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The wood mold I finished today


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Just wanted to share the soap mold I made. I am surprised it turned out as well as it did, because I am not a "handyman" when it comes to making things with wood. The liner I made with corrigated plastic and I put two thin straps underneath the liner to pull the soap out. (I just hate cutting and folding freezer paper).



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What a nice job. Congratulations! I don't know if you thought about this, but the corrugated plastic is a great idea because it will surely provide extra insulation compared to a flat plastic sheet. You could even cut a piece of wood for a cover. I don't think it has to be fitted or anything. Just lay it over the top, maybe put a little weight on it. Simple.

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What are the inside dimensions? And what kind of wood?

Don't know if this would work but I had a thought.

The metal bands they use to band pallets would make a nice handle. You could bend it to fit the mold, the curl each end to make handles. The handle would go between the mold and the liner, of course.

Not sure if it would work or if it would do any good.

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What are the inside dimensions? And what kind of wood?

Don't know if this would work but I had a thought.

The metal bands they use to band pallets would make a nice handle. You could bend it to fit the mold, the curl each end to make handles. The handle would go between the mold and the liner, of course.

Not sure if it would work or if it would do any good.

It's pine,.. I bought 1- 8ft. 1x4 it was $1.98, I just cut 3 boards out of it 18" long and then 2- 6" blocks for the ends. I am going to make a top with 2 wooden knobs, with the remaining board I have left.

The 2 straps that I am using under the liner, is those plastic type with thread inside them that they use to wrap lumber with. I didn't even have to pay for it, the guy at the store just told me to take the whole strap.:)


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VERY nice! Where do you get he corrugated plastic? Is that what it is actually called? I have been looking for it. I made a liner out of the flexi cutting boards, but I think this would be better.

I got mine at Menards, but you can find it anywhere that sells like,...FOR SALE signs. It comes with like those skinny metal stakes. I didn't look at WalMart, but they may sell it, if not, anywhere that has FOR SALE or YARD SALE signs would have it.

I forgot to add,...do not cut the sides and bottom of the corrugated plastic, just carefully fold it. And use duck tape ( I tried it, it works fine) to tape your end pieces to the sides and bottom of your liner, this way you are sure not to have no soap leak out into your mold. When your soap is done just pull up on your straps to remove the liner/soap and take off the end pieces and pull the sides away from your soap and wipe off your liner and put it back for next use.

It worked great for me,...I LOVE IT!!!

Edited by leisa2003
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