I drove past the street and had to stop and ask directions even thou I had a map and directions from Google maps. When I got there the street didn't have a street sign. Also, there were no craft show signs to be seen anywhere. There was no indication that a craft show was going on nor any visable street sign for people to find the street let alone the show!

I was to pay for my table when I got there. Only they didn't have tables-- you had to have your own only they forgot to mention that. Fortunately I just happened to have a table in my car trunk from a previous show.

Thankfully I didn't lose money as I packed up to leave after a couple of hours and the promoter hadn't yet collected fees as I came in and set up. I did talk to her and tell her I was leaving and voiced my concerns. I was not happy about the waste of my time, setting up, and wasting gas on this fiasco. I couldn't detect any concern in the discussion I had with the promoter. I feel bad for her but hope too that she learns something about it before trying to do another show.

I've been to a couple of bad ones but this was unbelievably bad. It got me to wondering if anyone has had a bad craft show experience they want to share. I need a good laugh about now!

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At first, seeing the title I thought Richard must have posted about our experience yesterday.

Pretty bad form that they made no effort to put signs up. What, do they think people are psychic?

And you pay for a table but there IS no table? lol!

Pretty shabby.

The one we went to is a regular craft show, not huge but well advertised- all quality hand made products.

At one point we got excited because we thought some people had arrived but on second look it was just all the stall holders themselves relieving their numb bums and taking a walk around to have a squiz at other peoples stalls.

I saw one stallholder getting up a few times and going outside to play his harmonica to relieve the boredom.

He probably could have made more money by taking his harmonica, throwing a hat down on the pavement outside for passers by.

Seems they ALL passed us by.

We sold about seven things and we were luckier than most. At least we made enough to cover our stall costs.

I don't know what it is right now. The last couple of markets we've done have been unbelievably quiet.

I'm thinking maybe people are just rushing to the shopping malls now to buy what they know as it's so close to Christmas?

Oh well, we've got three more markets to do and then that's it for at least two months as it will be too hot to sell candles here through January and February.

Disappointing isn't it when you go to such efforts with your products :(


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Yep...been there too Candybee.

Last year I did a show that used to be one of the best around. Located in a BIG high school where a lot of rich snobs live...lol. The show HAD been held for years...then something happened and they weren't having it. Last year they decided to start up again...it's for the high school band and the parents were the promoters.

When I emailed the lady she told me about all of the advertising etc. they would be doing...you know...blah blah blah.

I never did see it advertised anywhere AND the morning of the show we got there to find a small sign on the main street in front of the school...you couldn't even read the damn thing it was so small. Also...the words were only on one side of the sign...and it's a major road...not a one way street. :laugh2:

We set everything up and waited and waited..and waited and waited. The only thing that I can say was good about it was the food...lol.

I talked to another vendor who I had met at another show...they were majorly pissed. By lunch time they hadn't sold a thing. One woman who had beautiful wood and pottery stuff packed up before lunch. The people selling jewelry sold exactly 1 necklace. I've seen them at a show since and they said they travel all over the east doing shows and...their words...we wouldn't even call that a show...it was a trainwreck...

I managed to sell a few candles...at least I made a little more than the table fee. Only problem was...I think I spent more money buying food.

The woman in charge came around and apologized to everyone. She explained to me that the band members were supposed to be there but...she scheduled the show the same day as a band competition...DUH. So none of the parents of the kids were there to buy or help. They were supposed to have kids there to help you unload and load your vehicles. That didn't happen.

They were having a used book sale and the couple that signed up to man those tables never showed up so she had to call her neighbor to come and help with that.

Everyone packed up early...and the woman in charge said to me...this show won't be happening again.

There is more but I think you get the picture.

I've done some "rough" shows but this was definitely the worst.

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My last two shows sales were 80% other vendors. Not much attendance. But they both were first year shows. First one the set up was not norm for here. You got an 8' table and one chair squeezed in beside your table. Another table butted right up to teh back of yours. Where are we supposed to store extras and bags? It turned out that some vendors didn't show, so the promoter let us spread out to the vacant tables. I got lucky and the table behind me was empty...so I got 2 8' tables right close together! But still much lower than normal sales ($113). The show yesterday had a little more attendance; but only $94 sales. So now I have lots of stock let. Debating whether worth trying to advertise a couple days of "stocking stuffers" in my home. I just worry about keeping up with snow if it has been like it has so far the past 2 weeks here. My old business I used to hold an open house teh first weekend in Dec when the big one in town is held and mark everything down for "end of year clearance" as I regrouped each year on what sells well and what doesn't and make changes. This new business I just started this fall and have a few products that I am already discontinuing for next year. Would like to get at least cost back out of them. Gotta decide what to do quickly...xmas almost here.


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I was in a craft show a few years ago at the local VFW around the 4th of July. There were about 20 of us who set up for it. We got set up and sat and waited. We got 5 people the entire day who came and looked around. No food, coffee, nothing. We found out that they never advertised, no signs anywhere.

Another time I was at a craft show with my mother who was in a wheelchair and it was in a school. We asked for a table on the first floor because of my Mom, they put us on the 3rd floor and wouldn't change it. They had an elevator but were not happy about us having to use it.

I very nicely let them know how I felt about it and told them we would never be back.

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Boy they sound bad! I did a show at a local arena. The lions club put if on with a free skate. Its a pretty big arena with 2 pads so I thought it would be great! Parents would be there for the free skate and the other was hockey practices. I know when I go to practices I would have loved to have something else to look at. There was lots of people coming and going and they had blinders on! Straight in , straight out. I sold 4 lip balms!

The high schools I have done, I find none of the students or parents show up to support it.

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I don't know if this qualifies as sucky...but it was certainly annoying!

I did a "Craft" show 2 weeks ago and it looked like the local dollar store pulled up and unloaded onto the tables all around me. 90% of the tables were either Avon, Pampered Chef, Beauti Control or cheap products purchased from China for resale. Why do they call them "Craft Shows" if they are just mobile Dollar Store shows. :angry2:

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I did a "Craft" show 2 weeks ago and it looked like the local dollar store pulled up and unloaded onto the tables all around me.

LOL, you must have been talking about my show from this past weekend. There were literally 4 of us (out of 40) that had hand made items in the entire event. How do you compare with someone selling 32 oz jar candles for $15??

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Actually this is is not surprising I will not do a show after the first weekend in December because from personal experience they are usually bad. You do have that rare case of a good one but most suck.

If you think about it makes sense by December customers are craft showed out plus most of the money they have left is usually spent on last minute gifts for the kids or that odd family member or friend coming in so people run to the local mall or specialty shops for those.

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Actually this is is not surprising I will not do a show after the first weekend in December because from personal experience they are usually bad. You do have that rare case of a good one but most suck.

If you think about it makes sense by December customers are craft showed out plus most of the money they have left is usually spent on last minute gifts for the kids or that odd family member or friend coming in so people run to the local mall or specialty shops for those.

I think you're right on about that Vicky. The mid-December show experiences I've had so far were both bad. However, I did do a show this past Saturday where I made 3 times my booth fee so it wasn't great but not too bad either. I would do that one again but not the one I did this past Sunday without the signs or tables.

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You are right Vicky. Luckily the one I did was only $20 and I knew that it included "vendors". I actually only did it to try to get rid of some of my leftover Christmas-y candle items (...umm not so much thanks to the $15 candles I mentioned earleir) and to get some face time with the organizer to put a fundraiser packet in her hands and allow her to get a chance to put her hands on all of my products. It may have worked...she was going to talk to her co-chair on the fundraising committee (who also came over and checked things out and bought a couple of things from my kid's line) about doing one before Mother's Day so we'll see.

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