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Need some help and recommendations please


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Well depending on how you look at it today is either a really good day for me or a bad day. Since my daughter died on 3/22 I haven't been in my workroom except to clean it out and close the door. Today (mostly because autopsy report is due this afternoon) I got antsy and poured my first candle and my first soaps since her passing...so here's where I need help. Corey Grayson (love this lady) made me a mold of my daughter's favorite perfume bottle, so I'm pouring in clear glycerin and my melted glycerin has a yellow tinge to it..but that's not my problem...I want to add a live flower or dried rosebuds to the bottle portion..should I wait for soap to harden a bit and then just blindly poke the flowers in with a skewer? Any help will be appreciated as I've already got the cap of the bottle poured and I'm just waiting to fill the "glass" portion..also...anyone have any suggestions for a good place to purchase my clear glycerin..right now the stuff I'm using is WSP..not a happy camper about this stuff...take care all, and say a prayer that I get thru today and can wake up tomorrow and put my two feet over the bed onto the floor...

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Anne Marie,

First off let me say that I am SO sorry for your loss. I can not imagine what you are going thru. I am hoping that the report gives you the answers you need to find peace with this horrible loss.

As far as the soap goes, are you planning on using this soap or keeping it as a rememberance item? The reason I ask is that if you put real flowers in the soap it will discolor and turn brown. If you want them to hold their color I would suggest using a silk flower. Good luck with this!

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My heart aches for your loss. I remember when my sister passed away. Even tho she had cancer and we knew it was enevitable it's still hard to handle when it comes. I remember my mom just sitting in the living room with her head in her hands crying and saying "It's not supposed to be this way. She's supposed to bury me." I will burn a candle for you today.

It's especially hard for me this time of year. We took my sister's ashes and placed them in my parents back yard (which is where I now live) in the hole of a magnolia tree. The tree is now in full bloom and 25 years old and I always say the blossoms are my sister's smiles!

I can't help you with the soap but if you should use silk flowers don't use dark red ones as they will bleed.

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I forgot to mention in the last post that you may want to pour a small amount then embed some flowers. Depending on what look you are looking for you may want to do this a few times in layers. You can either spray between the layers with rubbing alcohol or peel the "skin" off the top of the latest layer before pouring the next layer to help them adhear. I would be afraid that if you push them down into the soap you will end up with lots of air bubbles in your finished soap.

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I am sending my condolences - I lost my 15 year old sister a few years ago in a very untimely, and accidental death. She was my only sister, and I definitely felt quite maternal for her - being that I am 6 years older than her, and her mother left when she was younger. I've never lost a child of my own, but if it's anything like losing a younger sibling, I can only imagine...

I've found that it never quite feels "better", but it does get easier to deal with as time goes on.

You are in my prayers!

(sorry - i wish I had an answer to your question, but I really wanted to send my well wishes. ). :)

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So sorry to hear of your loss. As a parent of an only child this is something that I have always feared and I'm not sure how I could cope.

As for finding a good clear base...you might try Essentials by Catalina. She has a great clear base that has a blue tint in the box but melts down clear. HTH

My thoughts are with you.


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thanks to everyone who responded. Even unscented this clear base is taking on a yellow tinge..I thought I would use dried rosebuds in the bottle portion of the perfume bottle. I found something like 5lbs of them at the flea market, punctured my fingers making garland out of 400 of them and I'll use the last one on the perfume bottle. The "cap" of the bottle I'm pouring in BCN liquid Copper dye...I wonder if it's more of a reflection than the base itself...I'm duplicating the Hillary Duff with love bottle perfume...I may try it with a clear top and see what happens.

We rec'd autopsy results on Monday..my Claire had an oversized heart and it couldn't process enough oxygen so in layman's terms she died of a heart attack..so hard to understand

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Ann Marie

I am so sorry to hear about your loss - I have not really been following posts much and only just saw this one scrolling through.

Today is the 5th anniversary of my dad's passing from a heart attack while away on travels on his own and the shock though numbed still leaves pain....... even though we have found some acceptance.

I hope you will find some solace and peace in yourself and your husband too ....... take care....


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So sorry for you. I would love to see a picture of her tribute purfume bottle if/when you finish it. I hope making it was therapeutic for you. I lost my brother when I was 17...he was 18 at the time. I am now 25 and it's still hard, but I guess it gets a little easier to deal with as time goes by. It for sure changes the lives of everyone involved. I am now an "only child" and my parents have a hard time with it still...my thoughts are with you.

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