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Everything posted by grogo67

  1. I used the ice pick/heat gun method and it worked perfectly!
  2. Rebecca & Chris, both excellent tips! Thank you!
  3. You raise some good points there. I would like to have them centered so I can properly gauge the melt pool. If it's far enough to one side I think I run the risk of leaving one side of the candle partially unmelted. As for how to do it I was thinking either a candle warmer (assuming they can melt the entire 6oz of wax or putting them in the oven on the lowest setting. I still need to get feedback as to whether either or those 2 methods would work safely. Do you think I would lose very much of the fragrance?
  4. I poured my first few candles and before I learned how to pull the wick taut and hook it to the tab on the centering tool I ended up with a few candles with the wicks way off center. Would it cause any problems if I just remelt the candle and let it harden again with the wick centered properly?
  5. I will be making soy candles initially and can see myself adding palm later on. I know most people are going to cringe when I say this but I am going to get my start from CandleWealth then move on to choosing my own wax/wick/dye/FO combinations after a few months. The reason I have chosen this path is that I want to start selling good candles right off the bat and can work on developing my own combinations while the initial few batches are selling. I live in Kansas City and have checked the suppliers by state site. Unfortunately I did not see any wax suppliers near me. If you know of a place within decent driving distance please let me know!
  6. Thanks Kim! I love candles too but I can't see my burning THAT many to be a problem LOL. I have 2 confirmed location where I will be selling my candles, one of which will be totally free and I have 2 more solid leads for other locations.
  7. I looked at all the tutorials and tried searching but I am unable to find anything of a detailed burn test routine. I see bits & pieces in posts here and there. Are there any resources that I can read up on to learn what constitutes a complete burn test? What are some of the things I should look out for?
  8. This is quite an eye-opener then. Thank you for the heads-up. I'll try not to rush the process too fast!
  9. I love candles and I really like making things from scratch. My wife & I own a retail store so I have at least 1 place to sell to the public and I get to keep all the profit to boot. I know someone else who I believe would be willing to let me sell from their spa. I'm really motivated to make a profit from this venture & I hope to finally be able to combine a hobby with work!
  10. That's what I thought. I'm definitely going with the Presto Pot now. I think I may already have the drill bit so my only tool expense would be the tap. Thank you all for your input!
  11. Thanks for the suggestions everyone! It definitely helped me make better choices! I had checked the local suppliers links and for candle-making supplies there did not seem to be anything appealing within a couple hour radius. Now if I get into packaging and displays that's a different story!
  12. Hi all. Thanks for your suggestions on suppliers. I almost have my initial order complete. One last thing I am debating is whether to use a double boiler with a pouring pot or using a direct-heat method such as the Presto Pot. I would also use a pouring pot with that one too. I am wondering what the major pros & cons are to each method. Is there a general concensus among you veterans on which one is better or does it come down to personal preference?
  13. Hi, my name is George and I recently decided to start making/selling soy candles for supplemental income. Before I found this site the only supplier that I had considered was Candle Science. I know there must be tons of other sites out there. My question is for a total noob who wants to buy his initial supplies & equipment from one place what are some of the most popular/reliable suppliers I should be considering & comparing? Thanks in advance & I look forward to sharing my new adventures with everyone here!
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