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KY doesn't have shipping amount before paying

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What's up with this? I want to compare shipping rates before buying but KY wont tell me what the shipping is. Just goes right to credit card info. Does anyone know how they charge shipping on 42 lbs to Washington? 99212? Thanks.


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I know it sounds lazy, but this minor setback (not being able to see shipping costs before you start typing away your information) is something that will make me NOT use that supplier. Some of the more well known and popular suppliers have this option (which is great) where I can see the shipping costs before committing to the purchase.

If other suppliers would make that happen, I bet they would receive a noticeable amount of extra business, as I'm sure I'm not the only one that does this!

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I completely agree . . .and I do not understand why suppliers cannot offer this option when selling via websites. I find it totally annoying, especially if I am having a moody day of ordering supplies. USPS, UPS and FedEx all offer the option for download to plugged into their carts. :rolleyes:

Yes, I still order from many who do not offer shipping costs when clicking away my order but mainly due to the fact I have tested with success and NEED to buy :laugh2:

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I agree with this all as well. I was going to order from there, but two things held me back. The fact that I can't order some type of sample pack on FO and the fact that I can't see the shipping upfront. Both have me at a stand still right now. I ordered from Peak instead, where I got my samples and my shipping charges were upfront.

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C&S does the same thing. You don't get the actual shipping costs even after you have already made your purchase. Annoys me to no end. But on a possitive note-- their shippping costs have been very reasonable and I get my supplies in a week or less.

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I hate that also that is why I hardly ever order from them and truthfully she is still using a Mals shopping cart, get real that is pretty outdated for any supplier.

I agree with Ross a lot of these suppliers need to update there web sites and get more with the times.

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Well...I've been a customer of KY since day 1. I don't care how she handles her cart or her site. Her products are #1 and she tests everything before she sells it.

You CAN email her and ask before ordering and she will give you the shipping amount...I've done that when ordering cases of wax since I'm several states away from KY.

Several of my best sellers...for years...are from KY.

And as Georgia pointed out...you can figure shipping charges using UPS's website. I have had to do that with many suppliers.

I really don't get what is such a big deal about this. I've been ordering supplies from internet suppliers for over 9 years..some give you the shipping and others don't.


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Basically it just takes extra time and it would be so much easier for her to just add this option for convenience. I did email her prior to starting this post and she never replied. I just wouldn't want any surprises...like someone adding in their "handling" charges that I didn't know about and getting screwed over. Plus it makes it harder to compare different sites pricing. It's not a requirement of doing business, but it sure would make life easier for the customer...us!

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I'm a long time customer of KY too, and although it would be nice to know the shipping costs, it still doesn't make a difference to me when it comes to this supplier.

I can't say enough good things about KY ... awesome customer service, top quality fo, etc, etc, etc.

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I appreciate your frustration, but YOU WILL get top notch service from KY, as well as great oils. The time it took you to type up this post, you could have found the cost of shipping on UPS. Priorities, I guess.

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For those of you defending KY, that's awesome - I don't think anyone here is saying they aren't top quality...I'd love to try some of their stuff!

However, it's a known fact in the e-commerce world that little things like not providing shipping costs up front is a massive turn off! It's just one of those things that you need to have in order to not lose a potential customer's short attention span.

It's extremely easy to implement, and most reputable online retailers (in any industry), will provide this info up front if they're serious about capturing as many new customers as possible. It just makes sense.

Oh well, no big deal really!

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I agree her stuff is great but when I am ordering and trying to budget my money I like to compare shipping cost because it does make a big difference. I also think that since supplier make so much money off of us they need to take our needs in to consideration. One of the consideration is that our time is worth money also and shipping is a need to know. It not just KY's there are a lot of suppliers out there that could use a little help with their web sites to make it easier on their customers.

No one here said KY stuff was not great just that the shopping cart leaves a lot to be desired.

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I'm not defending KY; I don't feel that's necessary; KY's reputation speaks for itself. I'm just stating my opinion of this supplier based on my personal experience.

Everyone is different ... there are some that feel very strongly about upfront shipping ... so much, that without it, the sale could be lost. And based on that, I agree, that from a supplier's perspective, it would be wise to update the website.

Personally, when it comes to this supplier, it's not an important feature to me. Yes, it would be nice, but not necessary. I'm quite happy with KY's website as it is ... but that's just me. :yes:

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I'm not defending KY; I don't feel that's necessary; KY's reputation speaks for itself. I'm just stating my opinion of this supplier based on my personal experience.

Everyone is different ... there are some that feel very strongly about upfront shipping ... so much, that without it, the sale could be lost. And based on that, I agree, that from a supplier's perspective, it would be wise to update the website.

Personally, when it comes to this supplier, it's not an important feature to me. Yes, it would be nice, but not necessary. I'm quite happy with KY's website as it is ... but that's just me. :yes:

Ditto...I always email her if I need a shipping quote....she gets back to me same day usually....the OP lives in WA state....you will do best with ordering the 200 lbs....shipping is cheaper that way.

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I'm not defending KY; I don't feel that's necessary; KY's reputation speaks for itself. I'm just stating my opinion of this supplier based on my personal experience.

Everyone is different ... there are some that feel very strongly about upfront shipping ... so much, that without it, the sale could be lost. And based on that, I agree, that from a supplier's perspective, it would be wise to update the website.

Personally, when it comes to this supplier, it's not an important feature to me. Yes, it would be nice, but not necessary. I'm quite happy with KY's website as it is ... but that's just me. :yes:

I have to agree with candlebuddy. I have ordered from several suppliers from the North and ended up paying anywhere from $8.00 to $14.00 more than what their cart said. That did not include a stupid $5.00 rush fee.

I always call Vicky with my orders and her shipping is only what UPS charges. I have never paid a rush fee and 99% of the time my oils and wax ship the same day.

If you want to try her products, just call her. She will give a pretty darn close estimate.

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