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Hi, my name is George and I recently decided to start making/selling soy candles for supplemental income. Before I found this site the only supplier that I had considered was Candle Science. I know there must be tons of other sites out there. My question is for a total noob who wants to buy his initial supplies & equipment from one place what are some of the most popular/reliable suppliers I should be considering & comparing?

Thanks in advance & I look forward to sharing my new adventures with everyone here!

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Welcome! Find suppliers near you! Anytime you can avoid shipping charges, it's great. At the top of this forum is a link to suppliers by state - it's a good place to start. I have the wonderful advantage of picking up jars and wax from 2 suppliers that are within a couple of miles from each other and only 25 miles from my house. I save a ton on shipping charges!

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Thanks for the suggestions everyone! It definitely helped me make better choices! I had checked the local suppliers links and for candle-making supplies there did not seem to be anything appealing within a couple hour radius. Now if I get into packaging and displays that's a different story!

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If you're approaching it the right way, it would be more realistic to consider it as a source of supplemental expense rather than supplemental income -- probably for a good deal longer than you think.

To put it plainly, of all the ways to start earning some extra money, candlemaking is probably one of the worst ideas.

Just food for thought -- even though you probably won't believe me. :)

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I love candles and I really like making things from scratch. My wife & I own a retail store so I have at least 1 place to sell to the public and I get to keep all the profit to boot. I know someone else who I believe would be willing to let me sell from their spa. I'm really motivated to make a profit from this venture & I hope to finally be able to combine a hobby with work!

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I love candles and I really like making things from scratch. My wife & I own a retail store so I have at least 1 place to sell to the public and I get to keep all the profit to boot. I know someone else who I believe would be willing to let me sell from their spa. I'm really motivated to make a profit from this venture & I hope to finally be able to combine a hobby with work!

You should be motivated to making a good candle right now, not profits, which is months away. Testing wax, wicking & FO's takes time and can't be rushed. Your wick may not work with your wax or your FO's need different wicking, or higher wicking. No scent throw with some of your FO's also gets very frustrating, especially if it works for someone else. It's one of the most cash draining hobbies around, but very rewarding when you get it right!! :cool2:

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You should be motivated to making a good candle right now, not profits, which is months away. Testing wax, wicking & FO's takes time and can't be rushed. Your wick may not work with your wax or your FO's need different wicking, or higher wicking. No scent throw with some of your FO's also gets very frustrating, especially if it works for someone else. It's one of the most cash draining hobbies around, but very rewarding when you get it right!! :cool2:

So glad you said this. I have been feeling like it is taking me so long and so much money to get anything going with these candles. The people around me really think I am going slow because they don't understand that it is a process to get a great burning candle. So it just feels good to have someone else say it too. :smiley2:

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The tense "oh she's doing that again" looks from family members when you are trying to figure things out with wax and wicks only frustrates and confuses you more! I started another business 10 years ago and part-time I make enough to keep 4 adults -2 of which are in college in a pretty decent lifestyle. I got the comment the other day, "All you ever want to do is make candles!" Well, if that's what I like to do even when I DON'T have the spare time, then that's what I'm going to do...make testers!!!! I guess patience is a virtue...

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When I first ventured into making candles I had no idea how much time, energy & MONEY it takes to make a great burning candle.

After many years I do have candles that I am very proud of and I know I produce a great product. I know without a doubt when I give a pillar candle to someone it's not going to spill over or have a blow out.

I just have to get them out there to the public.

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Thanks Kim! I love candles too but I can't see my burning THAT many to be a problem LOL.

I have 2 confirmed location where I will be selling my candles, one of which will be totally free and I have 2 more solid leads for other locations.

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Don't forget that the manufacturers keep changing the formulas of their products. Just when you think your have it made; suddenly your candle gutters out or you can't smell the candle. I have a batch of wax that obviously has a little too much vybar and some fos that have been reformulated. The nature of the beast seems to be shifting sand. You just have to be prepared to use all your wits and money to keep the customer coming back for more.

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Thanks Kim! I love candles too but I can't see my burning THAT many to be a problem LOL.

I have 2 confirmed location where I will be selling my candles, one of which will be totally free and I have 2 more solid leads for other locations.

All I can say is please make sure you have insurance for your candles, before you start putting them in stores.

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Grogo ... what type of candles are you wanting to make? That's one of the first things you should decide. Then, what type of wax do you want to use (paraffin, soy, etc)?

I agree about finding a good supplier that's located in your part of the country; shipping can be expensive. Tell us what state you live in, and we can begin to suggest a supplier from there. And, yes, you will definately need insurance ... but that comes a little later.

Welcome to the board.

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I will be making soy candles initially and can see myself adding palm later on. I know most people are going to cringe when I say this but I am going to get my start from CandleWealth then move on to choosing my own wax/wick/dye/FO combinations after a few months. The reason I have chosen this path is that I want to start selling good candles right off the bat and can work on developing my own combinations while the initial few batches are selling.

I live in Kansas City and have checked the suppliers by state site. Unfortunately I did not see any wax suppliers near me. If you know of a place within decent driving distance please let me know!

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I will be making soy candles initially and can see myself adding palm later on. I know most people are going to cringe when I say this but I am going to get my start from CandleWealth then move on to choosing my own wax/wick/dye/FO combinations after a few months. The reason I have chosen this path is that I want to start selling good candles right off the bat and can work on developing my own combinations while the initial few batches are selling.

Cringe isn't harsh enough wording if you plan on selling CandleWealth immediately. :shocked2: You know absolutely nothing about making candles and you obviously didn't do enough research about this idiot company to know their stuff is crap!! Candle making is NOT a get rich scheme to be taken lightly, as you could hurt or kill people if something goes seriously wrong.

A lot of people on this board have strong feelings about this company and I'm one of them. Sorry, but if this is your mindset to make fast candles to sell and not a good candle then I'm done answering any questions you may have. :lipsrseal

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All I can say "IS OH MY LORD" It seems like all you are interested in is making a quick buck not caring about the quality of product you produce. When you mentioned that company you made a BIG mistake.

And I like both of you that posted came into this thinking "Hmmmmmm making candles isn't that hard" WRONG ANSWER. I never knew the proper way that a candle should burn and what it takes to make a GREAT burning candle that I WAS AND AM PROUD to sell because it took me a very long time to get them wicked right to where I know there is a good hot throw and very little wax hang up left. But the public also has to know how to properly burn a candle.

All these years I was buying candles I didn't know about letting it burn the appropriate time that those first few burns impacted the total burn of the candle. I didn't know that all of that wax left wasn't suppose to be there. Even though most people don't follow the rules I KNOW THAT MY CANDLES WILL NOT SPILL OVER OR BLOW OUT while they are being burned. If they aren't burned right from the start that will affect the whole burn but I know that if burned properly they will not leave inches of wax in the containers or a pillar.

You need to be more concerned about making a quality product instead of just making something to sell to make money. But there again your repeat business would probably be nil.

Sorry but I'm not the only one I'm sure PEEO"D about this. We all take great pride in what we produce and NOOB's come in just thinking all they have to do is pour wax and WALA we can make money.

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